2020.03.27: PWN - LONE - LONE 33

The Root of All Evil by Dream Theater hits the arena as the lights dim, save for the lone spotlight on the curtain. As the music picks up Alison Crowne emerges wearing the same ring attire from Lethal Leap Year with the addition of her usual black fingerless MMA gloves. Her right arm appears to be heavily wrapped from above the elbow to near her wrist and her ribs also appear to be heavily taped up. It was clear immediately to anyone watching that Alison Crowne, even one month removed from the No Holds Barred match that saw her record breaking LONE Championship reign end at 456 days to Terri Thompson that she was still banged up from the incredible carnage that ensued that night. The knee brace was on her right leg; perhaps for legitimate reasons this time instead of a legalized foreign object and she walked with a noticeable limp as the Maine Commonwealth Championship rested over her shoulder. She noticeably came alone, there was no Gordon Barrows in sight and if the expert attorney was in the building he was keeping his presence well hidden.
Baxter: Please welcome at this time, she is former Ladies of New England Champion, holding the record at 456 days and current Maine Commonwealth Champion, she is the Highlight of the Night... Alison Crowne!
Alison Crowne is quick to snatch the microphone from Baxter as she makes her way into the ring. Despite the pain she was in she walked with a sense of purpose, like she was a woman on a mission and had to get something off her chest. Alison goes to raise the microphone up to speak but hesitates before she opens her mouth and lowers it, trying to sort through her thoughts. There was a certain frantic energy in her gaze; that a part of her felt bare and exposed without the Ladies of New England Championship around her waist that she was so used and accustomed to. She felt... incomplete. Her eyes drifted over to the Maine Commonwealth Championship on her shoulder; her prized late acquisition that she intended to use as a negotiation piece in part of a greater power play and yet... it was clear she didn't value it; not like the LONE Championship. It wasn't the same, it was still hers but it wasn't the one prize that removed all doubt and proved that she was the undisputed best in all of New England and perhaps the World. It didn't have the same value or power to her without the belt she lost to pair with it; like a nuclear bomb without the uranium. A key without a lock.
Finally the former Ladies of New England Champion raised her microphone again. There were no smiles, no grandiose bravado buoyed by a sense of invincibility; just raw and unfiltered emotion as she felt it.
Alison Crowne: 28 days; 28 long and excruciating days. 28 days since Lethal Leap Year, 28 days since I last held my Ladies of New England Championship in my grasp.
Alison stares at her empty hand as she held onto the microphone.
Alison Crowne: 28 days since I made a journey to hell and never came back. I knew what I was getting into, I knew the pain that was going to be shared in this ring and the river of blood that I hoped would lead us all back home. February 29th was supposed to be the end, of everything. The end of this long standing blood feud between me and my former best friend Terri Thompson, the end of her career, the end of her being in my life! I just needed to finish the job as that great butterfly flapped its giant wings one final time to write the final chapter in this long and bloody book that was started by Terri's selfish betrayal...
...and I failed.
Alison falls silent for a minute as there was more than a twinge of bitterness in her words as she admitted her failure. As someone who excelled at succeeding and letting everyone know it, it was definitely a hard pill for her to swallow.
Alison Crowne: While I don't regret putting myself through that hell, losing a great deal of blood, suffering from multiple bruised ribs that I still haven't recovered from, having my abdomen riddled with puncture marks from all the twisted and mangled barbed wire and having a dozen or so thumbtacks buried into my spine; I'd do it all over again. I'd do it all over again; but I regret that my body couldn't take anymore, that despite my spirit being more than willing to suffer just a little bit more than it already had, the fact that I couldn't find any energy remaining to kick out... it hurts. It hurts me deep down inside far more than any of these wounds and scars I wear on my body or the blood I lost and spilled. I went to my limits and well beyond and it wasn't good enough.
It makes me wonder... where did I go wrong?
Alison lets that question linger in the air as she swallows and tries to regain her composure. She begins to pace around the ring before stopping at the ropes and leaning over the top.
Alison Crowne: I did everything that was asked of me. I applied myself in school, I never earned below a 3.0 GPA, I put in the work and trained my ass off, I made it to the Florida State Muay Thai Championships twice as a teenager, making it to the finals the first year and winning the second. I tried a semester of college before deciding that I needed to pursue my dreams with everything I had. I fought three times in MMA and going undefeated before doing this full-time. I worked wrestling events at a loss to start because I knew if I bet on myself I'd ultimately end up ahead in the end making more money than I know what to do with; that if I sacrificed my comfort early on I'd be able to relax and live comfortably once I retired. I was a good friend, told my friends to follow their dreams no matter what and stood by them no matter what. I was there for Lexi Pryce when she was involved in a horrible car accident that at first appeared to end her career when we were teaming up in the Southeast. I even played by the rules in LONE when the deck was stacked against me and in favor of others getting the opportunities I was being denied before I had to strike out alone and make my own luck and my own opportunities materialize. I made a lifelong dream come true when I held that Ladies of New England Championship up high after Terri put herself before us and Royal Plunder. I defended the LONE Championship against anyone and everyone, advanced notice, short notice, no notice, I defended in foreign environments that I was completely unprepared for and I still managed to set the record anyway at 456 days.
