2020.01.21: PWN - LONE - LONE 31

The titantron lights up to a camera feed that the iPPV stream fixes to.
It looks like an area somewhere backstage. It must be an area that is under partial construction as there is a piece of Oriented Strand Board propped up.
Sitting on the concrete floor, with her back against the board, is a person we haven't heard from in a while. Recognizable from her short blue hair, it's "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson.
She's wearing her usual leather vest that's adorned in various patches, denim jeans and her black boots. What she's wearing under the vest is concealed at the moment, as she's sitting with her knees bent and her arms folded atop each other over her knees. Her head is hung low, with her arms also concealing her face.
The camera lowers, and focuses directly in front of her. She raises her head, looking directly into the camera.
Terri: Jack... Yeah, I've been gone for a while and I've got a lot to say, but right now, I want to talk to Jack E. Bux. I want to talk to Jack.
Her eyes hold a gaze of worry and sadness.
Terri: You've had it good in DC. You have! You were living plush and comfortable and most things were going your way. Most. Sure, you had that issue with the fed you were going to create, but other than that, you had it made. But you took a gamble...
Her legs part some more and her hands dip down, elbows resting on her knees still. It is now noticeable that the shirt she is wearing is a black t-shirt of a controversial figure in the world of wrestling; "The Toymaker" Charles Gacy.
Terri: You took a gamble because you saw an untapped market here in New England. You saw ladies that were super talented, but needed the work. You also took a gamble to be with family. Your Dad is Wealthy Walter Washington. You said to that weasel lawyer "you forget who my father is!" ... But I didn't... I know and remember him... But you just... you snapped! And you know what, Jack? I can't blame you. For as long as I've known you, I've never seen you snap. I've never seen you lose your cool. It's sad but you know what? It's a part of life. You snapped but..... you were willing to take another big risk and try to throw LONE away.
Terri looks pained now, disgusted by the thought of it all.
Terri: No, Jack... Don't... You've got a good thing going here. It's been lasting for years. Sure, you could gamble on it and lose it. You'd be fine in the end but what about the others? You said they'd be behind you, yes, but at the end of the day... they'd all be without a job. But you don't have to worry, Jack...
She shakes her head slowly and raises her right hand up, extending her index finger up and waving it slowly. No-no-no.
Terri: No-no-no.
She lowers her hand and begins to smile.
Terri: Because tonight, tonight I give Alison a taste of what she's getting next month. I'm getting what I wanted, and that's a title match again Alison and you know what? It's up to me, Jack. It's up to me to take that title away from Alison and rid you--no, all of LONE of the Curse that is Crowne!
Terri laughs deeply at her words, throwing her head back and resting the back of it against the board as her eyes fix on the ceiling.
Terri: Oooh man...
Her eyes lower to the camera.
Terri: Let me tell you, Jack. No let me tell everyone, why I got into the wrestling business in the first place. As most know, my Dad is a big fan. He was gone a lot... work will do that to you, so I never really watched it much... up until my Mom was dying and then passed on. I started to get closer to him and I started to watch wrestling more and I... I really appreciated what it's all about. Wrestling is my joy. Wrestling is my... escape! Escape from the pain of a broken home. Escape from poverty. Escape from having to deal with the people who would try to hurt me and bring me down in school and in the trailer park. I got to see men and women who... who took to the skies!
She looks up for a moment and waves her hand up in an arch motion as she says those last few words.
Terri: They were... They -are-... like superheroes to me. Superheroes I can actually shake the hand of and take a picture with. Superheroes like... "The Revolutionary" Frank Washington. My IDOL! The one who I get to tag with tonight! I saw him and people like him do what they do in the ring, thwart villains like Alison and I wanted to be a part of that. I saved up what I could and I went to the school that Jack's father is running. I had support from people at the trailer park, but of course there were also naysayers. There were people who thought somebody like me couldn't make it. There were also people who would down wrestling and make fun of it. Guys in spandex. Then they'd go talk about Spiderman and the X-men or something........ guys in spandex. I never understood that, but that's fine. There's nothing wrong with worshipping heroes in fiction, but you have heroes in reality like Frank Washington and you know what?... People like myself. So I never understood that. You know what else I never understood? People like Alison.
