2020.01.21: PWN - LONE - LONE 31

The titantron lights up to a camera feed that the iPPV stream fixes to.
It looks like an area somewhere backstage. It must be an area that is under partial construction as there is a piece of Oriented Strand Board propped up.
Sitting on the concrete floor, with her back against the board, is a person we haven't heard from in a while. Recognizable from her short blue hair, it's "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson.
She's wearing her usual leather vest that's adorned in various patches, denim jeans and her black boots. What she's wearing under the vest is concealed at the moment, as she's sitting with her knees bent and her arms folded atop each other over her knees. Her head is hung low, with her arms also concealing her face.
The camera lowers, and focuses directly in front of her. She raises her head, looking directly into the camera.
Terri: Jack... Yeah, I've been gone for a while and I've got a lot to say, but right now, I want to talk to Jack E. Bux. I want to talk to Jack.
Her eyes hold a gaze of worry and sadness.
Terri: You've had it good in DC. You have! You were living plush and comfortable and most things were going your way. Most. Sure, you had that issue with the fed you were going to create, but other than that, you had it made. But you took a gamble...
Her legs part some more and her hands dip down, elbows resting on her knees still. It is now noticeable that the shirt she is wearing is a black t-shirt of a controversial figure in the world of wrestling; "The Toymaker" Charles Gacy.
Terri: You took a gamble because you saw an untapped market here in New England. You saw ladies that were super talented, but needed the work. You also took a gamble to be with family. Your Dad is Wealthy Walter Washington. You said to that weasel lawyer "you forget who my father is!" ... But I didn't... I know and remember him... But you just... you snapped! And you know what, Jack? I can't blame you. For as long as I've known you, I've never seen you snap. I've never seen you lose your cool. It's sad but you know what? It's a part of life. You snapped but..... you were willing to take another big risk and try to throw LONE away.
Terri looks pained now, disgusted by the thought of it all.
Terri: No, Jack... Don't... You've got a good thing going here. It's been lasting for years. Sure, you could gamble on it and lose it. You'd be fine in the end but what about the others? You said they'd be behind you, yes, but at the end of the day... they'd all be without a job. But you don't have to worry, Jack...
She shakes her head slowly and raises her right hand up, extending her index finger up and waving it slowly. No-no-no.
Terri: No-no-no.
She lowers her hand and begins to smile.
Terri: Because tonight, tonight I give Alison a taste of what she's getting next month. I'm getting what I wanted, and that's a title match again Alison and you know what? It's up to me, Jack. It's up to me to take that title away from Alison and rid you--no, all of LONE of the Curse that is Crowne!
Terri laughs deeply at her words, throwing her head back and resting the back of it against the board as her eyes fix on the ceiling.
Terri: Oooh man...
Her eyes lower to the camera.
Terri: Let me tell you, Jack. No let me tell everyone, why I got into the wrestling business in the first place. As most know, my Dad is a big fan. He was gone a lot... work will do that to you, so I never really watched it much... up until my Mom was dying and then passed on. I started to get closer to him and I started to watch wrestling more and I... I really appreciated what it's all about. Wrestling is my joy. Wrestling is my... escape! Escape from the pain of a broken home. Escape from poverty. Escape from having to deal with the people who would try to hurt me and bring me down in school and in the trailer park. I got to see men and women who... who took to the skies!
She looks up for a moment and waves her hand up in an arch motion as she says those last few words.
Terri: They were... They -are-... like superheroes to me. Superheroes I can actually shake the hand of and take a picture with. Superheroes like... "The Revolutionary" Frank Washington. My IDOL! The one who I get to tag with tonight! I saw him and people like him do what they do in the ring, thwart villains like Alison and I wanted to be a part of that. I saved up what I could and I went to the school that Jack's father is running. I had support from people at the trailer park, but of course there were also naysayers. There were people who thought somebody like me couldn't make it. There were also people who would down wrestling and make fun of it. Guys in spandex. Then they'd go talk about Spiderman and the X-men or something........ guys in spandex. I never understood that, but that's fine. There's nothing wrong with worshipping heroes in fiction, but you have heroes in reality like Frank Washington and you know what?... People like myself. So I never understood that. You know what else I never understood? People like Alison.
Terri starts to bring her hands up to her head, gripping at the sides of her head like she wants to tear the blue locks out at the roots.
Terri: Ooh. Ooh Alison. Hah.
She eases up on her grip, and starts to rub her temples now.
Terri: I say I am a hero because I have inspired people. I know I have. I have trained a young girl and you'll see her soon one day. Someone who was just like me. Someone who looks to me like I'm their Frank Washington.
Terri balls her hands into fists, and rests them on her forehead while she lowers her eyes.
Terri: Alison you.....
Her hands begin to fall from her face as her eyes fix back on the camera.
Terri: Alison you've been nothing but a villain since you backstabbed me. You've went above and beyond anyone else whose ever had any kind of beef with me. Every night... Ever since I won the title the first time I...
Terri swallows hard, seeming like she's having trouble getting words out now. She's getting choked up.
Terri: I've... since I... Ever since I've won the title the first time, whenever I would wrestle... no matter the match, I would get to go home. I would get to go home and waiting for me there was someone who is the love of my life. Someone I've had ups and downs with. Someone who loved me in school but didn't have the heart to tell me. Someone I was planning to spend the rest of my life with in Wendy. She'd rub my back, she'd nurse me to health. She'd keep me going and tell me everything is going to be all right. Now I gotta see her in a FUCKING--
Just as she curses, she balls her right hand up and slams it behind her into the board.
Terri: Neck brace, laying in a fucking hospital bed and why? For what?! Because you're OBSESSED! You're obsessed with that title and obsessed with ruining the LIVES of anyone that crosses your path! You took out Wendy! You put Qent in jail! Hell, your friend Lexi Pryce is in jail because of you! You tried to take me out! YOU THOUGHT YOU DID! You dropped me on my head. You thought you broke my neck but you're forgetting Alison. I'm a stubborn bitch!
She taps the side of her head with her right forefinger.
Terri: I'VE GOT A HARD FUCKING HEAD! And I will not stop! I don't understand how or why you would take things this far but you did! Now you align yourself with a Lawyer and some Brute! Hi Stonehands! Did you forget about me? Did you forget that I actually had the opportunity to manage you one time and almost took it? You and I both know why I didn't... but I'm not overlooking you. I know what you're capable of! And if you think you're going to protect Alison from me, then you've got another thing coming! No big knockout artist, or some lawyer, hell, johnny law himself!... None of them will save you from me, Alison!
She gazes into the camera with an intensity in her eyes. A piercing stare that could turn the camera to stone. Her visage a mixture of pain, sorrow and anger.
Terri: Wendy used to tell me she was so sorry she jumped the railing. She told me something possessed her. The way I was being treated in my match. She felt she had to help. I told her I get it, but she shouldn't have done it. She's already paid for her transgression. You took things too far Alison. You walk around here with your inflated ego thinking you're Superman. But I'm the kryptonite! When in reality, you're Dr. Doom. You rule LONE and think you can take over the whole world, going all over the place and defending the title everywhere BUT LONE..... and I'm Mr. Fantastic, coming to take you down and right your wrongs.
She shakes her head vehemently.
