2020.07.25: PWN - LONE - LONE 37

- 1 Intro
- 2 Ashley Lopez Backstage Interview
- 3 Gucci Gals Backstage Segment
- 4 Madison Anderson vs. Olga the Barbarian w/Frank Debauchee
- 5 Alison Crowne Promo
- 6 Spice & Ice vs The Damned
- 7 "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson Promo
- 8 "The Highlight of the Night" Alison Crowne vs. "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson
A video package cuts onto the titantron that hangs above the entrance stage. The package starts off with Rage Against The Machine's Testify. It starts off with Violent Violet working over Rook, and then Cinnamon hitting her Sugar & Spice kick on Rook to win Queen of the Castle. Then it cuts to Sister Catherine and Stitches, the duo known as The Damned. They hit their Spear (Sister Catherine) and Clothesline (Stitches) combination called Damnation on a stunned Alison Crowne. There's then a graphic of Cinnamon on the left, posing with her arms out and the tiara on her head, and Violent Violet smashing her right fist into the palm of her left hand. While on the right, there's Sister Catherine adjusting her glasses before baring her fangs while Stitches tilts her head slowly to her right. In the middle it reads SPICE & ICE VS. THE DAMNED FOR THE LONE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP! Before that graphic fades, Sister Catherine spits a red mist at the screen and it covers it for a moment.
More video footage. Madison Anderson walking down the aisle and slapping hands with the fans, before a cut of her pinning Olga the Barbarian at LONE 29 for the shocking win! Then it cuts to footage of Olga giving Tick L. an Olga Bomb over the top rope at LONE 12, eliminating her from the rumble. Then there's more footage of her working over "Pretty" Fay Qent and then it cuts to another match graphic. Madison Anderson on the left smiling and waving like she's happy to be here, with Olga on the right with her arms folded over her chest and Frank Debauchee flexing behind her. The center reads MADISON ANDERSON VS. OLGA THE BARBARIAN W/FRANK DEBAUCHEE
Then, footage for our main event. "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson giving Alison Crowne the Mind in the Gutter bulldog, and Alison Crowne dropping Terri on her head with her Crowning Moment tombstone piledriver. The graphic has Terri on the left with the LONE championship around her waist, her Surgeon General's Warning t-shirt on, and she's lighting a cigarette in her mouth while Alison on the right is rolling her neck and cracking her knuckles. The graphic in the center reads TERRI THOMPSON VS. ALISON CROWNE LAST WOMAN STANDING MATCH FOR THE LONE CHAMPIONSHIP!
The song ends as the logo for the 4 Year Anniversary flashes onto the screen and then there's many loud bangs as pyro in the purple and pink hues of LONE start to fire off around the stage. BRAAAT! BRRRAATTATTTAT TAAAATATATAT! ..... BOOM!
Kevin North: WELCOME to Supremacy: LONE 37 - 4 Year Anniversary! It's been 4 years already. Wow, it's hard to believe! I'm Kevin North alongside my broadcast colleague, Frank Washington!
Washington: It's an honor to be here, North! As always! I can't believe we're already up to 4 years. It's passed by so fast! Here's to another 4 years, and many more!
North: Here's to another one and many more! What a night we've got planned for you tonight, folks! We've got--
Suddenly, over the PA, a part of the British National Anthem kicks in. GOD SAAAAVE THE QUEEEEEEN!!
North: What is this?!
The camera cuts to the entrance way as Neil Young's "Cinnamon Girl" kicks in.
North: Oh no...
Cinnamon and Violent Violet emerge from the gorilla position. Violent Violet is to Cinnamon's left. A group of stage hands come out and begin tossing down crimson colored pillows, with some picking them up after Cinnamon walks on them just to toss them ahead of her so she can step on them again. For some reason, she doesn't want to get her feet on the ground.
North: Cinnamon has said, I'm sorry, QUEEN Cinnamon, has said that the only place that she should grace her royal feet are in the ring. This is just ridiculous. I'm sorry!
Spice & Ice are wearing their usual ring gear, however, Cinnamon has the tiara that was given to her at Queen of the Castle on her head.
The crowd showers the tag duo known as Spice & Ice as they walk to the ring. When Cinnamon starts to step on the steel ring steps, the stagehands grab the pillows and head to the back. Cinnamon moves to the center of the ring and spreads her arms while Violent Violet gets down on one knee in front of her. After a moment, Violent Violet gets up and moves to the side of the ring so she can get a microphone from Baxter. Once she gets the microphone, she moves to hand it to Cinnamon. The way she hands it to her, however, is she gets down on one knee and holds the microphone up to her, laid out across her hands.
Cinnamon takes the microphone and speaks to the crowd.
Cinnamon: BOW! That's right! BOW to your QUEEN!
Cinnamon: It's overdue! It's LONG overdue that I finally get the recognition that I deserve! For ONCE, this show doesn't open up with that gutter slut Terri Thompson lamenting about her poor wife or Alison Crowne whining about her title loss! Now instead you get the honor of your BEAUTIFUL QUEEN gracing you with her presence!
Cinnamon spreads her hands out at her sides. Violet remains on her knee.
Cinnamon: That's right! Tell me how much you adore me! I've had to go through so much to get to where I am! I've had humble beginnings in Annapolis, Maryland! I trained! HARD! I debuted here and I went through No Fly Zone, I went through that second rate version of us in The Gucci Gals! I even went through your precious darling Rook and became YOUR Queen! Now, now the two of us will slay the bible thumping Vampire and whatever that weirdo is that's with her and become the NEW LONE Tag Team Champions TONIGHT! I--
Sister Catherine: Humble beginnings?
Spice & Ice turn towards the sound of Sister Catherine's voice, peering at the titantron.
It lights up with the image of Sister Catherine and Stitches. Sister Catherine is in a nun habit with the hood pulled down, holding an open bible in her hands. Stitches is holding porcelain dolls in the likenesses of Cinnamon and Sister Catherine, having them wrestle each other.
Sister Catherine: Psalm 106:39. Thus they became unclean in their practices, And played the harlot in their deeds.
Cinnamon's eyes widen, and then narrow in anger.
Cinnamon: You know what?! I'm tired of this!
Sister Catherine responds calmly.
Sister Catherine: Of playing the Harlot?
Cinnamon points an accusing finger.
Cinnamon: Of YOU and your constant quoting of "the good book!"
Cinnamon makes air quotes.
Cinnamon: I had to hear it for years from my parents and it drove me away!
Sister Catherine: Because you would rather flaunt your body for currency.
Cinnamon: You know what?! That was the past! I admit it! I admit, I was an exotic dancer! But I worked hard, before then, during then, and after then, to get to where I am now!
Sister Catherine: And now what are you? A Queen? A false God! A false God that REVELS in her DECADENCE!
Stitches continues to play with the dolls while Sister Catherine and Cinnamon go back and forth.
Cinnamon: Oooh I can't wait for later tonight. I'm going to make you get down on your knees like you do for your lord, but for ME!
Stitches has the Sister Catherine doll give the Cinnamon doll the Bloodlust(Impaler DDT), but afterwards, she fumbles with the Cinnamon doll and it falls to the floor. The camera shows the doll on the floor with the face broken. Stitches's voice is heard.
Stitches begins sobbing as the camera cuts back to its default position and Sister Catherine puts a consoling arm around Stitches as she looks down and sobs.
Stitches: I broke it...
Stitches slowly raises her head.
Stitches: And now I have to break you...!
Stitches then emits an extremely loud shriek as her eyes shoot open and the camera takes up her face before suddenly cutting out.
Cinnamon and Violent Violet look... shocked. Cinnamon shakes her head slowly and tosses the mic behind her which emits some feedback as they head out of the ring.
Ashley Lopez Backstage Interview
After The Damned crashed Cinnamon’s coronation as Queen of the Castle the camera shifts to the backstage area as Ashley Lopez can be seen standing next to Linda Edwards.
Linda Edwards: Ashley, several months ago you had a match in the first round of the Queen of the Castle tournament as you had recently split with your former partner Hannah Kix. As fate would have it she would also be your opponent and in the end neither of you were able to advance. Now I understand that you requested this time because you had a lot to get off your chest…
Lopez: That’s right. Linda, while I appreciate you coming out here for this interview I’m just going to get down to business here. Hannah Kix; I knew you were selfish but I didn’t know you’d go so far as to cost yourself a guaranteed championship opportunity, anytime, any place, anywhere just to ensure I didn’t get one either. But it looks like I was wrong. You can claim you never lost and still never got your opportunity while you have a convenient scapegoat to throw the blame on. But you see Hannah, I’m not here to make excuses; there’s no guarantee that I was ever going to win the tournament to begin with. Fate may have still had Cinnamon come away with the tiara regardless but then again… maybe not. We’ll never know for sure but there’s one thing I do know; we got some unfinished business to take care of and I don’t care what I have to do to get it settled! Because we’re going to keep spinning our wheels, we’re going to fall further and further behind in the LONE Championship picture the longer we’re at each other’s throats. We’re going to fall into the rear view mirror because neither one of us is going to allow the other to get a shot before herself. So Hannah… I want you to look me in the eyes wherever you are right now.
She points to her eyes with her index and middle finger forked out.
Lopez: I don’t care if I have to fly to Paris myself and fight you at the top of the Eiffel Tower but you’re going to pa-
Before Lopez could finish her thought Hannah Kix came into the frame with a flying knee to the head of Ashley Lopez! Linda Edwards nearly falls over from the collision but barely manages to pull herself away as she runs off down the hallway. Hannah Kix waits for Ashley Lopez to get to her knees before she makes her Eat Her Kix by kicking her right in the temple! Hannah Kix stands over her rival as a woman dressed in a suit like you’d expect from an executive or business professional picks up the microphone that Linda dropped on her way out of the area.
Tries. Heh. Best thing about being Raquel, is that no one needs to help her with any bottles! Or jars! She openly eats while watching the debacle, considering everything present was actually purchased from the Hotel's concession stand. Calls for a doll army causes the Hispanic bodybuilder to twitch, for she has seen and had to slay such beings herself.
As the violence begins, the confusion fades from Belina's face, replaced by a tiny smile. This is something she understands.
Shaserra ohhhhhs and gasps while jumping up from her seat, bouncing in surprise at the ass.. Well head kicking. "Thaat has to hurt!" She nudges her companion and smiles. "Pfft, Stitches sucks." A PS there.