Terri starts to bring her hands up to her head, gripping at the sides of her head like she wants to tear the blue locks out at the roots.
Terri: Ooh. Ooh Alison. Hah.
She eases up on her grip, and starts to rub her temples now.
Terri: I say I am a hero because I have inspired people. I know I have. I have trained a young girl and you'll see her soon one day. Someone who was just like me. Someone who looks to me like I'm their Frank Washington.
Terri balls her hands into fists, and rests them on her forehead while she lowers her eyes.
Terri: Alison you.....
Her hands begin to fall from her face as her eyes fix back on the camera.
Terri: Alison you've been nothing but a villain since you backstabbed me. You've went above and beyond anyone else whose ever had any kind of beef with me. Every night... Ever since I won the title the first time I...
Terri swallows hard, seeming like she's having trouble getting words out now. She's getting choked up.
Terri: I've... since I... Ever since I've won the title the first time, whenever I would wrestle... no matter the match, I would get to go home. I would get to go home and waiting for me there was someone who is the love of my life. Someone I've had ups and downs with. Someone who loved me in school but didn't have the heart to tell me. Someone I was planning to spend the rest of my life with in Wendy. She'd rub my back, she'd nurse me to health. She'd keep me going and tell me everything is going to be all right. Now I gotta see her in a FUCKING--
Just as she curses, she balls her right hand up and slams it behind her into the board.
Terri: Neck brace, laying in a fucking hospital bed and why? For what?! Because you're OBSESSED! You're obsessed with that title and obsessed with ruining the LIVES of anyone that crosses your path! You took out Wendy! You put Qent in jail! Hell, your friend Lexi Pryce is in jail because of you! You tried to take me out! YOU THOUGHT YOU DID! You dropped me on my head. You thought you broke my neck but you're forgetting Alison. I'm a stubborn bitch!
She taps the side of her head with her right forefinger.
Terri: I'VE GOT A HARD FUCKING HEAD! And I will not stop! I don't understand how or why you would take things this far but you did! Now you align yourself with a Lawyer and some Brute! Hi Stonehands! Did you forget about me? Did you forget that I actually had the opportunity to manage you one time and almost took it? You and I both know why I didn't... but I'm not overlooking you. I know what you're capable of! And if you think you're going to protect Alison from me, then you've got another thing coming! No big knockout artist, or some lawyer, hell, johnny law himself!... None of them will save you from me, Alison!
She gazes into the camera with an intensity in her eyes. A piercing stare that could turn the camera to stone. Her visage a mixture of pain, sorrow and anger.
Terri: Wendy used to tell me she was so sorry she jumped the railing. She told me something possessed her. The way I was being treated in my match. She felt she had to help. I told her I get it, but she shouldn't have done it. She's already paid for her transgression. You took things too far Alison. You walk around here with your inflated ego thinking you're Superman. But I'm the kryptonite! When in reality, you're Dr. Doom. You rule LONE and think you can take over the whole world, going all over the place and defending the title everywhere BUT LONE..... and I'm Mr. Fantastic, coming to take you down and right your wrongs.
She shakes her head vehemently.
Terri: No! You know what? I'm the goddamn Punisher... and your punishment is due, Alison. Ooh, I'd love to hurt you so bad tonight but I'm going to save the best for next month. Next month... on the leap year..... It's gonna be lethal! And if you think otherwise, then I'm going to put your Mind in the Gutter!
Terri places her right hand on the camera and shoves it away as the screen cuts to black.
Homeless Hannah vs Rook
When the lights come on, everyone can see that Homeless Hannah is already in the ring.