Terri: No! You know what? I'm the goddamn Punisher... and your punishment is due, Alison. Ooh, I'd love to hurt you so bad tonight but I'm going to save the best for next month. Next month... on the leap year..... It's gonna be lethal! And if you think otherwise, then I'm going to put your Mind in the Gutter!
Terri places her right hand on the camera and shoves it away as the screen cuts to black.
Homeless Hannah vs Rook
When the lights come on, everyone can see that Homeless Hannah is already in the ring.
North: Hello everyone and welcome to Supremacy: LONE 31 - New Years Rising! I'm Kevin North alongside my broadcast partner DIC and we're going to get straight into action tonight!
Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!
Crowd: ONE FALL!
Baxter: First, already in the ring, from the Dumpster behind the LONE arena, she is HOMELEEEEESSSSSS HANNAHHHHHHHHHH!
Hannah raises her right arm.
DIC: Ugh, put your arm down. I can smell it from here. I can't tell who smells worse, her or Terri.
Kernkraft 400's "Zombie Nation (Original Version)" starts up. Rook steps out from behind the curtain, standing on stage and lowering her glasses some as she looks out over the crowd. She takes a few steps before taking her glasses off and tossing them out towards whichever lucky fan will catch them, before retrieving another pair and sliding them on.
Baxter: And her opponent! From Deer Lodge County, Montana! ROOOOOOOOOOK!
She hops up onto the apron, taking a few steps and then putting one leg through the middle and top rope, but pauses to lower her glasses and look out at the crowd before fully stepping through.
North: Rook is coming off a big victory with Katrina over Hannah Kix and Ashley Lopez but tonight she's got another Hannah to deal with in Homeless Hannah. With her previous rivals finally behind her Rook has got to be thinking about getting herself back in LONE Championship contention; she almost beat Alison Crowne in her debut in a title match. You know she's thinking about getting back to that level.
DIC: Homeless Hannah looks like she hasn't eaten in what, a week? The hunger in her eyes... the slobbering drool coming from the side of her mouth. You know she wants that winner's bonus tonight to go out, maybe go hog wild on the dollar menu?
North: Well, normally she'd go with catering but being on first, sometimes you just don't have that luxury until after.
Homeless Hannah comes out like fire out of the gate at Rook; almost as if she hasn't eaten in four days and catches her by surprise with a a sloppy clothesline that takes them both down to the mat. Rook's sunglasses almost fall off but she manages to adjust them back on her face as Homeless Hannah goes for some kind of headlock on the ground. The referee is quick to check to ensure it doesn't become an illegal chokehold but whatever Homeless Hannah is trying to do doesn't last long as Rook slips out of her hold and slips out to try to catch her in a swift heelhook!
North: Rook looking to lock in that lethal heelhook of hers, nobody has ever broken out of that hold once it's locked in tight!
DIC: Well that slobber might give Homeless Hannah all the extra slip she needs to slide out! It's not locked in yet though; I mean hell, with that Smelly Terri thing going on she just might make Rook pass out before she's got it locked in completely!
North: Oh will you stop it?
DIC: It's true! I should keep a gas mask under the table for just such an occasion!
Homeless Hannah tries to stop the hold from being locked in completely as she contorts her body in a way that causes her arm to drape over the bottom rope, causing a clean break. Rook lets go and quickly gets up to her feet as Homeless Hannah scurries up to a vertical base as well. Rook goes to put Homeless Hannah in a collar and elbow tie up but Homeless Hannah slips out and catches her in a side headlock. Homeless Hannah takes Rooks glasses off and puts them on herself with a wild grin which causes some in the crowd to boo her.
North: Homeless Hannah might think she's being funny here but it appears the crowd doesn't agree! Still, that headlock seems to have her in the driver's seat.
DIC: She's trying to suffocate her with the smell of rotten cheese and moldy turkey sandwiches! This is against the Geneva Convention!
Homeless Hannah lets her tongue hang out as Rook slips out and shoves her forward before kicking her behind the knee, sending her down to a knee before slipping in front of her and kicking her square in the chin causing the sunglasses to fly off and slide across the mat! Rook goes and picks up her sunglasses, holding them up to the lights to check them before putting them back on.
North: Those sunglasses have to be indestructible. Still, a mistake to turn your back on someone in the middle of a match!
DIC: Well assuming her nose isn't clogged up she should be able to smell her coming a mile away.
Homeless Hannah, holding her jaw scrambles behind Rook and slides her onto her back trying to go for an inside cradle but she Recycles the heel hook for herself, trying her best to lock Rook in!
North: Homeless Hannah with the Recycle! She's reusing Rook's own maneuver against her!
DIC: Does she even know how to apply a heel hook?!
Homeless Hannah might've had Rook if she really knew how to apply the hold but her sloppy execution and lack of knowledge came into play, allowing Rook to slip out and apply the heelhook on Homeless Hannah as she rolled out and towards the center of the ring! Homeless Hannah screams in pain and tries to fight out but the hold was locked in too tight as she taps out furiously on the mat!
Baxter: Here is your winner.. Rook!
North: Big win for Rook here tonight; always important to keep momentum on your side because when you lose it, it can be hard to regain it.
DIC: She might want to get checked for diseases after though, what a thankless job!
Backstage Segment: Ashley Lopez
The cameras cut to a pretaped video as Ashley Lopez can be seen sitting at desk at an upscale hotel room with an apple martini in her hand, holding it very casually as she takes a sip with a soft smile. There was an artisanal toothpick with a square chunk of green apple pierced through the center and floating in the mixture.
Ashley Lopez: 2019 wasn't my year. Started sitting at home, watching others get the opportunities that were never offered to me. It sucked, it hurt to sit there and wonder 'why not me?' To sit in my home and wonder why I wasn't getting the opportunities, why my phone remained silent and why I was treated like an afterthought. I decided I had to take matters into my own hands and I had to shake a few boats and rattle a couple of feathers to blaze a trail for myself. Then I met you.
She takes another sip from her martini glass.
Ashley Lopez: The Parisian with a bad attitude, Hannah. At first I looked at you and thought; 'wow, you're just like me'. You got a top 5 record in LONE in terms of wins and losses though and not a single LONE Championship opportunity or contender's match. That told me it wasn't just me, but that something rotten at the top where imaginary brass rings always hung just out of reach at the tip top of the glass ceiling. It made me mad, angry. I knew then and there I found an ally; someone that I could trust... at least until we got to where we needed to go. I knew how you treated your friends, I saw what you did to Ami and how you turned your back on her but I thought 'hey, it won't happen to me, I'll see it coming'.
Then I started to let my guard down.
Almost as if I had found a kindred spirit from across the Atlantic divide. We both valued class above all else and carried ourselves as amgonst the best of the best, whether it was in Hollywood or Paris the two of us felt at home. It was like artisan cheese and the finest wine coming together in perfect harmony. I got to pick your brain, I got to learn how to carry myself as a true pro in a very cutthroat career. I'll always be grateful for that. But almost seemed as if the more I began to improve the more you began to take that as a license to slip and slide back; to progressively do less and less while I put my body at more and more risk. It was calculated; it was... brilliant in a way. Everything at the end of the day was about preserving as much of your body as possible while still making progress to our collective goal; you wanted a potential rival to be as worn out as possible so it was less work you would have to do while chasing the championship.