Where did I go wrong?
Alison pushes herself off the ropes and she continues to go on with her monologue.
Alison Crowne: During those 456 days I hit the regional and national media circuit, I carried that championship with me to every major appearance and whether LONE and Bux deserved it or not I raised the profile of this company and drew a bigger audience as everyone wanted to know just who exactly The Highlight of the Night Alison Crowne was. I bled for LONE, I sacrificed my body and my health for those four letters. I poured all of myself, my blood, my sweat, and my tears into this very ring...
Alison sighed as she stared with her gaze fixed to the back.
Alison Crowne: Never once did Bux try to renegotiate my contract in good faith. Never once did I get a simple 'thank you'; all I got was revulsion and hate! I defended that belt more in 6 months than Terri Thompson could between 2 reigns spanning 8 months! I rarely ever took a night off! Whether you love me or you hate me, nobody can deny that I was a fighting champion. I didn't hide behind Jack E. Bux, Frank Washington, and Steven O'Reilly to pad the months and the days and the hours of my reign as champion; I earned every single minute of it! How could you love a back stabbing fuck up like Terri Thompson that betrays and hurts her friends and hate someone like me that scratched and clawed and fought for everything?!
Her eyes widen with bold and unrelenting intensity as she grips the microphone tighter in her grasp.
Alison Crowne: I was happy to be the hero, YOUR HERO! I wanted to show that you could apply yourself and do everything the right way and make any dream come true! I wanted to show that hard work and relentless determination and dedication mattered! I wanted to be that positive force in the wrestling world that was living proof that all things are possible! That if some girl from Florida could find her way out and grab life by the throat and rise above her circumstances and emerge from a large shadow to shine on her own merits standing on her own two feet that you could too! I didn't use a famous last name; I refused to! I didn't use my ties to any city to inflate my standing, I earned it through my own work and actions! But you people didn't want that, you didn't want to see that! You wanted to see someone take shortcuts, you wanted to see someone tout their regional ties and have a machine built around them so you can worship at their feet!
Alison pauses and stares at the LONE logo on the skirt of the microphone and she takes a moment to slide it off, throw it on the mat and stomp on it. Now holding an unbranded microphone Alison continues to shoot from the hip.
Alison Crowne: You'd rather see Moe Howard's bastard daughter with blue hair and her 4 years of experience cut to the front of the line. In front of people Lexi Pryce, Violent Violet, Cinnamon, Hannah Kix, and even though I broke her fucking neck, Ami Reeves. You know, at least Ami Reeves and I go a ways back; I know she didn't decide to play wrestler some day when Mr. Silver Spoon out of DC decided to give the wrestling business a second shot. It took me 9 years to get my first shot at a major, box office headlining title, NINE YEARS. Nine years from the day I first started training to my opportunity against The Glorious One who despite any personal differences we may have ever had was a damn good champion! Nine years, NINE! And not even two years in it was just handed to you Terri, it was given to you! From the top with Jack E. Bux to having your childhood idol and good friend Frank Washington looking out for you as the special guest referee... and I'm the villain?! I'm the villain for pointing out the bullshit for what it is?! Something about that isn't right!
You had your hero predetermined for you and because of the name 'Fallcoast' you couldn't see past anything else; all you wanted to do was root for one of your own regardless if she actually earned her spot or not. You didn't want to see people earn their spots, you didn't want to see people do things the right way. No, you wanted a villain, you wanted someone to hate... so I gave you what you wanted. I took that seed of darkness, that seed of hate and I let it grow and flourish. The seed of hate your hero planted inside of me, the seed that was watered with my own blood as she drove her knife right into my back...
Alison pauses as she stares at her hand, almost as if she were entranced by it, almost as if she were staring as if they were soaked in blood.
Alison Crowne: It's what all of you people wanted and it's what you wanted Terri. It's what you wanted Terri because if you ever did care about me or valued our friendship you would've came to me instead of going behind and stabbing me in the back. I did some vile things... I ended careers and ruined lives... things I'm going to have to carry with me for the rest of my life. Things that hurt me deep inside as I committed unthinkable acts and atrocities... when I broke Wendy's neck I felt a part of me die inside. When I broke yours I felt another part of me die. Then another when I broke Ami's. But each time it became easier... the pain dulled... I felt less and less misery over what I was doing until I started to enjoy it. Do you want to know why I did the things I did, Terri? With Wendy I wanted to hurt you yes, but it was also because you opened my eyes to what was necessary. When you stabbed me in the back and betrayed me you showed me how weak I truly was, how open and vulnerable I was to those I held close. You showed me that the system failed, Terri, you showed me that the system failed and that I had to purge out all of my weaknesses to live a life that I felt was worth living. And I had that within my grasp... the contract and the money that I've always deserved, that I worked and busted my ass for the last 12 years of my life to earn....
