I lay to waste my life, Halcyon days and nights
So I could be one of them
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: Our whole world.
: Show your faces and We'll show you what crazy really looks like.
: Temperance is important for us now... Just don't push it.
: Complicated, but wonderfully simple. I don't know if we miss being one of them anymore.
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Kristine: I love you. I really do. I seriously do. I really mean it.
Vegard: Dad WAS weird. Imperator's fine.
Ramona Storey: Hey I kinda' like you! And your monkey. Especially your monkey. Sorry.
Amelie: My sister. Seriously. Nobody has better taste in music, and nobody around here belongs more.
Stanley: The dog man. Literally. Thank you for introducing me to my son. My actual child.
Mercedes: See you around, probably! Your aunt loved you, just so you know. And I won't forgive what happened to her!
Celia: See you when I see you.
Ambrosia: Hey, no hard feelings.
Alissa: Poor thing.
Hassam: Assassin is right. Where ARE you?
Madeline: Nice and sweet. First one who was to me, sides from royalty.
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Name: Amaranthe
Apparent Age: 22
Occupation: A Wearer of Many Hats
Demeanor: Loner
Favorite Color: Black. And teal. Red's pretty good. Also pink? Idunno man.
Sympathetic Bond
Deranged: Borderline Personality Disorder, Sanguinary Animism and who knows how many more!
Combination Disciplines:
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Broken Mirror: And I can see beyond the ordinary, lost to me in every fading memory.
Primogen: Amaranthe is the Primogen of Clan Malkavian. Got Malk? She can help you with that.
Former Anarch: Amaranthe is a 'refugee' from Los Angeles. She fled the city after the death of her sire, in order to seek a better situation free from that dangerous ideology. She seems fully devoted to the idea of the Tower.
Multifaceted Artist: Amaranthe is obsessed with music, makeup, and practical effects. She primarily uses art to do concepts for her other pursuits. She's pretty damn good at all of them too!
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Played By: Darya Goncharova