She paused as she grabbed a hold of the toothpick and slid the chunk of apple into her mouth, taking a moment to savor the taste as she thought over her words very carefully before finally sliding the toothpick out of her mouth and setting it aside.
Ashley Lopez: I woke up, I finally woke up at Thanksbeating in 2019 near the end of the year. I realized that I cared too much while you cared... so little. I saw that dagger hidden behind your back and I knew it was coming for me. I wanted to believe our friendship was real but I knew it was a facade and if I didn't keep my head in the game I'd lose the entire gamble I started last year. My only regret is that we lost last month but win or lose I was gunning for your head before you came after mine. You know where to find me, you know where I live, you have my number and know my address. Anytime, anyplace, anywhere I'll do it again and again face to face. 2019 may not have been my year but 2020? I'm grabbing that by the horns and I won't let go until I'm on top!
"The Revolutionary" Frank Washington & "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson vs. Stonehands & "The Highlight of the Night" Alison Crowne
"Re-Education (Through Labor)" by Rise Against resonates from the PA system as jet of smoke erupts on the stage as the lights dim. Frank Washington emerges from behind the smoke with his back turned and his arms outstretched wide to a positive reaction wearing a San Francisco 49ers NFC Champions t-shirt to go along with his red and gold ring gear. Frank takes a few steps forward and soaks in the moment as the crowd's cheering resonates throughout the arena. Instead of continuing down the ramp though he stops and waits as his music fades out with Overkill's Hello from the Gutter blares from the PA now as Terri darts out from the curtain and onto the stage. Terri stretches her hands out wide trying to hype up the crowd as Frank claps next to her. The two turn to one another and share a high five before they begin walking down the ramp as they slap the fans hands along the way.
Baxter: The following tag team match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first the team of the LONE Executive Vice President and 3-Time World Heavyweight Champion “The Revolutionary” Frank Washington and the first ever 2-time Ladies of New England Champion, Portland's Own, “Gutter Trash” Terri Thompson!
As they get towards ringside Terri leans against the barricade as a fan pours some beer down her mouth! As she finishes she invites Frank to do the same. Frank stands there for a moment looking towards the crowd and Terri who encourage and cheer him on as the wily veteran takes her turn to lean against the barricade as another fan pours beer down his mouth! Frank keeps a little of it in his mouth and shoots up a spray of mist of beer into the air as Terri couldn't help but laugh a little after spraying some beer alongside him. The two slide into the ring and share a few words of perhaps prematch strategy as they await their opponents.
As I Am by Dream Theater hits the arena as the crowd knew exactly who was coming through the gorilla position next. Alison Crowne and Stonehands slowly emerge from the curtain, both wearing a matching black and gold color scheme, looking like a regular tag team unit. The duo sported matching ring jackets with Alison's Highlight of the Night logo on the back of hers and the Texas Longhorn on Stonehands with the words 'World Class' arced above and 'Striker' arced below the logo as the two had had their first names on their respective jackets in gold cursive font. Finally the two were adorned in gold as Alison had the LONE Championship wrapped around her waist and the Maine Commonwealth Championship draped over her shoulder and Stonehands having a United States Heavyweight Boxing Championship wrapped around his waist. Gordon Barrows, the mastermind of the court legal arena, attorney and agent extraordinaire emerged shortly after behind them, applauding his two clients.
Baxter: And their opponents, weighing in at a combined weight of 380lbs the team of the United States Boxing Heavyweight Champion Stonehands and the Maine Commonwealth and the Longest Ever Reigning Ladies of New England Champion The Highlight of the Night Alison Crowne!
North: That's a lot of gold on one team with a championship pedigree to boot. Alison Crowne has been working at 152lbs the last several months in preparation for her Olympic boxing trials and she's fought previously in MMA at 135 with recent offers to fight at 145. Meanwhile Stonehands is a dual sport athlete; he's a former two time tag team champion, $250,000 Rumble Winner, he holds an undefeated record for 5-0 in the boxing ring and a record of 17-4 overall in professional fights in the heavyweight division.
DIC: Not to mention Alison Crowne is in her record setting reign as the LONE Champion in her 427th day. On the other side though you got LONE Executive Vice President Frank Washington, who for the purposes of this match has signed a one day talent contract to allow this match to take place, who is a 3 time world heavyweight champion in his own right. He's also got a ton of other accolades under his belt including a rumble win of his own and he was the Head of Talent Relations in his second stint in Missouri. He's really got his work cut out for him here, though, I have to say. This is his first match back in over three years!
North: Let's not forget that Terri is a two time LONE Champion in her own right.
DIC: Did you have to remind me? I'm still trying to block that dark era from my memory!
North: You got to put your personal bias aside here, DIC. Terri has done a lot in her short career and she has a chance to extend her own record to three if she can defeat Alison Crowne next month when she challenges in an anything goes, no holds barred match!
The Golden Duo have made it to ringside at this point as they bump fists together and begin to circle the ring from opposite sides as Frank and Terri look at one another and begin standing back to back in anticipation of being attacked from two sides. Alison and Stonehands take their time circling the ring but they eventually end up back at their team's corner together and begin to take off their belts, handing them over to Gordon Barrows as he takes them to the timekeeper.
Each team in their respective corners try to decide who's going to start first for their team. Frank and Terri play a game of rock, paper, scissors in their corner with Frank triumphing as rock smashes scissors. Meanwhile Barrows hops up on the apron of his team's corner as he has a short conference with his two clients, the LONE Champion Alison Crowne and US Boxing Heavyweight Champion Stonehands as much to everyone's surprise Alison Crowne ends up starting first for her side as Frank looks on with amusement.
North: While this is an intergender tag team match, at Alison Crowne's request believe it or not, she has requested and been granted a waiver of the traditional 'men face the men and women face the women' rule. According to her camp, well, Alison herself, she wanted to, and I quote 'have an opportunity to send a second message to Bux's inner circle after causing Steven O'Reilly to tear his ACL last month.' No disrespect to my good friend Steven but Frank isn't too far removed from his in ring days; tonight is his first wrestling match in just a little over three years. A lot of wrestlers still manage to find success at 37 years old and Frank Washington looks to be in as phenomenal shape as ever and his body has had three years of rest so his body has considerably less mileage on it than his age would suggest.
DIC: I question the wisdom of such a move. Frank's got an advantage of 82 pounds over Alison Crowne as well as 4 inches in height. Frank's also got superior reach and despite Alison being a young veteran of nearly 12 years of experience with her training beginning at the age of 15 Frank's got her beat by about nearly 6 years, and on the biggest stages to boot. The only thing really in Alison's favor in this match up is her knowledge of various martial arts and the techniques entailed to use an opponent's size and momentum against them, like we saw in her match with Vanessa Venom; and she was even bigger than Frank!
North: We'll have to see if either of them deviate from their usual wrestling styles when facing one another and Terri Thompson and Stonehands for that matter!
DIC: If Smelly Terri's got any sense about her she'll avoid Stonehands at all costs and immediately tag out when he's in the ring!
Alison shoots a cocky grin Frank's direction and takes a few steps forward as he inches towards the center of the ring. Alison then quickly backs off, backpedaling and tagging in Stonehands as the crowd boos loudly.