Hannah Kix: Tu vas venir à Paris et faire quoi, Ashley? Combattez-moi sur la tour Eiffel? Vas-tu me rejeter? Allez-vous faire irruption dans tous les cafés et espérer trouver quelqu'un qui pourrait me connaître par l’intermédiaire du mari de la troisième cousine? Vous parlez tous, pas d’action; vos mots n'ont aucun sens! Voyez, je suis sur l'action; mon dossier reflète cela. J'ai rarement goûté à la défaite de tout mon temps dans LONE, mais qu'est-ce que tu as fait exactement qui te fait penser que tu es à mon niveau? Vous êtes diplômé 4WA? Tu penses que tes racines hollywoodiennes te permettent de couper devant moi? Ce n’est pas ainsi que le monde fonctionne et vous avez beaucoup à apprendre! Mais n'oublie jamais; nous nous battons sur mon temps, pas sur le vôtre et ce soir vous étiez au compteur et vous ne le saviez même pas! Voici donc un conseil gratuit; ne commencez pas quelque chose que vous ne pouvez pas terminer. Éloignez-vous pendant que vous le pouvez encore.
Translator: You’re going to come to Paris and do what, Ashley? Fight me on the Eiffel Tower? Are you going to throw me off? Are you going to barge into every cafe and hope to find someone that might know me through the third cousin’s husband? You’re all talk, no action; your words are meaningless! See, I’m about action; my record reflects that. I have rarely ever tasted defeat in my entire time in LONE but what exactly is it that you’ve done that makes you think you’re on my level? You graduated 4WA? You think your Hollywood roots allow you to cut in front of me? That’s not how the world works and you’ve got a lot to learn! But don’t you ever forget; we fight on my time, not yours and tonight you were on the clock and you didn’t even know it! So here’s a piece of free advice; don’t start something you can’t finish. Walk away while you still can.
With that the Translator drops the microphone on Ashley Lopez as they walk off.
Gucci Gals Backstage Segment
Prada Paula: This is bullshit.
The cameras catch up to Prada Paula and Miss Gucci each holding a plate of assorted food near the catering table.
Miss Gucci: I know, right? The only reason why The Damned are tag team champions is because Jack E. Bux is afraid that we’ll take the belts off his new golden geese. The Gucci Gals ran the tag team game before they were even a thought in anyone’s mind here.
Prada Paula: For real. I mean everyone knows if we were given a shot and given our due that we’d be running things right now!
Miss Gucci: Yeah, but Alison and Terri are on the marquee instead… that should be us!
Prada Paula: Don’t get me started on that! You know, Alison talks a big game, claims she goes to bat for us but when it matters most? She’s silent, she’s silent and serving herself! Talk is cheap, you know?
Miss Gucci: Preach, sister. I always knew she couldn’t be trusted though. I mean, yeah Terri had what was coming to her coming, but you know Alison is all about padding her own bank account. Just because you trained since you were 15 don’t make you special!
Prada Paula: But isn’t that how it’s always been though? We have to work twice as hard to achieve half as much. Because when we’re given the ball we go further with it than we’re allowed to.
Prada Paula takes a bite out of one of her sliders on her plate.
Miss Gucci: I was the first LONE Champion, ever! I held that belt for a year! I haven’t even gotten another title match since 2017! Because Bux knows, girl, he KNOWS he lucked out when he got that belt off me, with his little chosen one Terri because I made it nearly impossible once I got my shot! And you Paula, girl, you deserve your shot too! You should have won that belt at least once since then! We should be multi time LONE Champions, we should be the current tag team champions; not Terri, not The Damned!
Prada Paula: And Cinnamon? Why did she get such an easy mode path to the Queen of the Castle? Like ugh, I can’t believe I’m saying this but I feel bad for Rook!
Miss Gucci: For real? That basic bitch and her gaudy sunglasses?
Prada Paula holds up a finger as she takes another quick bite/
Prada Paula: I mean think of it, Gooch. Cinnamon wins her first match, okay? Then her potential opponents just happen to ‘not win’ just so she can advance automatically to the finals with a bye? And then her bestie, Violet, just happens to beat Rook down and get herself disqualified all so Cinnamon can just swoop in for the crown? You gonna tell me that shit don’t stink?
Miss Gucci: It totally does and you know what…. Why weren’t we even asked to participate? I mean I get it, Bux loves his underdogs that he can market a feel good story about. ‘Rook was so close to beating Alison for the LONE Championship in her debut; she wasn’t expected to get that far! But she almost did it anyway!’ ‘Rook upset the former champion and nearly won the entire Queen of the Castle tournament, can she break through next time?’ What about those of us with proven track records and that get the job done?! What about the Gucci Gals?!
Shaserra looks at Keidan, parts her lips to reply. "I.... uhh.." Then just shrugs, a little lost and unsure there. I think so, maaaybe? But she has not surrendered so."
The Gucci Gals venting session gets interrupted by Frank Debauchee with Olga standing next behind him.
Debauchee: Ladies, ladies, ladies!
Debauchee looks Miss Gucci and Prada Paula over and their plates of food.
Debauchee: I know you’re in need of some comfort but all of those carbs ain’t gonna do it!
The Gucci Gals look at one another and slowly put their plates down on the table.
Debauchee: Look, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you but you’re out here in catering when you could’ve been out there trying to become Queen of the Castle. You two weren’t even invited to participate or given a chance and do you know why? Because people are forgetting about you and the longer you’re back here the more people are going to forget. Soon everyone is going to forget about the two of you at the rate this is going.
The Gucci Gals glance down at the floor as Frank Debauchee grins and flexes his biceps and admires his physique. Olga stands behind him with a menacing presence as Debauchee continues to keep it cool with his words.
Debauchee: Do you know why nobody forgets about Olga? She’s not at every event and sometimes we take a vacation to the Land of Smexy for a few months on my boat only fit for Mr. February himself.
Debauchee flashes a cocky grin.
Debauchee: But everybody fears Olga, not just respect, FEARS! Everybody knows when Frank Debauchee’s beautiful face appears on those TV screens that danger isn’t far behind. The result doesn't matter so much; it’s what happens after the bell that really puts our faces on the marquee. You see, we’re not just in the business of wins and losses but making statements! Putting Frank Debauchee front and center is a statement. Putting Olga in the middle of that ring and destroying everything in her path? That’s a statement. We don’t wait for opportunities to come to us, we take them at will; we take them on our time. And you two… you two could be standing front and center with me, just like Olga, with your names on everybody’s lips just like they used to be. That’s why you two… need to stick with me. My offer still stands, you both have my number; both work and personal. Now if you two will excuse us, we have a statement we’re about to make in the middle of that ring.
Frank Debauchee struts off with confidence and swagger in his step as Olga follows closely behind him. The Gucci Gals look at one another, both deep in thought and contemplating the words they just heard
Madison Anderson vs. Olga the Barbarian w/Frank Debauchee
Baxter: The Following contest is scheduled for one fall!
Ambitions by Donkeyboy kicks on the PA as Madison Anderson emerges from the curtain with a smile on her face. She skips down the aisle, moving to each side of it to slap hands with the fans before sliding into the ring and moving to a turnbuckle to raise her hands up and get the fans on their feet from the middle tournbuckle before hopping and racing over to the opposite turnbuckle to do the same thing.
Baxter: From Manchester, New Hampshire, MADISON AAAAANDERSOOOOOOOON!
Baxter: And her opponent...
Def Leppard's Pour Some Sugar On Me starts to play as out comes Olga the Barbarian with Frank Debauchee.
Baxter: From the Land of Smexy.... accompanied to the ring by Frank Debauchee... she is OLGA! THE BAAAARBAAARIAAAAAN!
Olga stomps towards the ring with a menacing gaze fixed on Madison that causes Madison to freeze in the ring, all while Debauchee jawjacks with the crowd.
North: Well, we got the long awaited rematch between these two here. Olga has been demanding this for the last few months and Bux decided there would be no better place than 4th Year Anniversary.
Washington: I gotta give Madison credit for accepting the challenge but I fear she may regret it, she barely escaped the first time! I’ve worked with Olga and Debauchee before and they’re not the people you want to get on the bad side of!
Madison darts around the ring nervously with Debauchee on the outside and Olga quickly closing in on her and she manages to swiftly dodge a clothesline attempt as she throws a very hard and stiff kick at Olga's ribs. Olga blinks at her and grabs her by the neck with both hands and tosses her like a ragdoll into the corner. Madison yelps as Olga hits her with a nasty knife-edge chop that echos through the arena as she grabs her chest in pain. Olga is quick to press her boot into her throat, holding onto the top rope for leverage as the referee immediately calls for a clean break.
Olga lets go at the count of 4 before grabbing her by the hair and tossing her into the center of the ring. Madison's eyes go wide as Olga menacingly walks back over to her as she's quick to get back to her feet and try to cut her down with a low dropkick to the knees which she manages to accomplish as the towering brute falls to the ground.
North: Madison gets the low dropkick and cuts the monster down!
Washington: It’s a good start but she’s going to need to keep her off her feet as much as possible to have a chance.
Madison tries to work on the leg by grabbing it and stomping on it but Olga quickly powers out by kicking her away with her feet, causing Madison to almost fly backward. Olga tries to get to her feet but Madison quickly hits her in the face with a running knee which seems to knock her back down with authority. Olga doesn't appear to be moving and Madison thinks she's got her shot and goes for a quick pin. 1....2.......Olga throws her off! Madison goes up and backward nearly five feet from being launched and looks legitimately scared as Olga sits up!
North: For a split second I thought she knocked Olga out!
Washington: And that knee might’ve knocked anyone else out too but they don’t make em like Olga! That’s over 200 pounds of cold Russian iron and steel!
Olga grabs Madison by the hair as she tries to escape and immediately holds her above her had and lifts her up and down several times as she presses her in the air above her head before slamming her down with authority with a gorilla press slam! Madison yells in pain on the mat as Olga presses her foot on her chest and steps over her! Madison tries to crawl away but Olga grabs her by the foot and yanks her away from the ropes. Madison shakes her head in fear as Olga yanks her up off the mat once more and looks to go for the Olga Bomb, her jackknife powerbomb as she lifts her high in the air...