...and you ruined it!
Alison's eyes are wide with fury as her knuckles would be turning white if they weren't hidden underneath her gloves from gripping the microphone so tight.
Alison Crowne: A deal is a deal Bux; you and I, we're going to sit down together with no lawyers to hammer out a new deal... but I got one final ace up my sleeve.. to make things right! Above all else, as the former LONE Champion I am guaranteed a championship rematch and I plan to invoke that tonight, right here, right now! So I can throw both belts on your desk and demand the deal I deserve! The Tag Team Classic is canceled! I didn't carry the torch for 456 days just to be tossed right back into the background, no, no, no! Terri, I gave you your open shot to end this last month, I told you to strike me down then and there because if you didn't I was going to keep coming after you until one of our careers were ended and you left me standing! So Terri, how about you get your ass down here to this ring, put the title on the line so I can erase you from my life once and for all...
As Alison stares at the entrance way, waiting for Terri to come out, the lights in the arena go dark.
The lights from peoples' phone cameras light up, like little stars in the night sky as everyone tries to figure out what's going on.
The lights come on to show Stitches standing in front of Alison, smiling warmly at her.
The crowd ROARS at this!
Alison Crowne: What the hell are you doing here?
Stitches slowly tilts her head to her left.
Alison scoffs in disgust, and turns around. As she does so, the camera turns with her to spot that Sister Catherine is standing in front of her. She's wearing her nun habit, but missing her glasses. She immediately spits the blood red mist into Alison's face, maw dripping red as she smiles widely with her eyes just as wide. Alison stumbles backwards, dropping the mic and holding her face and walking right into a Russian Leg Sweep from Stitches. The microphone catches feedback from hitting the canvas.
Alison turns over onto her stomach. Sister Catherine scoops up the microphone while Stitches stares down in admiration of her work.
Sister Catherine: You're going to pay for all of your sin!
Sister Catherine scolds Alison while pointing at her and Stitches sits down on Alison's back, locking her in a camel clutch while Sister Catherine bounces off the ropes, running at Alison and hitting her in the face with a basement dropkick. Stitches lets go on contact and stands up while Alison rolls around on the canvas.
Sister Catherine stands in the center of the ring, facing the hard camera. She smiles wide. Her pearly white teeth with fangs protruding, lips and chin all covered in crimson. It drips from her chin onto her nun habit. When she starts to speak, it sprays some more in a small, fine mist.
Sister Catherine: We grow tired of this. We grow tired of having to hear about this petty squabble over material gain.
As Sister Catherine speaks, Stitches starts to drag a laid out Alison over to the upper right corner of the ring. Stitches sits down, holding Alison to her and petting her hair in comfort despite what just happened to her.
Sister Catherine: She has paraded herself around, flaunting her accomplishments and giving everything to herself rather than to God. She's done speaking now, however. We're here to remind you, that whoever wins the Tag Team Classic tonight will be knocking on God's door. He has instructed us to answer, to defend what is his, and we will with all of our might. Whoever God has put in his plan to win tonight, know that we are waiting. We are waiting and we will make you lay down for the Lord. We will make you tap out to GOD!
Sister Catherine turns around to see Stitches petting Alison, holding her like she's one of her dollies.
Sister Catherine steps forward, but Stitches turns her right shoulder to Sister Catherine. Stitches pouts, shielding Alison from her and looking at her as if to say NO! NO she's MY dolly! And you can't play with her!
Sister Catherine is angered at first.
Sister Catherine: What have I told you about material possessions?!
Sister Catherine visibly calms down, and says rather coolly into the microphone.
Sister Catherine: Stand her up and bring her to me.
Sister Catherine steps backwards towards the center of the ring as Stitches does what is instructed. Stitches holds her as if she's dancing with her towards Sister Catherine. Dancing with the devil in the pale arena light.
Stitches leaves Alison to stand dazed and confused in the center of the ring.
Sister Catherine nods to Stitches and the two run towards the opposite ropes, bouncing off of them and hitting Alison with their devastating Spear(Sister Catherine) and Clothesline(Stitches) combination move called Damnation.
Once they send Alison to the canvas, the two stand up and stare down at her before the lights turn off, then turn back on to show just Alison in the ring, laid out.
The Juggalettes vs. The Gucci Gals
Baxter: The following Tag Team Contest is the First match of the Tag Team Classic! Introducing first...
“Chicken Huntin’” by ICP suddenly begins to play over the public address sound system.
