Caroline Coulter/Hooks

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  • Thug Life - Caroline came of age during Prohibition Era Atlantic City. She was close to mobsters and bootleggers of the day. While organized crime isn't what it used to be she's still very much a creature of the underworld. Don't let the girl next door looks fool you. Caroline is no stranger to the streets. Shady dealings are what the Lasombra do best. You may no Caroline from any manner of dangerous corners or shadowy bars.

  • Rule In Hell - Caroline likes to get things done behind the scenes and views vampires as the true secret powers behind the world. Pulling string, making bribes, assassinations, and media spins are all with in her wheel house. Why serve in heaven when you can rule in hell?

  • Fixer - Caroline has a knack for making problems go away. Got a problem? Call Caroline. She'll take care of it for a fee or a favor.