North: More mind games by the LONE Champion. You have to wonder if Frank was eager to get his hands on her for a little bit of payback after last month. Regardless it looks like he'll have to wait a little longer.
DIC: No matter who you are or what your position, the champion is always a hard person to gain an audience with unless you're in her inner circle. Everyone wants a crack at the champion but not everyone can get their shot! Alison will fight on her terms or not at all. That said, I'm not sure a fresh Stonehands is someone I'd want to be standing on the opposite side of.
Alison shrugs and dismissively waives off the crowd's disapproval as she steps through the ropes to her corner with an arrogant grin. Stonehands is quick to step up to Frank however as he immediately starts jawing off at him and talking trash. Stonehands shoves Frank once, almost like he's daring him to take the first swing as Frank keeps his composure before a harder shove sends him back a step or two. Frank begins to charge at Stonehands which causes the ole Texan to grin and go for a wild haymaker expecting Frank to leave himself defenseless to the blow as he appears to go all out. Frank however manages to trick the World Class Striker as it was a feint; he suddenly stops his momentum dead and with a precise sidestep manages to avoid the blow completely and instead and slides behind Stonehands, grappling him from behind and sending him back to the mat with a German Suplex! Frank manages to hold on through the suplex and forces himself and his opponent back to their feet as he hits a second one! The crowd pops loudly knowing that a third was yet to come and true to form and tradition Frank holds on again and again picks himself and Stonehands off the mat as he connects with the third and final German Suplex, finally releasing his grip on the finale!
North: Frank Washington with the Royal Flush! The wily veteran moving with a little bit of that flash step action showing he hasn't lost his speed!
DIC: That's the thing, you lose speed with age but if your mind is sharp you can make up for that with anticipation and forward thinking. The Executive VP managed to get one over on ole Stonehands!
Frank can't help but grin as the crowd cheers him on as Stonehands is very quick to pick himself off the mat and tags Alison back in; wanting no part of Frank Washington at the moment! Alison looks a little surprised, almost as if she was caught off guard by the sudden tag as the referee instructs her to enter the ring, now legal for her team. Alison grits her teeth and steps inside the ring.
North: Now Alison has no choice but to stand face to face with Frank! You know these two are awfully familiar with one another inside and out of the ring. The two once competed under the same roof in Missouri and this isn't the first time that Frank was one of her bosses either. They've been friends and enemies at different points and they have some common connections between one another. This is their first time facing off against one another though.
DIC: It's almost like they're family in a way.
North: I guess you can say that; Terri Thompson being that common link between the two.
Alison tries to keep Frank out of reach as she shoots out a series of kicks to test the waters, alternating between high and low kicks to keep him honest on defense. Frank manages to duck and weave, bringing up his leg when she shoots low to try to leg check her. Alison begins to keep her kicks low, shooting several off in quick succession before aiming for the head. Frank sees this coming a mile away as he catches her foot. Alison, however, appeared to anticipate and even baited out such a reaction as she quickly tries to swing her body upward for an enziguri to connect to the head with the other leg but Frank ducks this attempt and tries to transition into a single leg boston crab. Frank tries to turn Alison over onto her stomach but Alison manages to catch Frank in an inside cradle pin before he could complete the transition. 1..KICKOUT! Frank is quick to kick out of the pin and pops up as does Alison who immediately goes to control the situation and keep the three time world champion grounded wraps her arm around his neck as he attempts to get to his knees and starts delivering a barrage of alternating knee strikes.
North: Regardless of differences in size that's a very hard position to protect the head in and knee strikes always hurt no matter what. When you add a steel knee brace into the equation; an implement that while flying in the face of the spirit of the rule is technically legal so long as it remains on the leg it was intended for. It's only when the brace leaves the leg is it considered a foreign object and potentially illegal if used as a weapon.
DIC: It's smart. You know Frank is going to have the mental edge in most situations, the man is always playing a game of mental chess with many moving pieces and unwitting pawns so you need to neutralize him at every opportunity you can. A sharp mind alone is useless if you don't have the physical capacity to carry out your plans!
Stonehands looks on impressed from his corner while Terri looks over at Frank with concern and tries to cheer him on. Frank begins to sandbag his weight and gets his head as close to the mat as possible to blunt the intensity and angle of those punishing knee strikes and manages to drape the end of his boot over the bottom rope. The referee sees this and immediately calls for a clean break and seeing the futility of pressing further surprisingly gives a clean break.
North: You got to give it up to Frank there. He managed to use his veteran instincts to counter the longest reigning LONE Champion's tactics and managed to minimize the amount of damage he took from what could've been a profoundly momentum shifting moment!
DIC: Even Alison realizes that if she presses too hard here too soon she could fall right into a trap. Usually Alison Crowne has shown a tendency to go straight for the throat when the opportunity presents itself but it looks like she's done her homework.
Alison backs up and waits for Frank to get to his feet and looks to try to catch him with a lightning quick busiku knee strike with the aid of the steel brace, taking off with lightning speed as Frank begins to get up but Frank manages to catch her in mid air as she launches herself forward and plants her with a picture perfect t-bone suplex! Frank taps the side of the head as he barks off a little banter of his own “You're going to have to try harder than that to catch me off-guard, Alison!” Alison rolls away from the opposing corner upon hearing this and manages to pull herself up, almost taking that as a challenge. Frank however knew when to press the advantage and was quick to close the gap with Alison as he shot a swift and nasty elbow strike to her head that she didn't quite anticipate. Alison almost slumps to the mat on the spot but somehow manages to hold herself up by grabbing the top rope before she fell. Frank feels he's close to scoring a knockout for his team and goes for several more in succession as it takes the champion everything she had in her to stay upright and protect her head as she positioned herself against the robes to absorb some of the impact. Stonehands immediately tries to get into the ring to run interference seeing his partner in danger as the referee is quick to intercept him. That was all Alison needed to turn things around as she kicks Frank square in the crotch for a low blow, putting his assault to a sudden and abrupt halt!
North: A low blow by the Champion to the Executive VP!
DIC: I hate to say it Frank, but you asked for that one. He told Alison to try harder to catch him off-guard and... yeah, that'll do it!
North: A blatantly illegal tactic at that!
DIC: He should've seen that coming; he pressed too hard too soon. Regardless as kong as the referee doesn't see it, everything is legal!
Barrows claps on with approval on the outside and urges Alison to do it again, which she does with authority! Frank clutches his crotch and falls to the ground in pain as Alison leans against the rope to get her barrings straight with a sadistic, twisted, malicious grin. Stonehands wisely stops fighting the referee and begins to return to his corner just when Terri saw enough and darted into the ring herself to lay several good, albeit incredibly cheap shots on Alison. The referee's attention is immediately drawn away from the downed Revolutionary and to Terri who was now illegally in the ring herself and intercepts her from inflicting further damage, much to the crowd's chagrin!
North: Terri has seen enough but the referee is putting an immediate stop to her intervention! While that was, yes, a judgment call on the referee's part, he should've maybe waited another moment or two there.
DIC: Are you kidding me? She's probably gassing the referee out and he wants her to just get out! Can you blame him? It's Smelly Terri!
Stonehands immediately steps back inside the ring which causes Terri to protest further, urgently trying to point it out to the referee who will have none of it! Alison and Stonehands immediately pile on of Frank and begin punching him repeatedly in the face as they alternate turns kicking at his ribs and back like a pair of wolves pouncing on their prey; making it nearly impossible for the wily veteran to protect himself properly in such a situation.