Baxter: Hailing from The Big Tent on 9th Street, they are SLAPP AND TICK L.; THE JUUUUGGALLLLETTTTTEEEESSSS!!!
Bouncing around on the stage, they quickly make their way down to the ring, mean mugging fans as they walk down the aisle. They hop up onto the apron and then enter through the top and middle rope. They begin to make hand motions as if they’re going to cut off the heads of the chickens. Laughing hysterically at their own comedy.
“Gucci Gang” by Lil' Pump suddenly blasts over the public address sound system as the fans immediately start to boo as Miss. Gucci and Prada Paula come walking out with arrogant smirks expressed on their faces.
Baxter: And their opponents, making their way to the ring, they are the team of Miss. Gucci and Prada Paula... THE GUCCI GALLLLLSSSSS!!!
Walking down the aisle while blatantly snubbing the fans, they get down to the ring and enter as the crowd begins to boo even louder. Gucci waves her 4 finger ring that reads GUCCI before talking smack to the fans while Prada puts a hand out as if she's pie facing fans who oogle/berate her.
Slapp starts out for her team while Miss Gucci and Prada Paula point over and laugh at their opponents as they try to insist with one another that they want to take the lead here. After a lot of laughing and joking Miss Gucci ends up winning the day and getting the start for her team. Miss Gucci rolls her eyes as she looks over at Slapp and busts up laughing before turning back to Prada Paula.
Miss Gucci: I think the wittle clown is sad!
The Gucci Gals share another laugh as Slapp quickly rolls Miss Gucci up! 1......2......THR-KICKOUT! The laughter quickly dies as Miss Gucci shoots a sour glance at the referee as she almost didn't kick out in time.
North: Welcomes ladies and gentlemen to Supremacy: LONE 33 - the Tag Team Classic! I'm Kevin North, joined here this month by Frank Washington as DIC is locked up in his penthouse protesting Terri Thompson's reign as the new Ladies of New England Champion. Right now we have The Juggalettes going against former tag team champions The Gucci Gals in this opening match. The winners will go on to face the winners of the second match later tonight between Spice and Ice and No Fly Zone. The final team left standing will be the 2020 Tag Team Classic Winners and the number one contenders to The Damned, the current reigning LONE Tag Team Champions.
Washington: And speaking of The Damned, they definitely made a statement at Alison Crowne's expense moments ago! One can only imagine how hot that situation is going to get in a hurry, knowing Alison Crowne like I do she's going to seek revenge after that. But right now The Gucci Gals don't seem to be taking Slapp and Tick L. very seriously, not sure how wise that is after they put Generations on the shelf just a month ago.
North: Maybe they will after a near fall like that, nobody wants to be the first team to be eliminated.
Miss Gucci sits up as Slapp catches her with a surprisingly nasty back fist to the face, lighting her eyes up a bit in pain as she clutches her face. Slapp fires off several open hand slaps on Miss Gucci's face, trying to rain down with fury. Miss Gucci looks at Slapp wide-eyed and rakes her in the eyes, causing Slapp to scream in pain. Miss Gucci momentarily stares at her nails looking disgusted, like she might have a little paint underneath them before wrapping her hands around Slapp's throat for a choke! The referee immediately recognizes this as an illegal choke and asks for Miss Gucci to break the hold.
Miss Gucci lets go before 5. Slapp gasps for air as Miss Gucci yanks her up by the hair and drags her to her corner. Tagging Paula in. They keep Slapp isolated in the corner, taking turns punching and stomping her into the corner, tagging in and out frequently to avoid the 5 count. As the cycle ends Paula ends up being the final legal partner for her team.
North: Frequent tags by The Gucci Gals here, looking to keep each other fresh.
Washington: It's a smart strategy, isolate one person and frequently tag in and out. I've been in a good tag team or two back in my day and that's something we frequently did. Divide the ring in half and control your side.
Paula continues to work over Slapp, putting her in a chin lock and torquing in the pressure, using her body as leverage to take her down to the ground with the hold locked in. The referee is quick to check to see if Slapp's shoulders on both on the mat but there was too much movement for even a 1 count. Slapp struggles and manages to try to get back up to her feet and with great effort manages to force them both back up to a vertical base. Slapp manages to shove Paula off her and slips out, as Paula continues her forward momentum and rebounds off the ropes. Paula drives her knee roughly into Slapp's midsection, using her momentum to put a little extra behind it. Slapp doubles over and stumbles back into the ropes. Tick L. reaches out and slaps Slapp on the back as the referee acknowledges the tag.
North: Tick L. with the blind tag, perhaps a bit of luck giving her team a bit of a reprieve and a chance to get fresh woman out there.
