Hyperrealistic Exhibit

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WARNING: Contains images that some may deem NSFW

Shattered - A Self-Portrait, Jamie Salmon

2013, silicone, pigment, fiberglass, acrylic, hair, lifesize

This work presents the fragmenting shell of a middle-aged man's face and shoulders. His expression displays deep introspection combined with despair and shock. The man's turmoil is rendered as a snapshot, revealing a violent reaction slowed by the ballast of his life's experiences --- a linear progression of expectation, purpose, self-sacrifice, loss, and regret.


Reunion, Sam Jinks 2016, Silicone, pigment, resin, human hair


Woman and Child, Sam Jinks 2010, Silicone, pigment, resin, human hair Woman and ChildWoman and Child2

Still Life (Pietà), Sam Jinks 2007, Silicone, pigment, resin, human hair

Beauty and goodness, And Grief and pity, alive in the dead marble, Do not, as you do, weep so loudly, Lest before time he should awake form death, In spite of himself...’. Giovan Battista Strozzi il Vecchio

This work alludes to the Western religious art 'Pietà', also called a ‘lamentation’, normally an image of the Virgin Mary cradling the dead body of Christ. Here, the artist's references the Buddhist meditation practice of visualising the decay of one’s own body as a means of bringing the mind to terms with the body’s inevitable end, contemplating the limits of humanism and secularism.


X-Statix, Jason de Graaf

2010, Acrylic on Canvas



Eight, Jason de Graaf

2016, Acrylic on Canvas



Parisian Picnic 3, Juan Francisco Casas

2016, Blue BIC pen on paper



Self Portrait, Juan Francisco Casas

2010, Blue pen ink on paper

