2014.04.09: PWN - MSW - UNSTOPPABLE 5

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The Card

Date: Wednesday, April 9th

Commentary: Alex Smith (play-by-play), Alex Bradford (color)
Promoter: Danny Stevenson

(Card Subject to Change)

Jason Hunt Vs Chad Vargas Vs Yuo Phailous

Three brand new talents that have signed over the course of the past two weeks. Danny couldn't get them on the actual show because of the tournament however they get to perform in front of the live audience in a chance to see what they've got for a potential match on Unstoppable #6. 

Johnny B. Vs St. Tuck (w/ Pornstar Ron)
Johnny St. Tuck and Johnny B.... this match should be amusement to say the least. St. Tuck made his debut in light of David Langford having torn his ACL and answered Frank Washington's open challenge. Despite a distraction from Garland and company, St. Tuck pulled out an impressive victory over the ring vet. Bonecrusher made his advance and wasn't shy of being at Unstoppable. Pornstar Ron appears to have taken St. Tuck under his wing but will it be enough to take on the unorthodox Johnny B.?

Mike Harrison Vs Ian Windermear
Mike Harrison is a man of few words except when it counts. Those words and the actions that he backed them up with in the ring got him the advance in the tournament but in the first round where it heats u he takes on Ian Windermear who advanced against SVD with a loaded right hand and a 3 count. Who will be the break out star to advance to the Quarter finals?

Daniel Smart Vs Jackal
Jackal came back to the business, joining up in MSW after about a year and a half away from the business and has had about equal luck on the drawing board. Tonight he takes on Daniel Smart who, on his debut, found himself in the middle of the Frank Washington/Robert Garland debacle. Well whether by DQ or not, Smart found himself advancing to the first round at Unstoppable #3, now he and Jackal square off in the first found. Many say Jackal is a dangerous man and others see Daniel Smart as the Dark Horse of this tournament.

Luke Jackson Vs Davis Wiley
Davis Wiley -- a man whom made his presence known in MSW standing up for Robb Daniels against Bryce Manning. Since then, Davis hasn't been seen a whole lot but he came to the ring and defeated Chris Compact in the qualifier to advance, just as Luke Jackson defeated Calib Wallace, both very close and very good matches. Luke Jackson has been on a bit of a roll here, and despite a distinct size advantage, Davis will have his work cut out for him.

W/ Special Guest Kat on Commentary
Davina Dawson Vs Shawna Martinez
It seems that not a show can go by since Unstoppable #2 where Shawna and Kat can stay away from ripping each others heads off. In the midst of another argument where Kat believes that Shawna was the weak link between the two; insisting that's one of the reasons why she went on her own. Danny decided to put Shawna Martinez in action this week against the newest signee, Davina Dawson. But the catch is Danny has ordered Kat to be at ringside for the match saying if they want to send a message to each other, they do it in the ring with a win.

Demetrius Burrell Vs Bryan York
Burrell made his return two weeks ago with an impressive win, and York made his debut with an impressive win over Mr. Kamara. So now we take both underrated athletes and put them together where only one man can win. These men have nothing to lose but everything to gain as they square off.

Jorge Santos Vs Peyton Von Licht
Two weeks ago, we had seen a very mysterious series of promos from a man named Neforian but he took it to the next level at Unstoppable #4 approaching Peyton Von Licht specifically following his victory. Now Peyton takes on Jorge Santos, a man who came to the United States to get his break in the business and he got it here in MSW. Now Jorge takes on the residential hero without a mask, Peyton in the first round of our Championship tournament, leading to Best of the Best to crown our first champion.

MAIN EVENT - First Round
Lance Peterson Vs Bryce Manning
Manning got by Drew Stevenson in a very hard fought bout two weeks ago to make his way into the tournament and Lance Peterson made a very impressive debut but as they both make their way into the first round of the tournament who will be the one to advance to the Quarter Finals?


Jason Hunt Vs Chad Vargas Vs Yuo Phailous 
Winner: Yuo Phalious

Opening up the show quietly, it wasn’t the normal crazy, rabid screaming fans that attended the show but quieter and for good reason. Standing in the ring with a very heavy heart was MSW Promoter, Danny Stevenson who had a microphone already in hand as he brought it up to his lips and spoke and the rest of the MSW roster surrounded the ring.

Danny: We're all out here 'cause we just lost a man who's meant a lot ta every single one of us. Ya know, in our business – ya have men an’ women that come along that capture ya heart. Ya have men an’ women who sacrifice everything fer tha business that they love and most importantly, fer every single person tunin’ in who loves tha wrasslin’ business like we do. As ya’ll already know, our dear friend Warrior passed away Tuesday evenin’ and we would like to send our condolences to his wife and two baby girls as they are struggling right now with these hard time blues right now daddy. Ya see, Warrior was known for his tremendous intensity, his colorful personality and his love fer all of ya’ll. If ya'll would please stand at this moment an give a moment ah silence as we toll the bell 10 times to honor The Warrior.”

Danny bowed his head, lowered the microphone and the arena continued in silence as the 10 bell salute was given.











Running his index finger around the sea of fans, they began chanting.


Nodding his head, he smiled and agreed with the fans.

Danny: Let me tell ya somethin’, Warrior had it right – he will run in our hearts forever. He will continue to march to tha beat of his own drum and I know that he’s up there in Heaven looking down on all of us telling us to always believe! Thank ya all for joining us in his memory, an tanight you'll see some of our stars honoring tha Warriors memory the only way they know how. Thank ya.

Slowly fading to black momentarily, this was out of respect for the man, the myth, the legend, Warrior.


"The Kid" to Make History

[div style="text-align:center;"][b][u][font size="4"]"The Kid" to Make History[/font][/u][/b][/div] We're now backstage with Robert Fields who stands by with Luke Jackson.[br] [br] [font color="#37e700"]Robert: [/font]Luke, the past month or two you have just been on a roll. You came into MSW as a brand new kid off the block, nobody thought that you'd make it very far but you caught the attention of Matt Ward who challenged you to a dog collar match for Best of the Best. We heard you accept the challenge, but are you ready for it? If you take that match and win this tournament you'll have two matches and you may not even be able to compete for the title match, regardless if you win or lose. Aren't you in a bit over your head?[br] [font color="#e70000"][br] Luke Jackson:[/font] Look Robert, I appreciate the concern and I've thought about that. But I've lived my life by living in the moment never looking too far ahead and never thinking much about it. That's how I am, Robert. Some say I'm a daredevil in disguise. I say I'm just a young guy that's looking to make an impact in the biggest way possible. I appreciate all the critics but regardless of what they say Robert, I'm gonna do me.[br] [br] [font color="#37e700"]Robert: [/font]Very respectful, Luke. Tonight you face yet another big man in your quest to Best of the Best in Davis Wiley. We've seen Davis on quite a bit of a roll as of late too since the very first Unstoppable. Given the size advantage, what are your thoughts tonight?[br] [br] [font color="#e70000"]Luke Jackson:[/font] Just another challenge, Robert. Just another challenge. For me in MSW it's been nothing [i]but[/i] a challenge since day one, and it will never be anything less. I'm gonna make history one way or another at Best of the Best, Robert and that means I'm going to beat Davis Wiley tonight and I'm going to advance in this tournament. [br] [br] Luke walked off and the camera focused on Robert.[br] [br] [font color="#37e700"]Robert: [/font]Well there you have it folks. Luke "The Kid" Jackson is looking to make history here in MSW and he may just do that. He takes on Davis Wiley.. next.[br] [br]


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