North: Olga Bomb, if she connects with this that’s all she wrote!
But Madison Anderson manages to slip out and reverses the hold, flipping and turning her body in a fluid motion to catch Olga in a victory roll pin! Madison holds onto both legs for all she's worth as Olga is caught completely by surprise 1.....2..........3!
Baxter: Here is your winner... Madison Anderson!
North: Madison did it again!
Washington: Sometimes lightning does strike twice! Come on, get out of there!
Almost as if Madison heard Frank Washington's plea all the way from commentary she quickly pops up and tries to go for the nearest exit out of the ring but Frank Debauchee is there blocking her way! Madison turns around to try to dart out another side but Olga was already up and turned her inside out with a clothesline, causing her to flip several times in the air from the impact before crashing to the mat! Olga yanks Madison up by her hair and this time lifts her up and connects with the Olga Bomb!
Washington: Not that I blame her but Madison was just a little too quick to get out of there and she picked the wrong exit!
Olga doesn't seem satisfied as she yanks Madison up a second time and Olga Bombs her over the top rope and outside of the ring! EMTs begin scrambling out to try to tend to Madison but Olga steps forward and makes them back up, not wanting to be an object of her wrath! Debauchee looks very pleased by this display as Olga then grabs Madison by her legs and swings her viciously into the steel steps! The steps crash and fall as a decent dent is left from the impact! With Olga's appetite for destruction now seemingly satisfied, Debauchee moves for Olga to take his arm as they triumphantly strut to the back as EMTs surround Madison Anderson.
Alison Crowne Promo
Alison: February 29th, 2020...Lethal Leap Year. That was supposed to be the fateful day when it was all supposed to end. The day I ended Terri Thompson and put her out of my life for good. The 456th day as the LONE Champion wasn’t supposed to be the end but the beginning of greater things with that one final weakness… that last demon finally expunged and exercised.
Alison sits in her private locker room in her ring attire, sporting the black and silver tonight with her hands and wrists finally taped up. She had a cold and distant look in her eyes, like someone who was carrying a massive weight on her shoulders and struggling with something deep inside herself. Once full of swagger and life, the former champion’s head was in a very dark place at the current moment.
Alison: You were supposed to finally be out of my life Terri; February 29th was supposed to be the day where I began to heal! To finally put the betrayal and the pain you caused me behind me and to become the person I’m supposed to be. With that final weakness… you, gone, I was meant to finally get the big contract I deserved after being underpaid for so long, I would’ve become more than just The Highlight of the Night, a living legend for putting LONE on my back and carrying it into the future. It’s because of ME that LONE got the big network deal with IC3 and the Prospect Wrestling Network, not Jack E. Bux, ME! I was the one that busted her ass and spilled buckets of her own blood, poured her sweat and tears into that ring and outside of it, working through injury and having been subjected to an unsafe work environment and in spite of EVERYTHING I persevered through it all and found a way to thrive! People are talking about LONE because of ME! They’re talking about Alison Crowne as the longest reigning LONE Champion in history, the record breaking champion that would’ve been on the Women’s Olympic Boxing Team representing the United States of America if not for the injuries I suffered 5 months ago! The same record breaking champion that defended her championship across the New England area 6 times in a single month and the one that went on national TV and syndicated radio; ME!
Alison points to herself emphatically as her words were soaked in anger and bitter resentment. With every word she spoke she truly believed or was very convincing in driving home the point that she felt she did everything for a company that didn’t seem to love her back.
Alison: You can hate me all you want Terri, I hope you hate me with every fiber of your being but unlike you I’ve been nothing but a FIGHTING Champion! I’ve been a fighting champion while you get to go months between defenses! I’ve EARNED my spot in the spotlight and the mainstream! So why do you… why do you and Bux get to take the center stage and all the credit after I did all the hard work? Why?
Her ‘why’ especially sounded pained in its delivery.
Alison: There’s no going back for us, Terri, it’s impossible for things to be the way they used to be. Our entire friendship was built on a lie because you put yourself first over our friendship; I’m just painted as the villain because I woke up and saw that Stevenson, despite all of his faults was at least right about you. You never believed in me, you never valued me and you never cared about me and you know what? I’ve come to EMBRACE the role of the villain you and everyone else has decided to cast me as! I revel in it! The only thing I regret…
She looks away for a moment as he holds up an index finger before looking back to the camera.
Alison: Is that I had to break Wendy’s neck; because she was good to me, she was my friend. But it had to be done, I had no other choice because I knew where her true loyalties laid and it was only a matter of time before she picked you over me and got involved. But I don’t regret how it made your life fall to pieces, Terri, because you deserved all of that and so much more for betraying me in the way you did. People see us on screen, they don’t know all the personal moments and stories we’ve shared behind the scenes in our daily lives. You were somebody I trusted with my life and if I couldn’t trust you to watch my back, when you lied to me and the entire world and went into business for yourself as El Jinte Rojo then how long Terri, HOW LONG?! How long would it have taken before you did it over and over again? Bury me to Bux behind my back while trying to console me after the fact like I was none the wiser? Would you have pushed for me to get fired while telling me if you knew you’d go to bat and fight for me? Heaven forbid, would you have promised me your kidney if I needed it only to back out right before I went into surgery because you didn’t want a minimal impact on your own quality of life to save mine? You destroyed my trust, Terri!
I’ve given 12 years of my life to this business, Terri. I’ve been trained from the age of 15 to make this my career and my life and nothing was handed to me. I went out under my own name, I made my own opportunities happen and I climbed to the top of this mountain alone when I thought I’d have friends around me to share it with. I gave up a relationship that I was happy, very happy in once because I knew that I had to give everything I had, 100% of me to make my dreams come true and to create the life for myself that I always wanted. And you, Terri, you’ve only been doing this what, 4 years? You’re the only multi-time champion in LONE history, you’ve held it three times, you married the woman of your dreams and you’re a very wealthy woman.You’ve gotten nearly everything you could’ve ever wanted and it fell right into your lap so effortlessly! I’m sick of seeing you get exactly what you want while I’m seen as some pariah for fighting for my dreams!
Alison reaches over and grabs her black MMA gloves and begins to slide them onto her hands and fastening the velcro on tight around the wrists.
Alison: So tonight, this will be the end, once and for all. Tonight one of us is going to get exactly what she wants! Either I’m going to snap your neck and right a wrong by reclaiming my LONE Championship or you’re going to stand over me after I fail to answer a count of ten. If I lose, if you defeat me Terri; I’m gone. I will walk away from LONE and wrestling and retire on the spot. Bux won’t have to worry about agreeing to a new contract, neither The Damned won’t have to worry about me coming for their tag team championships should they retain tonight and you know what Terri? You can celebrate with your new best friend Emily and brag about how you both cheap shotted me out of the business. Maybe I’ll go back to MMA full time, maybe I’ll become a Hollywood actress, or maybe I’ll just keep collecting those big fat endorsement checks in my own little personal sanctuary far away from you.
Nobody wakes up wanting to be evil… but some are driven to commit it when everything they believed in has been exposed as a giant lie. If that makes me evil now? I embrace it. Tonight; it ends.
Because we can’t keep doing this.
Spice & Ice vs The Damned
Just like earlier in the night, a sample of GOD SAVE THE QUEEN cuts in before Neil Young's Cinnamon Girl starts up on the PA. Cinnamon emerges wearing the tiara with Violent Violet in toe along with stage hands who lay down crimson colored pillows for Cinnamon to step on on the way to the ring. When they get to the ring, Violent Violet hits the ring steps first and holds the middle and top rope open for Cinnamon. Cinnamon hits ring steps and the stage hands pick up the pillows before heading off, and Cinnamon ducks through the ropes before moving to the enter of the ring where she spreads her arms and leans her head back while Violent Violet gets down on one knee before her. Cinnamon then hands her tiara to the ref who brings it to a stage hand.
With silence from the crowd, the lights in the arena suddenly turn to a very dark red color as “I’m damned” by Vampira with Satan’s Cheerleaders plays over the public address sound system. Walking out onto the stage with the Holy Bible in hand, Sister Catherine stands on the stage looking at Spice & Ice with this sadistic grin curled along her lips. The camera takes a moment to focus on a fan holding up a sign in crimson font that reads Hosea 5:4. Walking down the aisle very slowly, Sister Catherine keeps the Bible clutched to her chest. Stitches walks behind her with her head hung low.
Baxter: The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall and is for the LONE Tag Team Championship! Introducing first the challengers the team of Violent Violet and the 2020 Queen of the Castle Cinnamon… Spice and Ice!
Cinnamon is wearing her tiara while Violent Violet has a grin on her face like she’s ready to unleash absolute mayhem.
Baxter: And introducing their opponents they are the LONE Tag Team Champions….. Sister Catherine and Stitches….. THE DAMNED!
Sister Catherine stoically looks ahead while Stitches has a twisted grin on her face, tilting her head to the side.
North: You know there’s no love lost here between SPice and Ice and The Damned. The Damned have been on an impressive tear as of late but so have Spice and Ice with Cinnamon capturing the Queen of the Castle tiara last month
Washington: I can’t even remember a time The Damned lost in recent memory outside of Sister Catherine narrowly losing to Drew Stevenson in the semi-finals of the Prospect Classic Cup one night tournament. When you rarely taste defeat you’re at the top of your game and it’s really, really hard to reach that point in your career; take it from someone who’s been there before. When you have momentum on your side you feel like you can accomplish even the impossible and right now all four women have plenty of momentum.
Violet and Stitches start off for their respective teams as Violet shoots out like a rocket at Stitches and starts headbutting her repeatedly after throwing a few punches and backing her into the ropes. Violet wastes no time as she continues to throw her signature headbutts at her opponent as Stitches laughs and gives Violet a twisted smile as she slowly begins to slump to the ground. Violet presses her foot hard on Stitches’ throat on the ground, holding onto the top rope for leverage. The referee immediately calls for a clean break.
Violet finally releases her foot as the referee is quick to insert himself between the two of them and yells at her to back off!
"That is not how you crush a windpipe," Belina notes with a furrowed brow, before once more glaring at the scared man next to her.
North: Violet placing rather loose with the rules as usual!
Washington: The problem is I think Stitches enjoys it! In some alternate universe it’s not too much of a stretch to say they might be friends!
North: Friends? One inflicting pain on the other is a friendship?