North: Terri is trying to point out the two on one assault and the referee refuses to listen! Come on, ref, turn around!
DIC: You can tell that Stonehands and Alison are a real tag team just by the little subtle tactics and tricks they're using. There's chemistry that comes from familiarity training together and they got the other's thoughts down almost to a science. Smelly Terri fell right for their trap and they're taking full advantage at Frank's expense!
North: That may be so but last I checked this was a tag team match, not a handicap!
DIC: With Gordon Barrows around the numbers are always going to be in the champions favor. It's the nature of the beast. Like him or hate him, and I don't quite like him myself, he's earning his pay so far putting together a masterful gameplan.
Stonehands seems to use a coded hand gesture to Alison with his index and middle fingers pressed together and flicking his wrist inside several times, which she responds with a nod as Stonehands goes to pick Frank up. Alison takes as much space as she needs and launches herself at the back of Frank's leg with the speed and intensity of an Olympic sprinter nails Frank with a vicious chop block as Stonehands lets go!
North: That same maneuver there injured Steven O'Reilly during the wild brawl last month and it looks like they're trying to tear Frank's ACL or another ligament in his leg!
DIC: What makes that so deadly is the force of momentum behind that against a person who couldn't properly brace for impact. I don't think Frank tore anything there but he might have a nasty looking bruise tomorrow!
It appeared the duo was about to be up to some more double teaming shenangins but Terri at long last was ushered to her corner and the referee sees Stonehands back inside the ring and orders him to his corner but not before Stonehands yells out “HOUSTON! HOUSTON!” While seemingly random it appears to be a coded message to Alison once again and she nods, switching gears as she quickly steps through and over to lock Frank inside a figure-four leglock!
North: It appears Stonehands just called an audible in a coded message on the way out, perhaps moving to Plan B as she goes to lock in that deadly figure-four!
DIC: Just another example of their teamwork. Smelly Terri just caused Frank to suffer a ton of damage and if she's not careful she's going to cost her team the match! Alison and Stonehands; they're neutralizing Frank Washington here early on and while they'll take victory any way they can they're not looking or expecting one off this submission attempt; just to weaken the former world heavyweight champion further.
North: Meanwhile Terri has almost been a complete nonfactor so far into this match. You know she's dying to get in there, especially to get her hands on Alison but so far she's been denied.
DIC: This is by design; if they neutralize Frank early on they believe they can play the numbers game to their advantage later in the match.
North: This is about the most neutral and objective I've ever seen you call a match in all of our time together.
DIC: Yeah, yeah. There's a lot of complicated factors going into this. Some of it personal. While I do like Alison I believe she's surrounded herself with the wrong people, people that are shutting her off from a true blue friend such as myself! Frank is pretty okay, when he's not around Bux.
The referee kneels down to check on Frank, asking him if he wants to submit, as he screams and shakes his head. With the referee's back turned Alison stretches her arms out towards Gordon Barrows on the outside as he reaches in and grabs onto her arms, giving her an immense leverage advantage in the hold, making it nearly impossible for Frank to escape causing Frank's eyes to nearly bulge out of his head as considerable damage was being done to his leg with no way to fight out. Barrows quickly lets go of Alison's arms and throws his hands up as the referee looks back to him on the outside as he pleads his innocence. Frank tries to get on to his side in an attempt to flip Alison over and reverse the pressure of the hold and gets about halfway to being on his side and forcing Alison with him before Alison reaches back again as Barrows grabs her arms and helps position her back onto her back, reinstating the intense pressure on Frank's injured leg as he screams again. As if in response to earlier Alison shouts out “I got you, I got you now, Frank!” The referee turns around again and nearly catches Barrows in the act this time but he lets go in the knick of time, the only thing giving him away was the bottom rope shaking. The referee questions him more vigorously this time but Barrows snidely responds with “I did nothing, you can't prove anything! My hands are clean, my hands are free! Keep your eyes on the match and do your job, zebraman!”
North: Alison and Barrows are maneuvering behind the referee's back and applying illegal leverage all to inflict more pain and damage on Frank!
DIC: It's smart, but dangerous. I wish someone would eject him though!
North: With his position of power as an attorney I think the referee is worried about a lawsuit of some form.
DIC: Hell, I'll pay for his court costs, I got the money! Just get this clown out of here!
Frank still refuses to submit despite writhing in pain as the referee asks him again and again as he tries once more to reverse the pressure on the hold. Slowly and steadily he manages to flip her onto her side with him and nearly manages to completely reverse the pressure but once more Alison reaches back as Barrows grabs her arms and helps force her onto her back, preventing Frank from flipping the hold!
North: Frank has been trapped in that hold for too long; nearly an eternity as far as wrestling goes. At some point very soon he's going to have to tap, snap, or pass out from the pain if he can't escape! Illegal as it may be Barrows has to be caught in the act!
This time the referee turns around and catches Barrows and Alison red handed! The referee immediately calls for a clean break and is ready to begin his 5 count to enforce it but Barrows lets go of Alison's arms and stalls, filibustering on the spot arguing with the referee for the sake of arguing to keep him off his 5 count to allow Alison to keep the hold in even longer! Alison keeps the figure-four locked in for all she's worth but this plan ends up spectacularly backfiring as this time Frank manages to in fact flip the pressure of the hold onto Alison as he gets onto his side and then forces them both onto their stomachs, the figure-four now inflicting pain on Alison!
North: I can't believe it, Frank managed to finally reverse the pressure and flip the hold!
DIC: This is where Frank can really do some damage of his own; he can drag Alison away from the ropes while daring Alison to try to flip it on him. Frank's got a pretty strong ground game, even if he's wounded and Alison can't use MMA guards to get out of this one! Even if he's only got till 5.
Alison reaches both for the ropes and Barrows as Frank manages to drag her just out of reach of both with his upper body strength! Now that the move is reversed Barrows is quick to tell the referee to enforce the 5 count he was about to do moments prior but the referee lets the move play out!
North: The referee is allowing this hold to stand, using a judgment call since the previously illegal hold was reversed.
Alison is scrambling to get out but Frank keeps dragging himself closer to his corner and Alison away from the ropes in the process as Terri appears ready to reach out and tag herself in for the first time in this match at a moment's notice. Alison this time tries to flip them both over to reverse the hold herself but Frank expertly rolls through it with her, using Alison's own momentum against her to keep her locked in the hold! Alison is close to tapping but realizes that the roll put her just close enough to reach out for the ropes, which she immediately does. The referee calls for a quick break, which Frank complies with two seconds after reaching out and tagging Terri in as the crowd roars to life.
North: She's in, she's finally legal in the match! Frank just sacrificed his own body for several grueling minutes just to give his good friend Terri and all these people exactly what they want and where they want Alison! She's vulnerable and wide open now and effectively cut off from her side of the ring! Stonehands is looming large but right now he might as well be a mile away!
DIC: Smelly Terri better appreciate that! This is her best chance to win for her team, right here and now because I guarantee you this; if Stonehands manages to get back out here in this match this is going to become a runaway freight train the other way! Frank took way too much punishment over the last few minutes, so far Stonehands, Alison, and Barrows are the better team and their communication and coordination has been nearly flawless. She may not get another chance if she can't capitalize now.