Washington: The Gucci Gals, Prada Paula and Miss Gucci, both are veterans, they got 4 years of experience teaming with one another. Their communication is on point but this is an error you usually don't see out of experienced teams. It may seem small but it completely broke the lock they had; Paula accidentally created an escape valve for the other team. Now you got one fresh woman in there against another while fairly fresh you're suddenly fighting on even ground instead of holding a distinct advantage.
Tick L. slithers into the ring as Paula whips Slapp to the ropes on the opposite side of the ring. Slapp rebounds off as Slapp goes to counter with a clothesline as Tick L. catches Paula at the same time from behind with a low dropkick!
North: Is that... wait... that actually worked?
Washington: Hey, I know it's unusual to see out of this team but sometimes when you're out for a while you get hungry. You get hungry and you rededicate yourself to your craft, so far that's exactly what we're seeing out of The Juggalettes.
Miss Gucci shoots into the ring and she starts punching away at Tick L to try to bail her partner out but Tick L. immediately responds back by gnawing on her head, causing her to screech and scream!
North: The Tick Bite! I still feel a little queasy each time I see someone else trying to gnaw and eat human flesh!
Washington: Even if it's borderline cannibalism it's effective. Notice how the referee doesn't want to get close to that? Is it technically illegal? Of course. But if the referee is going to show she's not willing to enforce the rule then... honestly it's fair game. It's de facto legal, much like the legalization of marijuana.
The referee begs for Tick L. to stop as Slapp begins to pile on as she starts kicking as Miss Gucci's legs repeatedly as the duo try to overwhelm her. The referee finally manages to pry Tick L. off of Miss Gucci and helps her back up to her team's corner to try to see if she's okay. Paula springs back up as Slapp kicks her hard behind the knee as she slinks out to her corner. Tick L. plants Paula hard with a DDT and goes for a quick cover. 1....2... KICKOUT!
North: Near fall after that DDT.
Washington: Improved technique, I'm a little impressed! Nobody would expect to see The Gucci Gals on their heels against The Jugalettes but right now that's the reality. Underestimate your opponent at your own peril.
Tick L. goes to scoop Paula up but Paula jabs her thumb hard into her eye causing her to scream and clutch her face. Paula takes advantage and plants her hard with a bulldog. Meanwhile Slapp sees the thumb shot and quickly hops off the apron and pulls off a bottle of Faygo soda before jumping back on the apron and begins to shake it up. Paula begins to stalk Tick L. as she writhes on the ground as Slapp shouts out to her and catches her attention. Slapp goes to spray the soda into Paula's face and much to her own astonishment, as well as both the Gucci Gals, commentary, and the audience The Joke... finally strikes true! The soda sprays directly into Paula's face, blinding her instantly as the fizz burns her eyes!
North: The Joke... and for once it's not on Slapp! I... I can't believe that worked!
Washington:You and me both! I guess there's a first time for everything! Look at the referee, even he can't believe it!
Paula flails around and stumbles back to her corner as she accidentally slaps Miss Gucci in the face! The referee acknowledges this as a tag much to her many protests! Miss Gucci hops in the ring as Tick L. reaches out and tags Slapp in. Slapp takes a big swig of the Faygo and spits it directly into Miss Gucci's eyes, blinding her now. Miss Gucci stumbles back into her own corner as Slapp caps the soda and tosses it back to Tick L. before connecting with The Clown Shoe in the corner, once again miraculously connecting for the first time with her yakuza kick!
North: And now the Clown Shoe... connects?!
Washington: I think an angel's about to ear her wings out there somewhere, or a devil getting her pair of horns!
Slapp catches Miss Gucci before she can fall down and tosses her to the center of the ring as Tick L. ascends in her team's corner. Tick L. takes a swig of Faygo before tossing the bottle back to Slapp as she descends with the Laugh Now, Die Later diving headbutt as lightning strikes a third time, also connecting for the first time ever to Miss Gucci! Both Juggalettes go for the pin, each hooking a leg with their backs to each other as the referee counts. 1........2........3!
Baxter: Here are your winners... The Juggalettes?
Washington: Look at the surprise in Baxter's expression and voice!
North: Honestly I think we're all in shock!
Slapp and Tick L. start celebrating like they won an Olympic gold medal, spraying Faygo around the ring and into the crowd like it was a bottle of champagne as they were now 3 seconds away from becoming the Number One Contenders if they could pull off another win later tonight.
Washington: If they can manage to pull that off one more time Slapp and Tick L. will have a date with the tag team champions and right now... I'm not sure I want to face a team like these two!
Meanwhile The Gucci Gals begin the walk of shame to the back bickering and arguing with one another trying to figure out what just went wrong.
Backstage Segment: The Gucci Gals
The camera cuts backstage several moments after their shocking defeat as Miss Gucci and Prada Paula can be seen yelling at each other.
Miss Gucci: What the hell was that out there?! How could we lose two a pair of clowns that had one victory... EVER, during their entire time here?!