North: Hello everyone and welcome to Supremacy: LONE 31 - New Years Rising! I'm Kevin North alongside my broadcast partner DIC and we're going to get straight into action tonight!
Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!
Crowd: ONE FALL!
Baxter: First, already in the ring, from the Dumpster behind the LONE arena, she is HOMELEEEEESSSSSS HANNAHHHHHHHHHH!
Hannah raises her right arm.
DIC: Ugh, put your arm down. I can smell it from here. I can't tell who smells worse, her or Terri.
Kernkraft 400's "Zombie Nation (Original Version)" starts up. Rook steps out from behind the curtain, standing on stage and lowering her glasses some as she looks out over the crowd. She takes a few steps before taking her glasses off and tossing them out towards whichever lucky fan will catch them, before retrieving another pair and sliding them on.
Baxter: And her opponent! From Deer Lodge County, Montana! ROOOOOOOOOOK!
She hops up onto the apron, taking a few steps and then putting one leg through the middle and top rope, but pauses to lower her glasses and look out at the crowd before fully stepping through.
North: Rook is coming off a big victory with Katrina over Hannah Kix and Ashley Lopez but tonight she's got another Hannah to deal with in Homeless Hannah. With her previous rivals finally behind her Rook has got to be thinking about getting herself back in LONE Championship contention; she almost beat Alison Crowne in her debut in a title match. You know she's thinking about getting back to that level.
DIC: Homeless Hannah looks like she hasn't eaten in what, a week? The hunger in her eyes... the slobbering drool coming from the side of her mouth. You know she wants that winner's bonus tonight to go out, maybe go hog wild on the dollar menu?
North: Well, normally she'd go with catering but being on first, sometimes you just don't have that luxury until after.
Homeless Hannah comes out like fire out of the gate at Rook; almost as if she hasn't eaten in four days and catches her by surprise with a a sloppy clothesline that takes them both down to the mat. Rook's sunglasses almost fall off but she manages to adjust them back on her face as Homeless Hannah goes for some kind of headlock on the ground. The referee is quick to check to ensure it doesn't become an illegal chokehold but whatever Homeless Hannah is trying to do doesn't last long as Rook slips out of her hold and slips out to try to catch her in a swift heelhook!
North: Rook looking to lock in that lethal heelhook of hers, nobody has ever broken out of that hold once it's locked in tight!
DIC: Well that slobber might give Homeless Hannah all the extra slip she needs to slide out! It's not locked in yet though; I mean hell, with that Smelly Terri thing going on she just might make Rook pass out before she's got it locked in completely!
North: Oh will you stop it?
DIC: It's true! I should keep a gas mask under the table for just such an occasion!
Homeless Hannah tries to stop the hold from being locked in completely as she contorts her body in a way that causes her arm to drape over the bottom rope, causing a clean break. Rook lets go and quickly gets up to her feet as Homeless Hannah scurries up to a vertical base as well. Rook goes to put Homeless Hannah in a collar and elbow tie up but Homeless Hannah slips out and catches her in a side headlock. Homeless Hannah takes Rooks glasses off and puts them on herself with a wild grin which causes some in the crowd to boo her.
North: Homeless Hannah might think she's being funny here but it appears the crowd doesn't agree! Still, that headlock seems to have her in the driver's seat.
DIC: She's trying to suffocate her with the smell of rotten cheese and moldy turkey sandwiches! This is against the Geneva Convention!
Homeless Hannah lets her tongue hang out as Rook slips out and shoves her forward before kicking her behind the knee, sending her down to a knee before slipping in front of her and kicking her square in the chin causing the sunglasses to fly off and slide across the mat! Rook goes and picks up her sunglasses, holding them up to the lights to check them before putting them back on.
North: Those sunglasses have to be indestructible. Still, a mistake to turn your back on someone in the middle of a match!
DIC: Well assuming her nose isn't clogged up she should be able to smell her coming a mile away.