Washington: When they both enjoy it? Odder couples have come about before!
Violet yanks Stitches up by her hair and drags her over to her corner as she tags in Cinnamon. The referee acknowledges the tag as Cinnamon comes in as Violet holds Stitches for her. Cinnamon punches Stitches in the head several times before they whip her to the ropes and hit her with a rolling elbow/low dropkick combination with Violet going low and Cinnamon going high. Violet then returns to her corner as Cinnamon shouts down upon Stitches.
Cinnamon: Bow down to your Goddess!
Stitches is in the process of getting up as she says this as Sister Catherine snarls and bares her fangs at such blasphemy, enough so that it goads her into getting into the ring! The referee is quick to intercept her and force her back into her corner which gives Violet just enough time to dart inside the ring again and stomp on the back of Stitches head several times, slumping her back down onto the mat before darting back out.
Washington: Let me tell you something from my time in Missouri; one does not casually commit blasphemy in front of Sister Catherine!
North: And I think they knew that Frank, they’re using it to take advantage of Stitches!
Washington: And they better hope it’s worth it, too! There are better ways to do that than invoke the Wrath of God! Especially when he’s got Sister Catherine as a warrior!
Cinnamon shoves her boot in Stitches face as if she’s trying to make her kiss her feet but Stitches seems slow to respond. Cinnamon kicks her in the face hard before shoving her boot in her face again but this time gets more when what she asked for as Stitches bites down on it!
North: Stitches has a mouth full of Cinnamon’s boot!
Cinnamon yelps in pain and shock as Stitches grabs a hold of her boot and begins to drag her away from her corner and towards her own with Sister Catherine. The referee is unsure if the maneuver is even illegal or not since it’s safe to say it’s probably the first he’s seen someone bite someone else’s foot! Stitches slowly gets back to a vertical base as Cinnamon is hopping on one foot as Sister Catherine blind tags herself in by slapping her hand on her partner’s back!
North: Blind tag by Sister Catherine.
Washington: Now’s great time to start praying for forgiveness!
The referee does know he now has a five count to utilize to get Stitches out of the ring and begins to count.
Sister Catherine ascends to the top rope.
Cinnamon shakes her head as she tries to free herself.
Sister Catherine takes flight and nails Cinnamon with the Crossbody of Christ! Stitches holds onto her foot until the last possible second before impact!
Stitches quickly slips back into her corner as Sister Catherine goes for the pin. 1…..2…..KICKOUT!
North: Near fall after the Crossbody of Christ!
Washington: Things could get ugly for Cinnamon here in a hurry without some form of intervention!
Sister Catherine is quick to slam a 12-to-6 elbow shot on Cinnamon’s face as it’s clear that she hasn’t forgotten her recent declaration of blasphemy. Cinnamon groans in pain as Violet illegally enters the ring and wraps her arms around Sister Catherine’s neck, trying to choke the unlife out of her to give Cinnamon a bit of a breather, the referee immediately begins to count!
Just as the referee was about to finish the 5 count to call for a disqualification Cinnamon steals his attention by yanking on the leg of his pants! The referee turns to her and she appears to be seriously hurt or at least appears hurt enough to break the official’s focus as he begins to question her about her injury and what was wrong. Cinnamon speaks in broken statements and points around her body incredibly vaguely; it was immediately clear to anyone watching that Cinnamon was just buying Violet more time for her illegal choke!
North: Is there no lows to which Cinnamon isn’t willing to stoop to?
Washington: It may not be the honorable thing to do but it’s strategically sound.
Stitches has seen enough and recovered just enough to slip back inside the ring and starts attacking Violet to force her to let go of Sister Catherine! Violet lets go as she drops to the ground as does Sister Catherine, and starts biting Violet’s forehead! Cinnamon sees this and immediately points it out, the referee only sees Stitches attacking Violet and he immediately pulls her off! Stitches wriggles lively as the referee tries to back her off into her own corner and tries to bite his forehead!
North: Stitches is out of control! She’s so dead set on helping her tag team partner she’s willing to bite the referee’s face off just to get free!
Washington: She’ll get her team disqualified for sure if she does that but she’ll als save the titles for her team. That said as things stand right now she’s inadvertently buying time for Spice and Ice; she either needs to just disengage or take a bite already!
The referee does his best to keep Stitches off his head, struggling a great deal despite being bigger Stitches just had too much energy which made it hard for him to get a solid grip on her for more than a few seconds. Cinnamon quickly helps Violet up, having ‘miraculously recovered’ and the duo begin stomping Sister Catherine into the corner in tandem. Violet presses her foot down hard on Sister Catherine’s throat while Cinnamon stomps hard for everything she’s worth! Finally the referee forces Stitches back into her corner and turns his attention back to the ring just as Violet ducks out of the ring under the ropes! Cinnamon then continues to choke Sister Catherine, this time with her own boot and picking up where Violet left off as the referee begins his count!
Cinnamon lets go and throws her hands up defensively.
North: Milking every second she can, Cinnamon is willing to push the rules to their breaking point and stopping just right before the red line!
Washington: She’s walking a dangerous path but it’s one full of rewards if you know how to navigate around the many pitfalls and traps along the way!
Cinnamon shoots a smug grin at Sister Catherine and shoves her boot in her face.
Cinnamon: Come on, kiss it!
Cinnamon grabs her by the hair and drags her out of the corner.
Cinnamon: KISS IT!
Cinnamon bends over and with her hand in her hair tries to force Sister Catherine to kiss her feet! Sister Catherine however takes this opportunity to capture her in a cradle pin! 1……...2…..KICKOUT!
North: Cinnamon was getting a little overconfident there but it’s going to take more than that to keep Sister Catherine down!
Washington: Sister Catherine isn’t one to take disrespect like that laying down, Cinnamon just might be making her job harder by doing so!
Cinnamon scowls as she kicks out and goes to yank Sister Catherine up by her hair and goes to give her a kiss on the cheek before planting her down with a DDT but Sister Catherine sprays a blood red mist into her face, blinding her! Cinnamon screams and grabs her face and Sister Catherine quickly follows up with the Bloodlust Impaler DDT! Both women are down as the referee begins his ten count.
Sister Catherine begins to crawl to her corner as does Cinnamon; Cinnamon having the head start by being closer to her team’s corner.
Sister Catherine steadily makes some gains, having already been put through a bunch of abuse.
Violet has her arm extended, Cinnamon is close!
Cinnamon tags Violent Violet in
Sister Catherine is about to reach Stitches but Violet grabs her by the foot and begins to drag her back into the center of the ring! Sister Catherine swings her body weight as she hits Violet on the side of the head with an enziguri! Sister Catherine gets up just long enough to make one last desperate lunge forward and she tags Stitches in!
North: Stitches is in!
Stitches comes in on fire as Violet pops up and tries to catch Stitches with a clothesline but Stitches bends backwards and evades the attack with nearly supernatural reflexes and quickly follows up with a Pele kick! Stitches brings herself back up with a crab walk and begins to make her way over to Violet. Violet, usually eager to dole out more violence is even a little disturbed by how she contorted her body! Violet begins to back away as she scoots backwards as Stitches flashes her a wicked smile. Stitches gets back to a vertical base, almost standing like a zombie as Violet finds her resolve to get back up and headbutts her several times before trying to go for the Violent Tendencies package piledriver but Stitches slips out and gets her with the Mandible Claw! Violet tries to get free but Stitches has those fingers down pretty far in and locked tightly! Stitches takes her down to the ground with the hold and Violet passes out! The referee lifts her arm up and it falls limp, this one is over!
Baxter: Here are your winners and STILL LONE Tag Team Champions... The Damned!
North: The Damned continue their impressive reign as they’ve entered a class all by themselves and it’s always special to see a tag team so dominant as this pair.
Washington: Assuming her career doesn’t end tonight Alison Crowne has to be considered the number one contender with her issues with The Damned and their mutual willingness to go after one another. I don’t know if she’s going to be able to find a partner that’s willing to team with her or be able to work with her for that matter; knowing her she may just insist on facing them 2-on-1 for the titles anyway. Alison could very well be chasing history in more than one way the next time if and when the three of these women face off again.
North: Another thing to consider, if Alison wins the LONE Championship tonight and The Damned defeat her in their next tag title defense that would immediately put Stitches or Sister Catherine, if not both, in immediate title contention!
Washington: Things might get crazy in the shows to come but the main event is next! Will Terri continue to lead LONE in this new era or will we see the second coming of the Reign of Crowne?
"Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson Promo
The Titantron now shows the Surgeon General's Warning associated with "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson.
Surgeon General's Warning: Gutter Trash causes Lung Puncturing, Heart Punches, Enzuigiris, and may complicate Professional Wrestling.
Terri Thompson stands in the sand, on the beach of Coronado that the Hotel Coral Essex looks out from. She's wearing her usual ring gear, including her battle vest, except her white t-shirt isn't the one of the Surgeon General's Logo we've just seen. It's a spoof of the Dead Kennedys' Nazi Punks Fuck Off shirt with a swaztika and a circle with a line crossing it out, but instead it reads Burial Artists Fuck Off with a shovel and a circle with a line crossing it out. She has the LONE Championship wrapped around her waist.
The Sky is dark, and there doesn't appear to be anyone else on the beach. The ocean waves are gently rolling in behind her before receeding after hitting the shoreline.
Terri holds the shovel in her right hand, planted in the ground, while her left hand holds up a blue t-shirt. The t-shirt is of Alison Crowne's image with a crown on her head. Heavy is the head that wears the Crowne. Terri balls up the shirt and tosses it down onto the sand before starting to dig a hole into the sand.
Terri: You. You you you you you. It's always about you, right, Alison?
Terri stops her digging for now and plants the business end of the shovel into the sand. She folds her arms over the handle of the shovel and rests her chin on her arms. She crosses her feet at the ankles, right over left.
Terri: You were the one who busted her ass. YOU were the one who bled for LONE. You were the one who fought when you couldn't medically compete?! No! You didn't bust your ass for LONE! I didn't bust your--my ass for lone, but I'll certainly bust your ass tonight! LONE busted their ass for LONE! You understand me?! And you've got the nerve to sit there and say nothing's been handed to you in life... FROM YOUR PRIVATE LOCKER ROOM! You're so disconnected from reality, it's sickening. And you want to bring up Stevenson? You want to bring up Stevenson being RIGHT about me?! Yeah, go ask Stevenson about me now. He'll tell you he's a changed man and he was wrong about me and he's sorry for what he did to me and YOU! But you don't want to listen to that. You don't want to listen to any of that!