Prada Paula: Excuse me? Why are you acting like this is my fault? You were the one who got pinned, Little Miss First LONE Champion! I had the match under control, why didn't you kick out?!
Miss Gucci: Hello, I was blind?! I had some nasty off brand soda and clown spit in my eyes!
Prada Paula: You want to be the queen bitch but you can't own the loss? Who the hell do you think you are?
The two partners but heads with one another.
Miss Gucci: Oh no you didn't?! Get out of my face, bitch!
Prada Paula: You get out of mine, skank!
Miss Gucci: You feelin froggy? You want to throw down?
Prada Paula: Let's go! Let's go!
Before the Gucci Gals come to blows Frank Debauchee manages to step between them and separates them.
Debauchee: Whoa, whoa! You two beauts don't want to do that! Listen ladies, listen!
The two stop for the moment and put their fists down as they listen.
Debauchee: Look, I'm not used to a pair of beautiful ladies losing my number but I'm willing to overlook that as I've been a bit... busy myself. February was a very busy month, not that I had to tell either of you that. But look, the two of you are amongst the best in all of LONE. You got the beauty, you got the brains, and you got a bit of brawn to back it up. And that's great, it truly is but...
Debauchee looks Miss Guccil and Prada Paula up and down with a little smirk before a dismissive shrug.
Debauchee: But what do the two of you have to show for it lately? No tag team titles, no singles titles and your bookings have gone down. Lets face it, you've plateaued in your current incarnation and I mean that with all due respect.
He throws his hands up defensively as he throws them a disarming smile as they glare at him.
Debauchee: But right now LONE might as well be the wild west with everything going on and you're going to need someone who can see the big picture and think outside the box! I believe in the Gucci Gals, the brand you two have created and I'm more than happy to watch you two do your thing, the only thing I'm offering is my services and abilities. You saw the heights I took Olga to in multiple companies; she's must see anytime she's on the card and the three of us all know I can get you two back in that conversation too.
Debauchee pulls put a business card and writes down his number before handing it to Miss Gucci before doing the same for Prada Paula.
Debauchee: Think about the possibilities ladies. And this time... don't lose my number, okay?
With a smile and wink Frank Debauchee struts off.
No Fly Zone vs. Spice & Ice
Baxter: The following Tag Team Contest is the Second match of the Tag Team Classic! Introducing first...
"Stay Fly" by 3 6 Mafia hits the speakers and a big cheer from the crowd comes alive as this newly formed team makes their way from behind the curtain.
Baxter: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the team "Fly" Felicia Hawkins and Kayoko Ichikawa, they are the No Fly Zone!
In confidence they stand, making their way down to the ring and giving high fives to all of their fans along the way. Felicia wears a backwards cap with a a flag on it, half USA on the left and half Japan on the right and a big smile on her face. Kayoko wears a zip up jacket with the flag design on the back with the Japanese flag on the left, the USA flag on the right. They look ready for action, sliding into the ring and jump into different corners with their arms up and getting the love from the crowd.
Baxter: And their opponents...
Suddenly “Cinnamon Girl” by Neil Young plays over the public address sound system as both Cinnamon and Violent Violet step out onto the stage to a large chorus of boos.
Baxter: ... Coming down to the ring, they are CINNAMON AND VIOLENT VIOLET... SPICE AND IIIICEEEE!!!
Walking down the aisle and to the ring, they walk up the steel steps and step into the ring. They smirk and stand in their respective corner, waiting for the match to begin, but not before Cinnamon extends a leg forward and does a split. She starts to lean backwards and sways her arms as if she's slowly swimming backwards, before Violet takes her hand and helps her up.
Kayoko and Violet start off for their respective teams as Violet shoot out of her corner like a smoking gun. Violet comes out with a thunder and lightning running knife edge chop nearly taking Kayoko off her feet. Kayoko manages to catch herself, teetering on one foot and shoots back with a chop of her own. The chop echos loudly in the arena but doesn't appear to do as much damage as Kayoko didn't have her footing on point. Kayoko hops back to balance quickly and goes to run off the ropes, hitting Violet with a headscissors takedown. Violet flips onto the mat from the impact and quickly pops back to her feet before jumping up high and slamming down with an elbow drop.
North: A match up always packed with high intensity, No Fly Zone and Spice and Ice are two teams that know each other extremely well.
Washington: No doubt about that and Kayoko and Violet have both shot out like a hot rocket at one another. Whoever wins this match will be wrestling The Juggalettes immediately after the conclusion of this match so it's in both team's interests to finish this match as quickly as possible and by expending as little energy as possible and sustaining as little damage as possible.
