2020.10.22: Scrayard BBQ prework

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CoH:Apocalypse - Thursday, October 22, 2020, 7:36 PM

United Salvage - Scrap Yard

       The junkyard spreads in all of its magnificence from this central point. Mountains of crushed cars frame the horizon with paths snaking off into a giant maze of twisted metal and shattered glass. Some cars lay gutted, stripped of everything useful and balanced precariously on blocks. Others seem nearly intact, just waiting to be dismantled or rarely repaired for use again. The ground here has been torn to bits with traffic, some of it from tires and some from the treads of the heavy duty forklift the junkyard uses to move cars that will no longer move themselves.
       To the east is the entrance to the workshop from the yard and to the west the car crusher. Further north is a veritable maze of crushed and semi-flattened cars arranged in a maze of rows and columns. 

Contents: Dalibor Bergin

<OOC> Taika says, "Okay, should I use a single carriage return, a carriage return and an indent, or two carriage returns in a wall-o-text(tm)?" <OOC> Bergin says, "typically throw a return and an indent to set things off for a big ol story." <OOC> Dalibor ooohs.

       Taika gets up and looks out at those gathered. He states, "Kia Ora. Again, for those I haven't met, I am Taika Ngata. Maori Warrior turned Get Warrior. Born of woman, Cliath Skald rited Calls-Forth-The-Wyrm." As he says that last bit, he drops lower in a horse-back stance and smacks his thighs with his hands. His eyes grow wide and his mouth opens wide to stick out his long, thick tongue. He shouts, "Aaaaah!"

As he begins to speak, his voice starts to carry a fiercely proud tone to it. The tone radiates charm and defiance of the Wyrm (Enchanting Voice Merit). He speaks smoothly and without the 'umms' and stammers that would befall a lesser speaker. He truly has a Way with Words (also a merit). "So Bergin wanted for me to tell you a story of my travels here. Now, I come from the wop wops of New Zealand, a Kiwi of course. I was raised as a Warrior of my people. When I turned, it was bloody, but that is a story for another time. I was munted when the Nation found me. They sent me away to Australia's Sept of the Tower Hill. That is where I learned who I was, what I was, and was rited." Taika scans the crowd and looks around, "It was from Australia that I was ordered here to help where I can. I tramped through South East Asia, rode a bus through most of China, and finally took a boat from there to get here. Now, most of the journey was boring, but the one fun bit was the bus ride through China." Taika starts walking back and forth, gesturing with his hands as he speaks, "I was riding on the bus when my insides started twisting. I yelled at the bus driver to pull over, but the egg didn't know what I was saying. My fault really, but I started seeing red from the pain and the confusion. The bus driver must have caught a wiff of the Delirium and let me out. We stopped right in front of a long wall on one side and a cliff on the other. There was a set of stairs, so I levitated up them, careful not to make any sudden moves or else the damn was going to burst. At the top of the stairs was a temple...nah, yeah, lucky me. So I proceeded to find the first thing that looked like a bowl and unleashed the spirit of cramping that was in my bowls." "After what seemed like hours, I eventually felt better. When I unclenched my buttocks and eyes and looked up, I realized that a group of monks was staring at me. Deathly embarassed, I pulled me stubbies up, bowed deeply, apologized profusely, and started to leave. It was at that time one of the monks walked over, grabbed the lighter fluid, sprayed it over my fecal afront, and lit it on fire. He bowed back to me and said, /Thank you for your burnt offering/. I laughed the entire journey here." He shrugs his shoulders and adds, "At least that's the story that I'm sticking to." He winks and heads to sit down. <OOC> Taika says, "Like that or?" <OOC> Dalibor laughs. "Awesome." <OOC> Bergin says, "niiice" <OOC> Taika grins. :) <OOC> Taika says, "So, hopefully that'll do. I just cleaned up the flow a little here and there." <OOC> Bergin says, "yeah." <OOC> Bergin says, "storytime is going to be handy for renown gaining. :)" <OOC> Taika says, "Indeed!" <OOC> Bergin says, "Hopefully folks like the event tomorrow." <OOC> Bergin says, "and we can make it a regular event." <OOC> Dalibor says, "We can hope... :)"

<---======##====================[ Dice Roll ]=====================##======---> Taika rolls Charisma(3) + Expression(3) + 2 (8 dice) vs 4 for 7 successes. 2 +4 +5 +6 +8 +9 +9 +9 <-------------=============++++++++++++++++++++++++=============-------------> Sent to: Taika and Bergin

<OOC> Bergin says, "nice." <OOC> Taika grins. Does that work? <OOC> Bergin says, "yup :)" You paged Bergin with ‘Do you want me to reroll during the event or keep this roll to not spam the party?”’ Bergin pages: Keep this one.