North: This might be a little different if Alex Smith, Frank's long time friend and manager were here to even the odds but he's got prior commitments down in Florida covering the Super Bowl this weekend for his sports podcast show.
DIC: But it's not. I'm sure I'll see Alex and Frank at the big game though, assuming Frank isn't hospitalized. But the reality is, a three on two advantage so far has been nearly insurmountable, this is likely going to be Smelly Terri's only chance.
Terri steps into the ring and stares down Alison who's quick to beg for mercy as she clutches her leg before holding up her hands. Terri goes to scoop her up only for Alison to jam her thumb into her eye! Normally this would top Terri in her tracks but she's waited too long to get any measure of revenge and with a scream she answers back with a nasty headbutt that busts Alison open almost instantly before she starts slamming her forearm repeatedly on the champion's face as she holds her face, the champion in too much pain to effectively counter it! Terri manages to regain sight in her other eye just in time to notice her forearm covered in Alison's blood and grabs Alison by the hair while holding up the blood on her forearm, lifting it off the mat. “You see this? YOU SEE THIS?! You did worse to Wendy, this isn't enough!” With that Terri drives it into Alison's head again and lets go causing her head to thud back to the mat as Barrows looks on with great concern on the outside and appears to be holding a short conference with Stonehands on their next plan of action.
North: Terri is like a woman possessed! Over a year of anger and strife is beginning to pour out all at once and I'm sure there's plenty of vitriol to go around!
DIC: She's a wild animal, someone needs to put this rabid sandwich hoarder down!
Alison appears to be in considerable pain as Terri seems to be on a one-track warpath as she scoops Alison up, her body limp and barely able to stand as she plants her down with authority with a nasty DDT. At this point Alison's face is covered in her own blood as it trickles out from her forehead, the repeated blows causing the wound to continue to flow. Terri goes for a quick pin, hooking the leg. 1....2....KICKOUT! Terri immediately goes for a second pin cover immediately after 1....2....KICKOUT! Terri immediately goes for the third in a row, hooking both legs this time 1.....2......TH-KICKOUT!
North: Alison's hurting badly right now and Terri knows it, going for a series of quick pins to force her to expend as much energy as possible kicking out.
DIC: It'll take more than that for Smelly Terri to steal this for her team! Why, why did she have to enter the match! I was actually kind of enjoying it!
Terri scoops a tired and bleeding Alison up off the mat and sends her Down the Drain with her blue thunder bomb and immediately goes for the pin after. Seeing his client in danger Gordon Barrows immediately hops up on the apron to distract the referee before he can begin counting the pin. With Frank still recovering in his corner nobody is able to watch out or intercept what was coming next. As Terri gets up to see what was holding up the count Stonehands comes roaring in with a thunderous discus lariat straight from the heart of Texas! Terri flips inside and out several times in the air from the impact as she has a rough landing on the mat.
DIC: OH HO HO! That Texas-sized discus lariat just sent Smelly Terri into orbit and back again! That's what I like to see!
North: Stonehands has a considerable size advantage just right off the bat, the fact that he's got World Class striking ability puts him into elite company on top of that. When you got that much weight over your opponent with he's abilities each strike is going to hurt even more than usual and I have a bad feeling that Terri is about to experience this first hand.
As quickly as he connected he drags Alison over to his team's corner and swiftly slips out to the apron on the outside just in time for Barrows to point out an impending tag. Alison looks up wearily and reaches out in front of her team's corner and tags Stonehands in as Terri was in rough shape in the ring and Frank not much better in the corner. Stonehands looks down at Terri and kicks her in the face as she tries to get up, his voice loud enough for the cameras to pick up the proud Texan telling her to “stay down” before going for a cover. 1.....2.....KICKOUT!
Stonehands: Suit yourself, but don't say I didn't warn ya.
North: Eerie calm from Stonehands, almost spoken like a cold killer So blunt and matter-of-fact, almost devoid of any remorse.
DIC: You don't go 17-4 in shoot fighting by being nice to your opponents. This man, he fights for his twin children as a single father and the big paydays. He'll knock anyone's head clean off if it means a bigger payday. Just ask the man yourself.
Stonehands picks Terri up rather effortlessly and threw her into a neutral corner almost like a lawn dart as her body crashed roughly, with The Prizefighter having at minimum close to 100 pounds over Gutter Trash. Terri slowly picks herself up with the aid of the ropes by by then Stonehands was already back to work throwing those heavy hands of his dealing a variety of barely guarded body blows as he was working over one of Portland's Favorites like a slab of meat being tenderized. Terri Thompson, size be damned, wasn't going to stand there and take it without giving any back and started throwing punches of her own back as she managed to connect with a flurry to the Texan's beautifully bald head. One manages to catch Stonehands right square on the jaw and the impact of the punch manages to catch him completely off guard as he actually stumbles and takes a step backward.
North: Whoa! Terri Thompson is showing she's not going down without a fight!
DIC: That was a lucky punch! Try it again, Gutterball! Try it again and see what happens!
Terri begins to fight her way out of the corner as she keeps up her assault as another punch manages to catch Stonehands perfectly on the jaw again causing him to stumble back a few more steps upon the impact as the crowd is really roaring to life behind Terri now. Terri backs all the way back to the corner before sprinting and launching herself at Stonehands but Stonehands grins with a little glint in his eye and charges forward to meet her; connecting with a devastating and completely unguarded right uppercut! At around this time Alison managed to pull herself up halfway in her corner on the apron and upon seeing this starts pointing and laughing at Terri as her momentum is stopped dead cold in its tracks as she slumps down to the mat from impact. Meanwhile a hobbled Frank Washington pulls himself up and reaches his hand over the top rope from his corner trying to signal that he's ok to go back in; if only the lights were on and someone were home in Terri's head. Soon the look on his face looks apparent; not only can't Terri not see this but there's a good chance she just got knocked out cold as she isn't moving at all on the mat.
Stonehands: Count her out.
North: Stonehands has won plenty of wrestling and boxing matches via knockout and Terri appears to be the latest victim to that sheer knockout power!
DIC: She's done, Kev. She ain't getting up.
The referee looks rattled at the display at what he just saw and stands there for a few moments unsure of what to do, whether he should comply or just call for a medical stoppage on the spot. His glance trails over to Stonehands who motions, matter-of-factly with his hand to get to it and perhaps out of intimidation decides to comply. Stonehands and Alison share a celebratory fist bump, contact that might be construed as a legal tag, if the referee's eyes were wise to it.
Terri is still on the mat but begins to move, perhaps completely unaware of what just happened or what's happening around her. Her movements are minimal but she manages to roll over onto her stomach.
North: There's a very good chance Terri Thompson might have a concussion, she has no clue where she's at!
Frank Washington: GET UP! Come on Terri, get up!
Terri manages to try to get up and manages to make it to one knee before collapsing back onto the mat. Stonehands remains in his team's corner with his eyes fixed on Terri, while his words were inaudible anyone who could read lips could make out that he was saying “stay down” again.
Terri tries to pull herself up again as her body is very shaky. She gets to one knee and tries to push herself up to a vertical base but it might be too much for her to beat the count.
