Jerry Alders/Appearance

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The man is tall. Hell, tall is an under-statement. At 6'9" He is generally the tallest man in the room. Despite this, he is in a constant slouch to make himself appear smaller, and despite his size he is generally the last to be noticed. Avuncular is the proper term for him, very soft, doughy and uninteresting in every other way. In his shape he resembles a great potato sack that has settled, over three hundred pounds with buggy-whip arms and fat, stubby fingers. In all things he is pear-like, copious amounts of body hair and pasty white skin are hidden beneath loose-fitting polo shirts and ill-chosen blue jeans. His head is fairly chinless, big brown eyes in a constant droopy, hang-dog look with a potato for a nose and a protruding lower lip. His scruffy black hair couldn't decide if it wanted to vacate the premises, and is a patchy work of male pattern baldness on top. Voice is always soft and easy, giving the impression he's just going to crashing on your couch a few days while he gets his life back together. Honest.