Terri starts to kick the t-shirt in the hole that she's dug in the sand.
Terri: Instead, you want to sit in your penthouse, sulking after a vampire and her monster showed you what for. After I took my title back through all the hell you put me through, and I went on to promote LONE out here in Cali while you sat back in Maine and sulked. And I'm not a fighting champion? I gave Emily Emmett a shot! And she gave you one too! HAHA!
Terri laughs, but the look on her face reflects that of a deranged woman. A deranged woman obsessed with ending the career of her former best friend. Of course, Terri is talking about when Emily punched Alison at LONE 36.
Terri: And you got the nerve to suggest that I might one day bury you in the back to Bux. Like I don't know what it's like to be buried. Like I'm not rocking this t-shirt FOR A REASON!
Terri shouts at the top of her lungs.
Terri: Now you want to throw your career away to try and prove some point. It's like when I was younger, and my Mom tried to show me how to wrap a burrito. I had so much anger and hate for my Mom. I was in so much pain. I was doing it wrong, but I snapped at her. I shouldn't have. I shouted I'll eat it like this! Leave me alone! Then we got into a shouting match and I took two bites only to throw it away. So wasteful. Just to prove some fucked up point. I was in pain, then. You're in pain, Alison. So much pain. And when one is in pain, they just want to cause more pain. You're in so much pain and it's all because I eliminated you in the Rumble instead of Olga. I've explained it twenty times and I'm not going to explain it anymore. You're jealous! And jealousy's a motherfucker, isn't it?
Terri starts to dig sand on top of the t-shirt.
Terri: The only burying I'll do is your career when I end it for good. You wanna bring up Wendy?! I'm tired. I'm so tired. I want this over with. You can make all the excuses in the world but you won't be able to justify what you did to her! Justice will come when I'm standing over you and they announce AND STILL... LONE CHAMPION. Then I'll look at you, and you'll be looking up into my eyes and... and you'll see all the hurt and all the pain in my eyes will wash away. I'll have my warmth again, no longer be cold, and I'll say goodbye to your career with a smile.
Terri's finished burying the t-shirt, planting the shovel in the sand right next to it, propped up as if it's some kind of grave marker for it, almost.
Terri: It's time to finish this. I'm coming in there, right now, to plant your mind in the gutter. And while I do, I'll make sure to grind my boots into the sand in hopes to track some into the ring so I can kick some sand into your vagina!
"The Highlight of the Night" Alison Crowne vs. "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson
The lights dim as “The Root of All Evil” by Dream Theater hits the packed arena. As the music begins to pick up in pace Alison Crowne emerges from the curtain with the spotlight focused on her. With the arena booing her from one end to the other she stands there for a few moments and takes everything in knowing this could be her final time walking out to the ring. Her eyes scan across the crowd, almost as if she’s looking for somebody before she finally makes her way towards the ring. The boos don’t stop as she walks down the ramp and several fans lean over the barricade to try to yell at her face but she doesn’t let any of it phase her and in fact flashes a smirk through all of it. Finally she reaches the ring steps and walks up them and goes through the ropes into the ring. Her eyes are glued on the entrance curtain, her mind focused on a single goal.
Overkill's "Hello from the Gutter" kicks in over the PA and Terri jets out from the gorilla position in full sprint! The song immediately cuts out as Terri slides into the ring and the referee cuts her off and holds her back, talking her down and making her go to the opposite corner of Alison. Terri tries to claw towards Alison, as if she could reach her from the opposite end of the ring, with her arms over the ref's shoulders. After a moment, she reluctantly listens to the ref, moving to the corner and taking the LONE title off of her waist and handing it to the ref, then slipping out of her vest and tossing it for a stage hand to pick up.
Baxter: The following match is a Title Versus Career Last Woman Standing match! The first woman to put their opponent down for the count of 10 will be declared the winner and will be declared the LONE Champion. If Terri Thompson defeats Alison Crowne she will immediately retire! Introducing first, the challenger.
Alison has a laser focus on Terri on her side of the ring from her corner, her arms around the top rope and her hands gripping them tightly. Her knuckles would be showing white from the tight grip she held if not hidden under her black MMA gloves.
Baxter: From Gainesville, Florida, weighing in tonight at 147lbs she holds the record as the longest reigning LONE Champion at 456 days she is 'The Highlight of the Night' Alison Crowne!
The crowd showers Alison with boos and jeers as she manages to tune everything out with her eyes locked solely on Terri.
North: I still can't believe the proclamation she made earlier tonight, Alison Crowne emphatically stated in no uncertain terms that if Terri Thompson beat her tonight and kept her down for the count of 10 that she would retire and walk away from LONE and professional wrestling for good! This isn't an edict that came from Jack E. Bux, the owner of LONE nor did it come down from the office of Isaac Cornelius III at the Prospect Wrestling Network; this was all 100% Alison Crowne coming out and making a statement.
Washington: You got to think; this one is a very long time coming, Kevin. These women have been at each other's throats for the last two years, all the way back at our Two Year Celebration at LONE 14.
North: And you were filling in back for us at that event as well.
Washington: I'll never forget that night, Kevin. Sitting here with you like we are right now and calling the action we had at the end of that show just witnessed Terri Thompson finally end the long reign of The Glorious One and in the process became the first woman to win the LONE Championship twice. Of course as well all know Terri has since won the belt the third time and is presently in that reign. Terri Thompson had finally closed a dark chapter in her life and her best friend and tag team partner in Royal Plunder Alison Crowne, broken nose and all that she suffered in the match before the main event, came out to celebrate with her. And just as we were about to go off air, BAM! Alison nailed her with the clothesline halfway up the ramp before powerbombing her onto the apron.
North: They had a few simmering issues before that night between Stevenson planting poisoned seeds of doubt inside Alison's head and Terri winning The Rumble under a mask without telling her then partner but it had appeared; they two friends managed to amicably work out their issues and got back on the same page. Of course since then has been an increasingly violent history between the two. Alison went on a reign of terror, first snapping Wendy's neck, the then girlfriend and now wife of Terri Thompson before subsequently ending several other careers with her Crowning Moment piledriver during her reign of 456 days including what everyone believed at the time Terri's career. Terri then managed to make a stunning return late last year to confront her former best friend and back at Lethal Leap Year 5 months ago finally defeated Alison Crowne in what perhaps was the most violent match in the history of LONE's existence.
Washington: Which brings us right here to this very moment, right here, right now, tonight. Alison said it was time for all of this to end; that tonight somebody was going to get exactly what they wanted. The only way this was going to end is if Alison snapped Terri's neck a second time and ended her career, becoming the second woman in LONE's history to capture the LONE Championship more than once or Terri standing tall. It's an obsession Alison knows she can't escape until one of them is out of the business for good; that's why she made this additional stipulation. You know I've disagreed with an awful lot of what Alison has done, having known her as long as I have, having worked with her in the past in Missouri. I personally believe she's better than the person she's allowed herself to become and I've made no effort to hide the fact that I consider Terri Thompson a very close friend of mine. Of course I'm personally invested in this match; but so are so many other people. Despite whatever brought us to this point I will at least give Alison credit for realizing that this grudge, this blood feud needs to come to an end. For everyone's sake. I don't want to watch two talented women give their lives trying to kill one another in the middle of this ring; I want them to both prosper as people.
North: I couldn't have said it any better myself, Frank. Tonight; one way or another history is going to be made.
Baxter: And her opponent, from Portland, Maine, she is the reigning and defending record breaking 3 Time LONE Champion.... “Gutter Trash” Terri Thompson!
Terri usually would take this moment to play to the crowd but much like Alison she had her eyes locked on her as well as the tension between the two was so thick you could cut it with a knife. The referee takes the time to hold up the LONE Championship for everyone to see before handing it off to Baxter as he calls for the opening bell.
No sooner than that bell going off did Alison and Terri immediately sprint out of their respective corners and begin mercilessly hammering at one another with a series of punishing punches. The two seem to make a tour around the ring as each one appears to exchange control of the brawl with the other at various points with the referee unable to pull either apart now with everything under the sun being legal int his environment; much like their last encounter. While Terri was an accomplished brawler in her own right Alison's MMA and Olympic Boxing training eventually gave her the edge in the exchange as the former champion began to have her way as she finally got Terri pinned down into a corner and began pummeling her repeatedly in the face. Terri did her best to try to cover up her face to protect herself but it was no use as Alison snuck in a sucker punch to the stomach to blow the wind out of her sails and her defense having managed to find just the right spot to strike through a blind spot in her defenses. Alison already smells the blood in the water and manages to hit several crisp and clean and completely unprotected punches to Terri's head as she immediately begins to slump into the corner. Alison yanks her by the hair and slams her body flat onto the mat.
North: Alison is fighting like her career depends on it and thanks to her own stipulation, it does! The aggression in which she’s striking with is both impressive and fearsome! In a normal match the referee would’ve called for a clean break under the 5 count several times but if it’s even possible she’s even more aggressive now than in their last match!
Washington: The great warriors and generals of old would sometimes burn their boats upon landing in enemy territory to commit themselves fully to achieving victory and so there would be no longing to go back home. Alison came very, very close to making her words come true at Lethal Leap Year and if she loses? There’s nothing left for her in an industry she’s given her entire adult life to. When you’re at risk of losing something you love forever you will fight to the depths of hell just to keep it!
Alison: Count.
Alison's harsh command to the referee is understood loud and clear and he begins his count as Alison slowly begins to back off.
Terri begins to stir and being close to the ropes manages to begin pulling herself up in the corner slowly but surely. She gets about halfway up before Alison doesn't wait for any judgment calls on the referee's count; instead she drives her right knee, metal kneebrace and all right into Terri's head! Terri struggles to stay upright as Alison begins hammering away repeatedly, over and over again with the assist of the knee brace! With one final knee thrust Alison then holds it there, her hands gripping the tight rope tightly and pulling herself against Terri, grinding that metal kneebrace deep into her face with her knee. Alison then slowly begins to back off as Terri slumps into a seated position in the corner.
