Vivian Starr/Introduction

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Two possibilities exist: either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying. -Arthur C. Clarke

Mundane Background

Vivian Starr was born in 1994 and was fairly unremarkable for the first part of her life. Born to a banker and real-estate agent, she coasted through life until she was a junior in high school; it was then that her school was visited by a recruiter from the Army. Vivian was entranced and for the first time in her life felt like she had a purpose in existing. From this point on, she became determined to join the military and defend the United States.

When she was 18 and graduated, Vivian enlisted in the US Army. Her parents did not approve. They are estranged to this day.

Vivian completed BCT with flying colors. Initially, she enrolled for AIT corps of engineers (she had displayed very high aptitude for engineering during standardized tests) but ultimately went to the Infantry. Fourteen weeks later, she was eventually assigned to peacekeeping duties in the Middle East. After six months, she received her requisite pay-grade promotion.

As a Private, Vivian saw her first combat tour when she and her company were tasked with securing a terrorist prison, during which they rescued a dissident scheduled to be executed. The dissident proves invaluable for US Intelligence services; Vivian is promoted to Private First Class.

In July, 2014, a combined sortie of different terrorist organizations launch a well-coordinated and well-equipped counter-offensive. Vivian's unit is caught behind enemy lines as US forces fall back to more defensible positions. Her CO is wounded in the fighting and a tank column begins to attack their position. In the pressure and chaos, Vivian takes command. In the course of just an hour, her unit manages to capture or destroy the entire tank column attacking their position. US Forces soon rally and push the terrorist back; Vivian and her unit rejoin the main US force.

The battle changes her and Vivian is temporarily relieved of duty pending a psychological evaluation. The psychologist in charge determines her unfit for duty and has her honorably discharged with a medical writ. Before the discharge paperwork is finalized, Vivian's CO manages to arrange a final promotion to Corporal for her, entitling her to more severance pay and better benefits.

Vivian spends the next six years working for a Private Military Company in various hotspots around the globe before suddenly terminating her employment a few months prior. She aimlessly travels around the United States and Canada, living off her saved up salary and bennies. Eventually, she decides to stop in Prospect.

Enlightened Background

Vivian's experience with the tank column did, indeed, change her; she Awakened during the incident. The psychologist who undertook her evaluation was actually an Unenlightened Prole of the Technocratic Union and reported Vivian to their superiors. Several days later, NWO Agents conduct an investigation and discover Vivian's Awakening. She is quickly recruited and removed from the Army to join the Void Engineers.

Now twenty and a member of the Technocratic Union, Vivian embarked on a new training regimen. After two years, she is eventually assigned combat duties aboard the Voidship Vigilant, a Deep Universe patrol craft.

The Vigilant turns out to be quite the maverick ship, and Vivian fit in well there. During her tour with the ship, the Vigilant is responsible for destroying 23 Nephandi outposts, 108 Nephandi craft, 1,284 Deep Universe anomalies determined to be a threat to Earth or Union interests, and assisted in countless Void Engineer assaults and scientific missions.

In October, 2019, the Vigilant's luck runs out. The Nephandi, irritated at the successes of the infamous voidship, lay a trap for the vessel. The Vigilant is quickly subdued then invaded by a small flotilla of Nephandi ships. The crew of the Vigilant put up a hell of a fight, but they were outnumbered and outgunned. Over the course of an hour, the ship is slowly taken; only the Captain and Vivian remain, holed up in the main engine room. The Captain rigs the Vigilant's engine to detonate and orders Vivian into the airlock -- he doesn't tell her that the auto destruct has been sabotaged and he has to stay behind to activate it manually. Vivian watches from her voidsuit as the Valiant explodes, taking five of the Nephandi ships with it. The others quickly vacate the area. Vivian remains floating in Deep Space for several hours before being rescued by the Endeavor.

With the destruction of the Vigilant, Vivian is returned to Earth. PsychOps personnel determine that the... flexible culture of the Vigilant has definitely become ingrained in her and that it would be unwise to send her out on another voidship. She is sent from minor assignment to minor assignment until finally being assigned to Prospect.