Homeless Hannah, holding her jaw scrambles behind Rook and slides her onto her back trying to go for an inside cradle but she Recycles the heel hook for herself, trying her best to lock Rook in!
North: Homeless Hannah with the Recycle! She's reusing Rook's own maneuver against her!
DIC: Does she even know how to apply a heel hook?!
Homeless Hannah might've had Rook if she really knew how to apply the hold but her sloppy execution and lack of knowledge came into play, allowing Rook to slip out and apply the heelhook on Homeless Hannah as she rolled out and towards the center of the ring! Homeless Hannah screams in pain and tries to fight out but the hold was locked in too tight as she taps out furiously on the mat!
Baxter: Here is your winner.. Rook!
North: Big win for Rook here tonight; always important to keep momentum on your side because when you lose it, it can be hard to regain it.
DIC: She might want to get checked for diseases after though, what a thankless job!
Backstage Segment: Ashley Lopez
The cameras cut to a pretaped video as Ashley Lopez can be seen sitting at desk at an upscale hotel room with an apple martini in her hand, holding it very casually as she takes a sip with a soft smile. There was an artisanal toothpick with a square chunk of green apple pierced through the center and floating in the mixture.
Ashley Lopez: 2019 wasn't my year. Started sitting at home, watching others get the opportunities that were never offered to me. It sucked, it hurt to sit there and wonder 'why not me?' To sit in my home and wonder why I wasn't getting the opportunities, why my phone remained silent and why I was treated like an afterthought. I decided I had to take matters into my own hands and I had to shake a few boats and rattle a couple of feathers to blaze a trail for myself. Then I met you.
She takes another sip from her martini glass.
Ashley Lopez: The Parisian with a bad attitude, Hannah. At first I looked at you and thought; 'wow, you're just like me'. You got a top 5 record in LONE in terms of wins and losses though and not a single LONE Championship opportunity or contender's match. That told me it wasn't just me, but that something rotten at the top where imaginary brass rings always hung just out of reach at the tip top of the glass ceiling. It made me mad, angry. I knew then and there I found an ally; someone that I could trust... at least until we got to where we needed to go. I knew how you treated your friends, I saw what you did to Ami and how you turned your back on her but I thought 'hey, it won't happen to me, I'll see it coming'.
Then I started to let my guard down.
Almost as if I had found a kindred spirit from across the Atlantic divide. We both valued class above all else and carried ourselves as amgonst the best of the best, whether it was in Hollywood or Paris the two of us felt at home. It was like artisan cheese and the finest wine coming together in perfect harmony. I got to pick your brain, I got to learn how to carry myself as a true pro in a very cutthroat career. I'll always be grateful for that. But almost seemed as if the more I began to improve the more you began to take that as a license to slip and slide back; to progressively do less and less while I put my body at more and more risk. It was calculated; it was... brilliant in a way. Everything at the end of the day was about preserving as much of your body as possible while still making progress to our collective goal; you wanted a potential rival to be as worn out as possible so it was less work you would have to do while chasing the championship.
She paused as she grabbed a hold of the toothpick and slid the chunk of apple into her mouth, taking a moment to savor the taste as she thought over her words very carefully before finally sliding the toothpick out of her mouth and setting it aside.
Ashley Lopez: I woke up, I finally woke up at Thanksbeating in 2019 near the end of the year. I realized that I cared too much while you cared... so little. I saw that dagger hidden behind your back and I knew it was coming for me. I wanted to believe our friendship was real but I knew it was a facade and if I didn't keep my head in the game I'd lose the entire gamble I started last year. My only regret is that we lost last month but win or lose I was gunning for your head before you came after mine. You know where to find me, you know where I live, you have my number and know my address. Anytime, anyplace, anywhere I'll do it again and again face to face. 2019 may not have been my year but 2020? I'm grabbing that by the horns and I won't let go until I'm on top!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!