North: Alison driving that metal knee brace into Terri like a weapon like she did frequently during her 456 day reign!
Washington: I’m convinced she hasn’t had a medical need for that in quite some time but if you got enough money and a ‘sympathetic’ doctor you can get a note for just about anything! Even in a normal match as long as she doesn’t remove it it’s as legal as a chinlock!
Alison: What's the matter, 'champ'? Don't think you can make lightning strike twice?
Alison quickly reaches back in and slaps Terri hard across the face.
Alison: Don't you want to make me go away? Don't you want to finish the job you started when you stabbed me in the back all the way at The Rumble two years ago?
Alison crouches and gets on a knee as she slaps Terri in the face again.
Alison: We're not in Maine anymore; these people are going to forget about you once I break your neck again. They're not your people but they're going to be MY people once they see what I can do with MY title that you took from me! I'm going to show them what a real champion looks like, a champion that defends her title almost every month!
Alison slaps Terri harder.
Alison: And I'm going to break my own record while you and Wendy sip through a straw in matching neckbraces!
Alison slaps Terri again but this time Terri punches back! Alison eats the punch to the face near where Emily socked her last month causing the challenger to fall on her back!
North: You know that punch is going to bring back bad memories for Alison!
Washington: And she suffered that just last month! Terri’s a fighter and a survivor though and she knows where to attack. Alison may be the obvious choice but if I’m in the middle of a bar fight Terri’s the kind of person I want watching my back because you can’t teach that type of heart and resilience. That said, if I’m putting a bounty on someone Alison’s the hit woman i want collecting the money in the briefcase!
North: You can’t take the villain completely out of the Revolutionary veteran can you?
Washington: I may be a reformed villain but I’ve put bounties on people before. Alison’s got the killer instinct.
Alison goes to pick herself up but this time it was Terri that was quick on the attack as she captured Alison in a side headlock and began to hammer down repeatedly with her free hand on her face! Alison tries to slither her way out of the hold and with a rake of the eyes manages to momentarily blind the champion and slips free. Alison goes to position herself to nail Terri with a german suplex but despite being blind Terri's exceptional ring awareness gives her a good general idea of where she was positioned and manages to counter the attempt with a russian leg sweep! Terri manages to know she's on top of Alison with or without her vision and with her arms wrapped around her catches her in a rear naked choke!
North: Rear naked choke! Rear naked choke! Terri might end it right here!
Washington: And tapping out isn’t going to break the hold either! While you can’t win by submission in a match like this you can choke them unconscious so they can’t answer a 10 count! Alison’s career may be in mortal danger here!
Terri transitions with the leg scissors and lets her back rest comfortably on the mat as Alison struggles to get free, not needing to worry about any pin counts in the middle of this match. Alison's arms flail around as she gasps for air desperately, knowing that she couldn't tap out even if she wanted to but she could certainly pass out long enough to not answer a subsequent 10 count! Alison continues to struggle through the hold, trying to desperately wedge her hands between Terri's arms to give her precious room to breathe and to perhaps with that more calmly plot her way out of this dire situation. Alison manages to ever so briefly wedge her hands in deep as she takes the opportunity to suck in several deep breaths before trying to pry her arms off with brute force! Alison's gambit however doesn't pay off as she loses her grip causing Terri's arms to once again constrict tightly around her airway!
North: Alison is fighting for all she can to get free but Terri’s got a death grip around her throat!
Washington: They’re both fighting for survival right now, Kevin. While Terri’s career isn’t officially on the line in this match Alison has made it clear that she intends to win this match by snapping her neck for a second time and the list of people coming back from two broken necks to resume their career is a very, very short list. Terri knows for sure now that she can make this problem go away by becoming The Last Woman Standing.
By the look of Alison's eyes she appears to be close to panicking but the former record breaking LONE Champion manages to hold her composure just before the figurative dam managed to burst. Slowly Alison manages to get on all fours with Terri clinging to her before using her immense core strength to force herself up to a completely standing vertical base! Terri however refuses to let go and Alison knows this as she begins to back up to try to ram Terri's body into the turnbuckle! Terri however manages to hang on like a boa constrictor refusing to let go. Alison attempts to slam her back into the turnbuckle again but still Terri refuses to let go! Finally Alison, feeling her strength beginning to fade, decides to look for a high risk gamble to get free as she begins to climb the turnbuckle, Terri clinging to her be damned!
North: Alison is laying it all on the line here as she’s desperate to try anything to force Terri to let go!
Washington: The human body needs oxygen; it’s vital for even the most basic functions! She’s got less than half a minute before she falls unconscious after expending all of that energy; it’s do or die with her career on the line!
Alison gets to the middle rope before Terri suddenly lets go, almost sending Alison over the top rope with her body suddenly unbalanced with the sudden weight off her back! Alison manages to hang on by bracing her hands on the top rope before Terri wraps her arms around her waist from behind and hits a german suplex from the middle rope all the way back into the ring!
North: German Suplex off the middle rope! Alison Crowne looked like an accordion folding and unfolding upon impact!
Washington: Well it’s far from the best case scenario but it’s not quite the worst, either.Both women are down now and Alison at least has a chance to beat the count.
North: Terri is starting to move.
Terri is the first to stir as she makes her way to the ropes, crawling steadily as she does. Alison is still sucking in air as she desperately tries to get the oxygen flowing back into her lungs and her body.
Terri begins to pull herself up by the middle rope.
Terri's hands then transition to the top as she pulls herself up, she's beaten the count!
Alison's eyes catch Terri back on her feet and decides she needs to put some more distance between her and her opponent and instead expertly rolls out of the ring under the bottom rope to the outside, feet touching the floor as her hand reaches the apron for balance.
North: Terri is up and Alison has just barely beaten it herself!
Washington: She knew there was no way she was getting up on her own without help so she rolled out and let gravity help her.
The crowd boos Alison as Terri looks on to the outside shaking her head as she's quick to roll out of the ring to give chase! Alison immediately ducks under the ring, crawling under the ring skirt and disappearing from sight!
North: Alison has retreated under the ring!
Washington: There’s a lot under there, Terri needs to be careful!
Terri quickly runs to where Alison was last seen and immediately flips open the ring apron and while a case of bottled water and some assorted tables and chairs could be seen underneath; no Alison. Terri makes her way around the corner and lifts the apron once again and again no Alison. Terri rounds the next corner.... flips the apron..... still no Alison. Finally Terri makes her way around the final corner and slowly lifts the apron.... no Alison? Terri and the rest of the fans are confused for just a moment but the crowd quickly begins to react by booing as Alison crawls out from under the ring behind Terri with a fire extinguisher in hand and as Terri turns around to see what the commotion is about, Alison pulls the pin and presses down hard with the hose aimed at Terri's face! Foam and other discharge comes out from the hose and hits Terri right in her face!
North: With the roles reversed Terri eats the foam to the face this time!
Washington: Sometimes you have to use your opponents tactics against them and that’s what Alison did.
Alison flashes a sick and twisted grin as she takes full advantage of Terri being momentarily blinded by ramming the fire extinguisher into her stomach before slamming it so hard on her back while she's doubled over that the metal container bounces off her back and onto the ground with a loud THUD! Terri screams in pain as she holds her back and crawls, looking for anything to grab a hold of to pull herself up.
North: You can see Alison trying to cripple Terri there with that fire extinguisher!
Washington: It’s the nature of the beast here, Kevin, you have to make sure your opponent can’t answer a count of 10.
Alison watches her crawl and slowly she reaches out and grabs a hold of Alison's kneepads, still blinded as her movement creeps to a stop as she realizes who exactly she was reaching out to. Alison yanks her up by her hair and positions her head between her legs before hitting her with a running powerbomb right onto the ring apron! Terri screams in pain as she tries to get up to her knees, only to immediately fall face down onto the ground!
North: Alison may have just broken Terri’s back in half!
Washington: Eerily similar to the same powerbomb she hit on Terri at the end of Two Year Anniversary; I’m not sure she can get up.
Alison: Count.
Alison harshly commands the referee again as she makes her way towards Baxter.
Terri grits her teeth as she tries to will her way back up despite the immense amount of pain she was in.
Alison snatches a microphone and slaps her hand hard on the top to make sure it was on.
Alison: Come on, Terri, just stay down!
Terri slowly crawls towards the guard rail and grabs a hold of the bottom of the railing.
Alison: Don't make me break your neck again.
Terri begins to use her upper body strength to start to pull herself up.
Alison: Think of Wendy...
Terri pulls herself up to her knees.
Alison: Who's going to take care of her...
Terri nearly loses her grip and falls back down to square one but her right holds onto the railing for all it's worth, like her career and much more depended on it!
Alison: If you're pissing yourself in a bed pan in the bed next to her?
Terri gets up to one leg and begins to use her upper body to pull the rest of herself up by throwing her arms behind the top of the railing.
Alison: Dammit, Terri... you selfish fucking bitch!
Terri finally gets back to her feet, albeit barely with the aid of the guardrail as she flips Alison the bird!
North: Defiant as ever, Terri made it back to her feet!
Washington: I’ll never doubt Terri’s heart but I’m not sure she should’ve gotten up there. Alison’s not going to stop.
Alison's eyes go wide with anger as she flips the microphone upside down as she shouts loud enough for the broadcast cameras to catch every single word.
Alison: I SAID... STAY.... DOWN!
Alison spikes the head of the microphone hard on Terri's head as the microphone breaks into static before the sound crew quickly cuts the feed to that particular microphone. Terri slumps back onto the ground face first. The referee immediately begins to count again.
Alison apparently isn't done as she yells at a fan in the front row to get out of his seat (maybe we can say this is Martin?) and shoves him away as he begins to get up and reaches over to take his chair!
Alison quickly folds up the chair.
With the top of the chair pointed downward, Alison with both hands begins to drive it repeatedly into Terri's spine on the ground, breaking her own count!
North: Stop it, enough!
Washington: Alison’s trying to not only end her career but she’s trying to ruin her life by paralyzing her… This… this is starting to be too much.
Terri's screams don't seem to get any quieter as Alison relentlessly drives the chair down harder and harder and harder still as the top of the chair begins to look a little warped from the repeated impact. Finally as Terri's screams begin to quiet down Alison slams the chair down on the ground next to her as the referee looks absolutely disturbed and mortified by this ruthless display. Alison turns around to gloat when a fan throws her soda right in Alison's face! Alison's eyes light up, her face almost as red as the cherry soda thrown at her as she begins to climb over the top rope to go after the fan as security is super swift in getting between them!