Kayoko goes for a quick tag and tags in Felicia Hawkins, and Felicia hops in over the top rope and hits Violet with a dropkick to the face. Felicia quickly transitions to a side headlock on the ground, looking to keep the pressure on Violet but Cinnamon quickly slithers in and pulls Felicia by the foot off of her! Felicia quickly hits Cinnamon with an enziguri but this gives Violet enough time to get back to her feet and knees Felicia hard in the gut. Violet begins frenetically headbutting Felicia repeatedly over and over again but Kayoko hops back into the ring and catches her tight into a surprise sleeper hold pulling her off her partner! The referee tries to restore order quickly but Cinnamon tackles Kayoko to the ground from the side forcing her to release the hold!
North: All mayhem is breaking loose! The referee needs to get a handle on this situation!
Washington: I'm not sure he can, do you want to get in the middle of that? I know I sure don't!
All four women brawl in the ring at the same time as the referee struggles to regain order as he tries to force Kayoko and Cinnamon out of the ring. Violet shoves her way in and kicks Kayoko viciously in the jaw with a side kick as Cinnamon piles in and starts to stomp all over Kayoko. The referee tries to get a hold of Cinnamon to peel her off but Felicia slams her elbow into Cinnamon's neck causing her to dramatically fall over. The referee bends over to tend to Cinnamon as Felicia ducks a clothesline attempt from Violet and rolls her up for a pin. 1.....2......
North: Felicia nearly had her there!
Washington: That nearly backfired on Spice and Ice!
Felicia breaks her own pin when she realizes the referee's attention is elsewhere. She yells at the referee and tries to plead her case but the referee shakes his head and shrug saying he didn't say anything and saying that Cinnamon was hurt! Felicia slaps her hands together trying to plead that Cinnamon was faking but Violet quickly scoops Felicia up on her back for a pin! The referee sees this however and quickly counts 1..........2....KICKOUT!
North: And that one almost worked?
Washington: 50% isn't terrible here, all things considered. Ideally you want more than a coinflip's chance of your tactics succeeding, though.
Cinnamon smirks over at Kayoko in the corner on the ground as Violet yanks Felicia up off the ground by the hair. Violet looks to go for the Violent Tendencies package piledriver but Felicia manages to slip out of her grip, tucking her knees in as she flips back out and back onto her feet! Violet is caught completely off guard by this as she plants her firmly to the mat with a DDT, Felicia quickly goes for a pin 1.......2.... Cinnamon breaks up the pin!
North: No Fly Zone almost had it and very possibly did if not for Cinnamon's last second save!
Washington: Whether she would've escaped the pin on her own is now forever a mystery.
Kayoko darts back in as it turns into a mini bout of anarchy in the ring once again as she goes back after Cinnamon!The referee intercepts Kayoko and tries to force her back to the corner. Cinnamon takes advantage of this and sizes Felicia up and plants her with the Sugar & Spice spinning heel kick! Felicia falls like a comet as Cinnamon helps Violet back to her team's corner and slaps her hands together to mimic a tag. Cinnamon then sprints over from a blind spot and tosses Kayoko through the ropes to the outside and quickly dogpiles ontop of Felicia for the pin. The referee counts 1......2....Kayoko tries slide back into the ring in a hurry.....3! Kayoko breaks up the pin a fraction of a second late!
Baxter: Here are your winners Spice and Ice!
Cinnamon and Violet quickly slink out of the ring to the outside as Kayoko helps Felicia outside of the ring towards the back.
North: Spice and Ice just barely manage to steal this one, albeit thanks to a dirty trick!
Washington: If the referee had eyes in the back of his head he would've known better but he's no mutant. He went off the only sense he had, which was hearing, for better or worse. It's a big judgment call and you can disagree but ultimately his decision is final. That said... at what price? Spice and Ice burned too much energy in this frantic sprint, they're going to be at a significant disadvantage with in the immediate aftermath, because here comes the Juggalettes!
Tag Team Classic Finals
Once the ring is clear Spice and Ice go back to their corner in the ring trying to recuperate just as The Juggalettes make their way out!
Baxter: And now, the FINALS of the Tag Team Classic! The winners will receive a title shot against The Damned for their tag team championships at a later date. Already in the ring, they are the team of Cinnamon and Violent Violet, SPICE AND IIIIIICE!
“Chicken Huntin’” by ICP suddenly begins to play over the public address sound system.
Baxter: Hailing from The Big Tent on 9th Street, they are SLAPP AND TICK L.; THE JUUUUGGALLLLETTTTTEEEESSSS!!!
Bouncing around on the stage, they quickly make their way down to the ring, mean mugging fans as they walk down the aisle. They hop up onto the apron and then enter through the top and middle rope. They begin to make hand motions as if they’re going to cut off the heads of the chickens. Laughing hysterically at their own comedy.
No sooner than the bell ringing do the Juggalettes look to press the advantage quickly as they both jump Cinnamon and Violent Violet in their corner as they sprint across the ring and launch themselves forward. Punching and hammering away Slapp and Tick L. go after Cinnamon and Violet like a pack of wild hyenas. Violet, not to be outdone swings wildly back and forth trying to fight them both off singlehandedly as Cinnamon manages to get a breather.