Terri makes one last desperate push to get to a standing base and she reaches out for the ropes and manages to barely pull herself up before the count of ten. The referee hesitates, checking Terri to see if she can maintain her posture and she does so long enough for the referee to waive off the count. The crowd roars as Stonehands looks both at once amused and disappointed. Alison meanwhile joins Barrows in arguing over a perceived slow count,
North: I don't believe it! Somehow, someway, by the sheer force of will alone Terri Thompson SOMEHOW beat the referee's count!
DIC: That's a big mistake; you just signed your own death certificate, Smelly Terri!
Stonehands shakes his head and charges Terri again as she tries to stumble out of the corner and with another punishing body blow sends her back into the corner as she doubles over and almost drops again on the spot. Stonehands backs her into the corner and starts driving repeated knees into her torso, trying to hold her upright with his hands against the corner as Terri struggles to protect herself by covering up and despite guarding against it couldn't completely blunt the pain and tenderness that was already there. Stonehands viciously irish whips Terri out of the corner and into the ropes and runs to meet her with another Texas-sized Discus Lariat, flipping her into the air again upon impact before sending her crashing to the mat.
Stonehands: Count.
North: This is... this is unsettling to watch. Terri could be seriously hurt... the referee needs to just stop this match now before Terri suffers permanent damage.
Terri writhes in pain as she begins to stir but her movements are very shallow and faint.
DIC: I told you, Kev-O, she just signed off on her own death! She's done, Kev, DONE! No more Smelly Terri! Get the bubbly ready!
Terri tries to pull herself up again as Frank tries to rally the fans behind her from his team's corner.
Terri gets to a knee as she stares up at Stonehands before falling over.
DIC: You're done!
Terri pushes her self up to her feet by sheer force of will and catches a lucky break stumbling backwards straight into the ropes which keeps her on her feet to break the count! Stonehands is beside himself as he places his hands on his hips and shakes his head in disbelief.
North: While Terri's effort and heart are absolutely memorable and valiant against a world class fighter she's flirting heavily with permanent and debilitating injury right now by continuing to do so. Think of Wendy, don't throw your career and health away!
DIC: She's too selfish, you know that! Alison was right; she was ALWAYS right about Smelly Terri!
Stonehands looks at Terri and tells her to “stop”, perhaps trying to show a bit of mercy towards her in his reluctance to down her a third time. Terri however defiantly answers back with a furious open palmed slap right to the face! Stonehands raises his eyebrows and flashes an arrogant grin as he body checks her with another mean body punch for her troubles causing her to double over and clutch her stomach before whipping her out towards the opposite end of the ring. Terri rebounds as Stonehands goes to catch her for his patented Beaumont Buster, looking to slam her down to the mat and end this match once and for all but Terri wiggles out of his grasp and begins snaking her body around his, catching him in an octopus hold, also known as a headscissors armbar! With her leg wrapped over his head she stretches back as far as she can on the arm as it forces Stonehands to bare a bunch of extra weight while trapped in the hold as the proud Texan feels gravity begin to work against him as he tries to keep his knees off the mat.
North: Terri Thompson with an octopus submission hold, I don't believe it! Does she have enough left in the tank to hold on long enough for the win?
DIC: She better hold on like her life and career depends on it; because it just might!
Stonehands drops to a knee, despite his considerable strength his joints were being manipulated in an awkward way. The referee asks Stonehands if he wishes to submit but he shouts a defiant “NO!” in response. Terri wrenches back on the pressure for all she can, having caught Stonehands in an unfamiliar predicament. Alison looks on worried from her corner, face still covered in blood while Frank was pumped up in his corner and motioning for the crowd to make some more noise, to which they happily comply. The noise inside the arena becomes deafening as it begins to shake the cameras, the sound of everyone's voices reverberating throughout of the arena as it looks like Terri might be able to get the submission victory. Barrows tries to communicate with Alison but they can't understand or hear each other through the noise which causes them to argue and bicker back and forth! Just when it looks like Stonehands was about to fade away he manages to catch a second wind, perhaps in spite of the crowd noise, and returns to his feet!
DIC: Come on, Stonehands! Even if I do hate your smug ass, anyone but Smelly Terri!
Stonehands wisely begins to back up towards his corner to try to ram Terri into the turnbuckle to force her to let go but Terri seems to be aware of this and bails out of the hold before he can do so! Stonehands still collides, albeit softly due to stopping his own momentum, against the turnbuckle; but what Terri failed to realize in the moment that he was backing up into his own team's corner all along and misses the fact that Alison gets the blind tag on Stonehands as he emerges from the corner. Terri manages to spring back to her feet, feeding off the energy of the crowd and nails Stonehands with the Mind in the Gutter bulldog! She immediately goes for the pin but the referee doesn't count, trying to point out that a tag was made! Before Terri can pick herself up though Alison darts in and kicks her hard in the ribs as the boo birds come back out in force! Alison defiantly flips off the crowd before kicking Terri in the face.
North: With that tag Stonehands has rolled back out to his team's corner while a fresher Alison Crowne is showing her defiance.
DIC: She knows how close they were to losing just now but thankfully the actual tag team were quick on their feet and were on the same page to avert disaster. Now Smelly Terri is staring Armageddon in the face and she better be prepared to meet her maker!
Now that Terri was in bad shape Alison was more than happy to be in the ring with her as she shoved her foot in her face again before she began taking off her fingerless MMA gloves and tossing them aside, revealing her hands and wrists wrapped in black tape underneath. She mounts Terri and begins punching her in the face repeatedly, over and over again almost as if she was trying to force the referee to call for a stoppage. Terri does just enough to intelligently defend herself though as she places her hands over her face as Alison moves her punching angles towards more of of the crown of the head and the sides. Terri manages to drape her foot over the bottom rope to try to get a clean break but Barrows tries to throw her foot off; thankfully however the referee caught him in the act and admonished him on the spot! Barrows tries to filibuster again to drive the referee's attention away but this time he wouldn't fall for it, immediately starting the referee's five count for a break, which Alison finally complies on four after ground and pounding Terri's face further.
DIC: This is the noise before defeat, Terri's losing the will to carry on and Alison knows she's close to finally breaking her rival at long last!
North: I'm not sure I agree there but the referee was wise to Barrows right there and wasn't going to fall for the same trick twice!
Terri crawls to the ropes and starts to get up but Alison resumes her assault as she grabs onto the top rope and starts to drive her knee brace assisted knee repeatedly into her face. The referee calls for another clean break but Alison continues to ignore the count and after a count of four the referee has to physically get in between the two to force her to break cleanly.
North: Alison is very fortunate her them didn't get disqualified just now over that.
DIC: At this point winning is secondary; their main aim is to send a message to Bux and make sure Terri is in bad of shape as possible heading into next month's LONE Championship title match.
Alison goes for the kill shot as she shoves the referee out of the way and connects with a running knee brace assisted knee strike to Terri Thompson, laying her out seemingly cold! Alison goes for the cover, laying ontop of her and shoving her face to the side with her hand resting on top of it as the referee counts. 1........2........THRE-KICKOUT! Terri managed to just barely kick out, much to Alison, Barrows, and Stonehands' disbelief!
North: That might have been it only if Alison would've hooked the leg! The fact that she neglected to do so ended up making all the difference, giving her the path of least resistance to kick out!