North: I’m not sure I would’ve done that!
Alison tries to push through but several other members of security quickly begin to escort the woman away from the arena.
Alison: That's why I'm the one in the ring collecting the big bucks with all the endorsements while you're working 9 to 5 for minimum wage! Yeah, keep on walking you gutless coward! You can't do what I can; park your ass at home next time!
Alison continues to linger around in the front row for another moment or two as security attempts to reassure her that the problem was dealt with.
Washington: Neither would I but it may have inadvertently bought Terri enough time to answer the count as everyone including the referee was distracted by this spectacle!
Alison finally climbs over the guardrail back to ringside and is incensed that the referee hasn't been counting this entire time! She quickly slides into the ring and grabs the official by the collar.
Alison: What, did Bux instruct you not to count in that little ear piece you're wearing?
The referee throws up his hands defensively trying to plead his case and pointing towards where the rowdy fan was ejected from.
Alison: Do your job and count, zebra! COUNT!
Alison shoves him back as she lets go, the count finally beginning.
Alison: Count faster!
North: Alison knows she gave Terri too much time, she’s trying to make sure she doesn’t recover enough to get up.
Terri finally begins to show movement and moves like someone who has no business wrestling a match or finishing one for that matter. Her movements are labored but one filled with determination as the crowd gets behind her and tries to will her to her feet.
Terri's hand reaches outward and her fingertips graze the bottom rope before she grabs a hold of it
Terri begins pulling herself up steadily but wobbly, it looks like she could fall backward in a moment's notice!
Terri wills herself completely to her feet and rolls into the ring! The referee determines she's beaten the count! Alison is furious and immediately hits him with a haymaker that would make Stonehands proud! Alison immediately undoes the velcro straps on her gloves and throws them off onto the mat, revealing her black taped hands and wrists underneath and she begins punching him repeatedly on the ground! The official tries to cover his face but the damage was already done as he was bleeding profusely from his forehead!
North: Alison’s got a history of attacking officials like this and she just claimed another victim. Absolutely sickening!
Washington: This is the same person that coined the phrase ‘Fine Me’ and turned it into a merchandising opportunity with her face on a $5000 bank note.
Alison yanks the referee up by his shirt and tosses him out of the ring over the middle rope as EMTs, cautious of her history with some of their personnel keep a safe distance from Alison Crowne and tends to the referee on the outside. Meanwhile Terri managed to pull herself up again and defiantly motioned with her hands at Alison to bring it to her! It doesn't take Alison much convincing at all to immediately resume the attack as she begins wailing on her again as she begins hammering at Terri's face left and right with no more padding to soften the blow as she showcases her lethal striking ability! Even with the ropes absorbing some of the blow for Terri, Alison continues to strike true and cleanly on almost every single punch as her heavy hands would have likely called a medical stoppage at this point in almost any other match and Terri continues to endure every single bit of it!
Washington: That’s it, stop the match! Stop the damn match! Bux, I know you’re watching in your office, stop this match before Terri loses her health! Stop the match, she’s going to kill her!
Blood begins to drip down Terri's face as a switch seems to flip instantly from that moment. Whether it was the adrenaline kicking in or sheer willpower; it didn't matter. What did matter were the results that seemed to push Terri forward. Terri comes roaring out of the ropes like a house on fire as she catches Alison clean right across the chin; catching her with her guard down! Alison's eyes nearly bulge out of her head from shock as she begins to backpedal as Terri is now on the warpath and is taking quick command of the situation as Alison can't seem to throw up her arms and hands fast enough to counter! Alison goes for a clinch on Terri to try to slow her down but Terri, all the blows to the head be damned, slams her with a harsh headbutt forcing the challenger to let go!
North: Terri’s got a second wind but you have to wonder how long it’s going to last.
Washington: It’s...I hope she knows what she’s doing. If she’s going to end it she needs to do it now!
Alison stumbles into the ropes and Terri takes this opportunity to send herself and Alison over the top to the outside with a Cactus Clothesline! Terri is quick to her feet with this second wind as Alison is a bit slower to get up. Terri looks over to a fan near the guardrail.
Terri: Hey, give me your chair!
The fan folds up her chair and hands it to Terri over the railing as Terri grips it tight after folding it and throws it right at Alison's head as she turns around! Terri quickly asks another fan for a chair and the man quickly folds it and hands it to Terri as she launches another chair at Alison's head! Alison continues to retreat, her balance being ever more shaky as Terri grabs yet another chair from a fan and throws it at her chair, and then another and another! Finally Alison stumbles and falls over the guardrail into the crowd in a desperate and incoherent attempt to escape the champion!
North: You think she heard you, Frank? You can only take so many shots to the head with a chair before you can't stand anymore!
Washington: I sure hope so, I really do.
Security is quick to push nearby fans aside for their own safety as they act as a buffer between them and the competitors. Terri hops over the barricade as Alison tries to pick herself up and push through the security and the crowd with Terri in hot pursuit. Alison finally is unable to hold her balance any longer in her hasty retreat and falls to the ground as Terri manages to corner her! Alison gets on her knees and begins to plead for forgiveness.
Alison: I'm sorry, Terri! I'm sorry for everything! Look... it doesn't need to be like this, we need to stop the bloodshed! Look... I was wrong, okay?
Terri grabs a nearby vacant chair and folds it up and raises it above her head like she's about to crown Alison Crowne but before she can a man slips in behind Terri and the loud crackling of a taser can be heard!
The man tased Terri right in the back causing her to drop the chair and convulse on the ground. The man wears a smug grin as he stands over her as the man was none other than Gordon Barrows! Alison flashes a sick grin knowing she bought herself just enough time for her attorney and manager to get into position! Alison laughs as she picks herself up as Barrows walks off momentarily in search of something
North: It was that damn weasel…. It’s… it’s Gordon Barrows!
It takes Barrows about a minute to return while Alison slowly picks herself up and places a few well placed stomps on Terri's back as he comes back with a wheelchair, almost as if they had planted it in the arena earlier for a contingency. Barrows pulls out a roll of duct tape and they begin taping Terri hands and chest to it! Alison begins wheeling her back to the guardrail as she barks at a few security officers to make an opening.
Alison: We're going on a ride, Terri! Your last ride!
With an opening made in the rail Alison wheels Terri through with Barrows right by her side as Terri begins to come back to and tries to struggle against the duct tape but is having a bit of difficulty getting free, the adrenaline beginning to fade away as she continues to bleed from her forehead. Alison begins to wheel her up the ramp to the very top, overlooking the edge.
Alison: I told you to stay down before and you didn't listen; now you're GOING to stay down! You're going to stay down and you won't get back up!
The camera pans over the edge to several tables set up including the controls for the pyro set up.
Washington: This has gone too far, I've seen enough.
North: Frank?
Frank Washington throws down his headset and pulls himself up onto the ramp to try to put himself between Terri and the edge. Alison looks mildly amused as Barrows just sneers in Frank's general direction.
Washington: Alison, what are you trying to prove here? What is it that you're trying to accomplish? Are you trying to kill her, is that what this has come down to? Look at her, Alison, LOOK AT HER! She needs medical attention and if you weren't such a bonehead and beat up yet another official you might've already won the damn match! I've tried to stay out of this but I'm not going to sit here another second and watch you endanger her life! She's hurt badly, you hurt her bad, Alison!
Alison wheels Terri back a few feet and steps in front of her.
Alison: What are you going to do about it? You going to lay your hands on me?
She jabs her finger into her chest.
Alison: Nice boat, nice cars, penthouse suite? I know you've made a lot of money. Do it and I'll have Barrows sue you for everything you're worth!
She jabs her finger into his chest again.
Alison: You going to give all of that up for your biggest fan?
She points to Terri.
Alison: You're not going to do anything. You're not the old Frank, the man who would stoop to anything to get what he wanted, even threatening to break an opponent's girlfriend's neck in the middle of a match! You're soft!
Alison shoves Frank hard, and he's not going to take it anymore as he shoves her back, causing the crowd to go electric! Alison falls on her rear in shock as Barrows pulls out the taser and tries to get Frank but The Revolutionary saw it coming and sidestepped out of the way, grabbing his arm and cutting down on it with his free arm, disarming him! Frank kicks the taser off the ramp with his foot and begins hammering Barrows with a series of punches as Terri continues to try to get free. Frank grabs Barrows and goes to lift him up for the Greatest of All Time, the G.O.A.T., his fisherman buster but before he can drop him down Alison hits him with a low blow from behind!
North: Frank was fighting the good fight there, trying to protect his friend after he saw a line being crossed but that damn Alison caught him with a cheap shot!
Frank drops Barrows as he falls relatively harmlessly to the ground as he doubles over on his knees but Frank bought Terri just enough time to slip out of one of the strips of tape on her right wrist! She quickly undoes the one on the left and rips off the tape on her chest. Terri stands up out of the chair and plants Alison's Mind in the Gutter with a bulldog! Barrows gets up and jumps on Terri's back, trying to choke her out from behind but Terri manages to grab him by the arm and throw him over her shoulder onto the ground! Terri sees the wheelchair and scoops Barrows into it and shoves him right off the edge of the ramp, colliding violently through several tables onto the concrete floor below!
North: So long, Gordon! And good riddance!
Terri sits up and goes to check on Frank as she tries to call for another official out from the back to begin the 10 count. Almost as if he saw the need to restore order, Head of Talent Relations Steven O'Reilly emerged from the back as he finished pulling over the black and white stripes onto his body. O'Reilly wastes no time as he begins to count Alison out!
Alison slowly tries to shake out the cobwebs but is far from being able to stand on her own two feet yet.
North: Alison was rocked pretty hard by having her mind put in the gutter but she’s starting to stir.
It doesn't take Terri long to get back to her feet after checking on Frank but decides to do so to avoid accidentally missing the count herself.
Terri stares down at Alison, blood beginning to dry on her face as Alison begins to push herself up off the ground.
Alison hastily tries to get up but falls down to a knee!
Alison sees her career flash before her eyes as she puts forth a damn near Herculean effort to answer it but unlike Lethal Leap Year her body didn't quit on her this time and even though she was incredibly shaky and wobbly she barely beats the ten!
