Chula Vista/hooks

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Chula Vista is half an hour and change down the I-5 bordering the Forest from Prospect.
Sub Urban
Prospect is PACKED. With a local population getting closer and closer to 1.5 million people within its borders, Chula Vista is less than a sixth of that with its 240-300k+ citizens. Chula Vista's a massive suburb, and half the city is upper middle class/upper class housing with high end facilities like golf courses and country clubs. It has a strong entertainment sector, there's a yacht club, etc. But of course, being as big as it is, there's also a massive area of relative poverty right next to all the fancy places. Primarily on the west side of town, there's an absurd amount of mobile home parks, especially for a city like CV. All those fancy restaurants and the like need poor workers. And relative deprivation means lots of crime and class conflict.
Chula Vista is ripe for developers who are looking for the next best space to open a business. There are also several parks around. The bay's right there, as well as a large amount of natural preserves around the bay. There's a massive lake to the east, and sparsely populated foothills with the occasional rich person's compound relatively close to the city.