Alison stares down bitterly at her former best friend and slashes her thumb across her throat, looking to end it as she yanks Terri up roughly, calling for the Crowning Moment. Alison goes to pick Terri up over her shoulder but before she can position her Terri manages to somehow slip free and out of desperation and giving it everything she has she connects with the Mind in the Gutter on Alison!
North: Mind the Gutter! Listen to that crowd come to life!
DIC: No, this can't be happening!
Terri just might have won this match for her team if she could make the cover, but she can't! Both women are spent and laying on the mat motionless in the center of the ring! Frank starts stomping his foot on the apron to rally the crowd behind Terri as the crowd quickly joins in as he reaches over the top rope for a tag. Stonehands also extends his hand for a tag on his side as the referee begins the ten count once more.
Alison is slower to move but she's just a little closer to her corner than Terri is while Terri has started making slow progress towards her own corner and to Frank.
Alison inches closer to Stonehands and her own corner as she reaches out but still too far away. Terri makes like the tortoise; slow and steady but it might not be fast enough to get Frank in in time.
Alison is a finger tip and a half away from tagging her partner now, Frank is still too far out of reach for Terri!
North: Can Terri answer the referee's count one final time? She's close to finding her way out of this hole but it might be too deep to crawl out of at this point!
DIC: She's done!
Alison reaches out and manages to finally tag in Stonehands! Stonehands is legal and is entering the ring!
Terri gets up and tries to make one final lunge for Frank but Stonehands grabs her by the foot and pulls her just out of reach! Terri flips her body around just enough to kick Stonehands right in the face, causing him to let go as she lunges forward and tags Frank in, Frank Washington is legal and the crowd comes unglued for the hot tag! Frank comes in like a house on fire and clotheslines Stonehands! Stonehands gets up and Frank fires off with a spinning back elbow smash to the side of the head causing the proud Texan to stumble backwards only to be caught in a release German suplex soon after! Alison, despite being fatigued rushes back into the ring to help her partner but only gets a release German suplex of her own, courtesy of Frank Washington! Stonehands pops back up only for Frank to drive him back down to the mat with an arm drag after ducking a knockout right punch that Ole Stonehands is famous for.
Alison pops back up and goes for a low dropkick, connecting to Frank's injured leg sending him down to his knees. As Frank gets back up Alison goes for the Crimson Hurricane, trapping him in a Muay Thai clinch sending a series of six alternating knee shots to the ribs before following up with two alternating, fluid elbow shots to the head. Alison lets go and looks to finish up the combination with a high angle Muay Thai kick to the head but Frank managed to weather the storm and ducked as Alison kicks nothing but air and crashes to the mat. As soon as Alison gets up though Frank catches her with her own belly-to-belly suplex, driving her down and slamming her to the mat, proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that through it all, The Revolutionary still has it and hasn't lost his touch!
North: Frank Washington is on fire! He's got a second wind and he's laying everything out on the line here and now in this crucial moment in the eleventh hour! He survived the Crimson Hurricane and withstood the barrage of the mighty Texan, coming out nearly unscathed!
DIC: Where is he finding this energy from?
North: Frank Washington has always managed to find that extra gear in the clutch, managing to weather the storm before sprinting towards the finish; you can't ever count him out until the match is over!
Stonehands is back to his feet and fires off several Texan (European) Uppercuts in quick succession at Frank Washington, connecting and striking true each time as The Revolutionary found himself backed up further and further towards the ropes and on his heels. Stonehands whips Frank off the ropes and looks to catch him with the Beaumont Buster on the rebound but Frank reverses into a DDT! By this point Alison managed to get back up and rushed Frank once again as she aimed for the bad leg but Frank saw this and managed to pivot and shift his body just enough for Alison to miss by a matter of inches. Frank seeing his position near the ropes takes advantage of this mistake and manages to springboard off the middle rope with one foot, turning his body around and connecting with the Fall From Grace (springboard disaster kick) to the longest reigning LONE Champion, sending her down to the mat and out swiftly rolling out of the ring!
North: Fall From Grace! Fall From Grace! The LONE Champion is down! The Revolutionary is alive and well!
With Stonehands still on the mat and Terri back to her feet in her team's corner Frank takes advantage of the opposing side's number advantage being neutralized at long last and picks Stonehands up and drags him over to his team's corner. Terri reaches over and tags Frank's shoulder, the referee slapping his hands together to signify the legal tag as Frank lifts Stonehands into the air as Terri begins to ascend the turnbuckle. Frank lifts Stonehands up high in the air and with the hook of the leg drives him down head first in to the mat with The G.O.A.T., Greatest of All Time signature Fisherman Buster that he's won countless matches with throughout his career. Frank is quick to get to a knee however and hold Stonehands over his knee, keeping him steadily in place with his neck hanging outward as Terri leaps off and connects with the Gutter Guillotine leg drop! Terri hooks both legs for the pin as Frank patrols the perimeter to make sure nothing breaks up the pin. 1.......2...........3!
The crowd goes wild as the bell rings as Alison looks on bitterly from the outside, having just got back up to her feet, her face covered in mostly dried blood as she's got an arm around Gordon Barrows to keep herself up
Baxter: Here are your winners “The Revolutionary” Frank Washington and “Gutter Trash” Terri Thompson!
North: What an electric finish to end the show! Terri Thompson grew up watching Frank Washington, she grew up wanting to be a wrestler just like him. He was there as the special guest referee for her first LONE Championship win as the special guest referee for her match and now she has managed to fulfil a lifelong dream of sharing the ring and teaming with... and WINNING with the very person she grew up watching in what might be a once in a lifetime opportunity! Don't tell me dreams can't come true!
DIC: I think I'm going to be sick...
North: Terri Thompson has all the momentum heading into Lethal Leap Year next month by giving Alison her first loss in over 400 days since her match with Qent was later thrown out as invalid due to a medical injury. This is huge and I think everyone in this arena knows it!
Frank and Terri hug in the middle of the ring as they celebrate their victory before Frank raises her arm triumphantly in victory, pointing to her. Frank shares a few private words with Terri as he leans in that the cameras can't make out as he seems as pumped as the crowd over the victory as the two are all smiles. Slowly Stonehands gets up and instead of exiting the ring he begins to make his way over to the two; as the referee tries to get in his way, albeit feebly.
North: Hold on, there might be some trouble here. Stonehands is a proud man and he may not be taking this loss very well!
Instead of looking for a fight Stonehands looks at the two victors and he extends his hand to Frank; the crowd doesn't expect this and neither does Frank and Terri but they begin to cheer on what appears to be a gesture of good sportsmanship. Frank hesitates and he looks over his shoulder and to the crowd before the two share a firm handshake in the middle of the ring, surrounded by applauding fans. Stonehands then offers his hand to Terri, and the two shake as Stonehands leans in and gives her a few encouraging words away from the sight of the cameras before patting her on the back and exiting the ring in peace.
North: Stonehands with a major show of respect here, handling defeat graciously! How will Alison and Barrows feel about that? Find out next month at Lethal Leap Year! For my partner DIC we'll see you next month, goodnight everyone!
The crowd begins to chant for Terri. Terri raises her hands with Frank Washington as the camera feed fades out with copyright information.
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!