North: Alison barely makes the count but I’m not sure how much more either woman can handle.
Terri wastes no time throwing more punches at Alison Crowne and they begin to brawl their way back down the ramp and towards ringside with Terri dominating much of the exchange. Frank Washington finally gets to his feet and has a little talk with Steven O'Reilly. O'Reilly motions for Frank to go to the back and Frank gives him a pat on the back, trusting him to be able to control the situation from here on out as he walks with some considerable discomfort to the back.
North: Looks like I’ll be calling the rest of the show solo here as Frank goes to get checked out backstage. Meanwhile Terri is wasting no time in applying more and more pressure to Alison.
Alison is on her heels now as she feels herself back up against the ring itself and out of desperation hits Terri with a nasty fish hook maneuver! Terri lets out a scream of pain as Alison resets herself and returns to what was winning her the match early on as she returns to throwing out those heavy boxing jabs and hooks as she fights her way out of her dire situation. Alison continues as she starts throwing in Muay Thai kicks in between her punches as she pushed forward to overwhelm a tired and beaten Terri Thompson and she manages to catch her at long last, perhaps the knockout blow she's been looking for, with a flying knee strike to the head; knee brace and all!
North: That flying knee might be all she wrote!
O'Reilly immediately begins the count.
Alison isn't even waiting to see if Terri gets back up or not as she already begins removing some of the protective padding at ringside to reveal the concrete floor underneath!
Terri finally begins to stir as Alison continues to clear way the padding.
Terri crawls over to the steps and tries like hell to pull herself up by working her way up the steps with her hands and knees.
Terri sits on the top step and with her hand holding onto the bottom rope forces her feet to the floor. O'Reilly acknowledges she's broken the count!
North: Now Alison is going to go for Plan B, a Crowning Moment on the cement; just like she paralyzed Wendy with!
Alison quickly goes back to Terri and hits her with a few punishing right punches and catches her with a nasty uppercut on the chin that sends her back up against the ring and nearly onto the ground. Alison grabs her by her hair and throws her up over her shoulder, positioning her for The Crowning Moment as she holds her in place.
North: With all the punishment Terri has endured, all the blood she’s lost, if Alison connects with this it’s over.
Before Alison can drop her down though Terri manages to somehow shift her body weight and reverse it to where now she was the one who held Alison in the precarious position for the Crowning Moment! Alison shakes her head furiously as her eyes meet the concrete and reaches out desperately and manages to barely grab the bottom rope, immediately pulling herself out of Terri's grasp and into the ring as the crowd boos loudly. Terri quickly follows Alison into the ring and O'Reilly follows in after her as the action returns to where it started. Alison tries to desperately escape Terri's reach once more, feeling the match beginning to slip away from her but Terri makes what might be her final push forward to win this match and nails her with a Lou Thez Press! Terri mounted on top of Alison, punching at her face repeatedly as the challenger desperately tries to cover up her face with her arms. Terri gets up and points back to the backstage area before she pulls Alison up by her hair and tries to get her in the fisherman clutch to go for Frank Washington's G.O.A.T. fisherman buster but before she can lift Alison up the challenger makes a desperate rush to drive Terri straight into the corner! Steven O'Reilly is unfortunately caught between her and the corner as the impact is hard enough to cause the top rope to violently shake. Terri holds on though and pulls Alison out of the corner and lifts her up.... and nails her with The G.O.A.T.!
North: The G.O.A.T.! The G.O.A.T.! Frank has got to be proud watching this somewhere backstage! But O’Reilly is out, there’s nobody around to count!
Terri slowly sits up and sees that Steven O'Reilly is out and unable to make the count as the crowd begins to count in his place.
Terri tries to shake O'Reilly back into consciousness.
Alison still isn't moving and Terri shakes O'Reilly harder.
Terri tries to sit O'Reilly up but the lights are on and nobody's home as he immediately falls back down to the mat.
Terri sits with her hands on her hips knowing she should've just won the match but the official was out. Alison slowly begins to stir and seems to reach into her trunks for something.
The crowd finally stops counting as Terri pulls Alison up by her hair. Alison's body barely cooperates with her. Terri decides to try hitting Alison Crowne with her own Crowning Moment again, almost as if she's trying to make her pay the price for what she's done and she begins to scoop her up over her shoulder but Alison slips out of her grasp and lands behind her and just as Terri turns around Alison throws a fireball in her face!
North: Alison with the fireball! She had to have had some flash paper or other combustibles on her to pull this final trick she had up her sleeve!
Terri clutches her face but Alison appears to be in too much pain or too exhausted to take full advantage and instead manages to kick her knee hard and cause Terri to fall to the mat. The crowd begins to make a lot of noise as someone who hasn't been seen in nearly a year, 'Pretty' Fay Qent makes her way out from the crowd and hops over the barricade.
North: I can’t believe it, it’s Qent! The last time we saw her she was arrested for violating her parole after assaulting Alison Crowne and Gordon Barrows when they were technically not under contract and outside of a match! Qent was also briefly recognized as LONE Champion after beating then-champion Alison Crowne before the title change was annulled by Barrows making his debut and pointing out that Alison wasn’t medically cleared for the match to begin with.
Alison looks like she's seen a ghost as she begins to back off as Qent slides into the ring. Qent glares daggers into Alison Crowne and she kneels down to check on Terri. Suddenly Alison was staring down a hopeless 2 on 1 scenario that would see her career ended almost for sure. With Qent helping Terri up and standing on one side of the ring and Alison on the other it really appeared the curtain was calling for the Highlight of the Night but just before all seemed lost for the challenger.
Qent turned around and turned Terri inside out with a Tomahawk Chop clothesline!
North: WHAT?! WHY?!
Alison didn't quite know what to think at first but it didn't take long for a sick and twisted evil grin to spread across her lips. Terri's eyes look up like she's hurt; like she's been betrayed all over again but Qent doesn't relent for even a second as she kneels down and pummels her face repeatedly causing Terri to bleed all over again as the blood begins to soak her hands. Alison meanwhile takes this opportunity to catch her breath in her corner, leaning against it as another person that hasn't been seen in even longer hops over the barricade next; her best friend, Lexi Pryce!
North: Wait.. now Lexi Pryce? Wait... she's out of jail too? She... she was arrested for various crimes when Alison had to defend the LONE Championship locked outside of the LONE Arena in Maine that eventually spilled over into a local grocery store. What... what's going on here? Did Alison... did Alison just fool everybody? Did... did she just pull off the greatest championship heist ever? I mean... there's... there's no way Terri can defeat Alison at this rate! She's beat to all hell, she's eating even more punishment and Alison... Alison appears to be the Mastermind behind the whole scheme! She played the long con!
Alison grins with glee as Lexi slides into the ring now and joins Qent by viciously stomping all over Terri Thompson as she can't hope to defend herself! Alison is absolutely delighted at this point and begins to direct traffic between Qent and Lexi as the duo pick Terri up and trap her arms between the top and middle ropes as they maneuver the middle rope upward so it's twisted and holding Terri in place. The proceeding beatdown looks like a gang beating as they mercilessly assault her with punches, kicks, elbows, headbutts all without Terri being able to do a damn thing about it. Alison takes this time to roll out of the ring and snatch the LONE Championship and microphone from the timekeeper and slides back in, already anointing herself as the new champion before the bell inevitably rings.
Alison: I won, Terri, I WON! You thought you could beat me... you thought you could get 'Justice for Wendy' but the only thing you're about to get is a hospital bed!
Alison adjusts the championship on her shoulder as she clutches it tightly and possessively.
Alison: I'm tired of her breathing the same air as me and sharing the same ring as me. Lexi, Qent, put her out of her misery! END IT!
The two appear to do exactly as Alison says as they free Terri from the ropes and hit her with a Powerbomb/Lungblower combination as Qent lifts her up in the powerbomb and drives her right into Lexi's knees as she jumps up behind Terri and comes down with her!
North: Dear God! They just massacred Terri Thompson at Alison’s beckoning!
Alison then begins to laugh very loudly into the microphone.
Alison: This is what happens, when you try to take a stand against me and take what's MINE!
Alison holds up the LONE Championship high into the air.
Alison: And that's what happens when you cross me! Your betrayal Terri.. your betrayal finally ended with you being betrayed yourself.
Qent and Lexi glare at Alison behind her back, unbeknownst to her.
Alison: Alright, Lexi, Qent, pick old man O'Reilly up and give him some smelling salts so he can count to 10 and make this title change official!
Qent and Lexi have their eyes locked on Alison and don't move an inch as she turns around.
Alison: Come on, let's do it already so we can get out of her and get the celebration started! I know this great club downtown, already got the reservations and...
Alison stops as she realizes she's not standing in the ring with allies or friends but enemies as she quickly drops the title and the microphone and starts attacking Qent and Lexi right after they start attacking her.
North: Wait a second... they're not working for Alison either? What... pardon my language but... what the fuck is going on here?!
The crowd isn't sure what to do but boo since they already attacked Terri first. Alison tries her best to fend them off and even puts up a valiant effort but all of the martial arts training in the world couldn't overcome the fact that she was hurt and exhausted going against two incredibly fresh women and she succumbs to the assault as they beat her down in the same gang like fashion, trapping her in the ropes and pummeling away until she's literally just hanging there by virtue of the ropes. They then free Alison and put her away with the same Powerbomb/Lungblower combination leaving champion AND challenger completely lifeless and motionless in the ring.
North: What in the hell just happened? The challenger is down, the champion is down and we still don’t know why Qent and Lexi Pryce are here or why they did what they just did!
Qent then yanks O'Reilly up and positions him in the corner as Lexi slaps him HARD in the face. O'Reilly comes to, seeing both Terri and Alison laid out in the middle of the ring. Lexi throws her hands up and slowly backs away from O'Reilly as confused as he is, knows he's still got a job to do. He counts.
Baxter: Since... neither woman could answer the referee's count of 10 this match has been declared a DRAW! However since the championship cannot change hands as a result of a draw... STILL LONE Champion... Terri Thompson!
Qent scoops up the LONE Championship and looks at it before raising it high into the air, standing over Alison and Terri with Lexi at her side. Qent then casually tosses the championship over a motionless Terri Thompson as she slaps forearms with Lexi in the center of the ring. With that the feed fades out.