North: Violet is fighting with all her might here, trying to buy some time for Cinnamon to breathe.
Washington: If anyone has the fortitude and the appetite for violence to fight off multiple women at once it's Violet. You really have to wonder how much they have left in the tank though, Slapp and Tick L. are coming out incredibly fresh in comparison.
Violet manages to begin to beat Slapp off but Tick L. quickly latches onto to Violet's head and begins gnawing and biting away at it! Violet, not to be outdone manages to yank one of Tick L.'s hands away and begins to bite back! Slapp clings onto Violet's back like a monkey and begins choking her, blatantly and quite possibly illegally (depending on who's actually legal in the match). Violet begins to run out of steam as she's not getting any oxygen into her lungs as Tick L. begins repeatedly beating down on her while Slapp continues to choke the life out of her while the referee is completely unable to enforce anything resembling order in this match.
North: Slapp and Tick L. are quickly beginning to cave in the walls in this match on their opponents and the referee has no idea who's legal in the match!
Washington: Schrodinger's Tag Team; all four women are both legal and illegal in this match at the same time! It's a rather unique situation that could create a very lopsided strategic advantage or disadvantage, let's see who's got the stronger hand.
Cinnamon grabs Slapp from behind and digs her nails into her eyes! Slapp is forced to let go as Tick L. and Violet spill onto the outside over the top rope as they brawl! The referee acknowledges Cinnamon, Slapp, as the ones left in the ring as legal and lets them continue to go at it! Cinnamon manages to get the advantage with Slapp temporarily blinded and quickly hits her with the Siren's Kiss DDT! Cinnamon goes for the quick pin on the follow up, Tick L. tries to fight her way to the ring but Violet has none of it as they continue to brawl on the outside! 1.......2....KICKOUT!
North: You got Tick L. and Violet brawling all the way to the outside, continuing as we speak, we got Cinnamon and Slapp now the two legal women in the ring by default.
Washington: And Cinnamon tried to score with a quick ambush pin but it wasn't meant to be!
Cinnamon continues to fight with Slapp as the action cuts over to Tick L. and Violet on the outside. It's essentially anything goes on the outside as Tick L. and Violet have virtually no referee supervision. Tick L. surprisingly is going toe to toe with Violet trading punches on the outside, as Tick L. begins to hammer home and win a progressively higher percent of the exchanges, Violet still feeling the effects of the other match several moments prior to the start of this one. Tick L. backs off and tackles Violet right into the time keeper in the corner, causing everything to fall over on the nearby table, the bell and hammer scattering to the ground. Tick L. pops up and showboats to the crowd but Violet takes advantage of this and grabs the hammer and clubs her right in the back of the knee! Tick L. falls to a knee as Violet grabs the bell and clubs her in the back of the head, effectively knocking her out cold!
North: That is illegal as hell! That should be a disqualification, Violet blatantly using a weapon on her opponent!
Washington: You're absolutely right, but with the referee's attention planted inside the ring I'm afraid it might well be legal!
Back in the ring Slapp has managed to battle back as she whips Cinnamon to the corner and hits her with a Stinger Splash! Cinnamon flops down to the mat in pain as Slapp goes for a pin. 1......2....KICKOUT! Cinnamon manages to throw her shoulder up! Slapp feels like the end could be near as she looks to make lightning strike twice with the Clown Shoe as Violet tries to slide the ringbell into the ring! The referee sees this and tries to get it out of the ring as Violet quickly slides the hammer, undetected to Cinnamon. Cinnamon gets up in the corner, palming and hiding the hammer as out of sight as possible as Violet attempts to enter the ring with the bell to get the referee's attention. Slapp charges forwards with the Clown Shoe but Cinnamon shoots out of the corner and slams the hammer viciously and freely into her stomach, doubling her over! Cinnamon quickly follows up with the Sugar & Spice spinning heel kick planting Slapp firmly into the mat as she falls like a redwood in a forest! Cinnamon tosses the hammer out of the ring and goes for the pin as Violet informs the referee. The referee counts.....1...........2.........3!
Baxter: Here are your winners, Cinnamon and Violent Violet... Spice and Ice!
Spice and Ice celebrate in the middle of the ring with their arms raised triumphantly in the ring, celebrating having just become the number one contenders to the LONE Tag Team Championship!
North: Well, it's set. The Damned will be defending against Spice and Ice at a date yet to be determined for the Tag Team Championship!
Washington: It's going to be one hell of a match but one has to wonder how Alison Crowne is going to factor into all of this? With The Damned making an enemy out of her will the former LONE Champion make her presence felt during their next title defense? All these questions and more will be answered soon! For my partner Kevin North, I'm Frank Washington and there's a good chance I'll join you again here next month!
Coming Soon!