2019.12.27: PWN - LONE - LONE 30

The lights in the arena dim as the show begins to start. A video package begins airing with the words “The Crowne Tour of New England” appearing on the screen in golden letters as a Highlight of the Night logo can be seen prominently behind it before the wording fades, the film reel in the logo spinning for several seconds before stopping in a stationary position. Alison Crowne's triumph over Vanessa Venom shows up in the highlight package, then another young woman with dyed purple hair can be seen with her face covered in blood as Alison is punching her repeatedly in the face from a mounted position on the mat as a referee waives off the fight and calls for a stoppage. Another shows a young blonde woman, presumably in her mid 30s in a ring where Alison has her trapped in a triangle hold submission hold where the woman reaches out for the ropes that are both close but yet too far out of reach as the hand begins to hit the mat furiously. Another clip shows Alison standing over a brunette woman as the referee is halfway through counting her out as she leans against her corner to the count of ten. Finally we see Alison ordering a steel cage door open as the outside referee unlocks the door as an unidentified opponent can be seen laying facedown on the mat in the distance as Alison slowly walks down the ring steps before placing both feet on the mat on the outside as the ringing of a bell can be heard over and over. Images of Alison Crowne with her arm raised in the air flash across the screen, each time Stonehands being the one to wrap the championship around her waist.
Announcer: Here is your winner...
Barrows can be seen opening a bottle of champagne at one point and spraying Stonehands and Alison as Alison and Stonehands with their own bottles spray each other in celebration.
Announcer: ...AND STILL...
A montage flashes of her opponents staring up in defeat or being wheeled away by EMTs on a stretcher reflecting the severity of their injuries with the last one leaving with her neck in a brace.
Announcer: ...Ladies of New England Champion...
A shot of Stonehands lifting Alison up on his shoulders and parading her around as she spreads her arms out wide.
Announcer: ...The Highlight of the Night... Alison Crowne!
The video package finally ends fading out on that last shot.
Maine Event Wrestling Simulcast: Julia Ravencroft vs. "The Highlight of the Night" Alison Crowne
The camera feed cuts to Augusta, Maine in an arena that seats several hundred people. The ring ropes are red and white with a black canvas on the mat and litered with various weapons, some of them Christmas themed such as a giant candy cane, a baseball bat in a red and white swirl pattern and a street sign that says “WELCOME TO AUGUSTA CITY LIMIT” sign with graffiti just to name a few. The ring apron reads in bold letters “MAINE EVENT WRESTLING”.
Them Bones by Alice in Chains begins to play as the lights begin to flash in the arena with a spotlight on the curtain. A red haired woman slowly steps out from the curtain as the fans cheer. She looked like she was dressed for a street fight more than a wrestling match with her ripped jeans hinting at the kneepads she wore underneath with a flannel shirt tied around her waist and a raven's skull on her black t-shirt. Around her waist was a championship belt.
Announcer: The following match is a street fight and it is for the Maine Commonwealth and Ladies of New England Championships! Introducing first, from Portland, Maine she is the Maine Commonwealth Champion... Julia Ravencroft!
North: Ladies and gentlemen thank you for joining us here tonight. I'm Kevin North alongside Dexter Irving Cornelius, DIC, and we're calling the action here from Fallcoast, Maine. Hopefully there won't be any 'mysterious technical issues' like last month.
DIC: It's rare when you and I are on the same page but this month I'm with you. I've supported Alison Crowne for a very long time, even against the upper brass and management, Bux did a lot of wrong in my view, but to call out a long time ally and friend like myself, which is what Stonehands and Barrows did, was unacceptable.
North: To your credit, you've been firmly on her side since she started going after Terri Thompson.
DIC: Smelly Terri, yeah, I don't miss her either. But this power, this ego trip, has gotten to Alison's head! At the same time.. I don't want Edgar Allan Poe's long lost great great great granddaughter to take the belt either. Even if she is a bit hot and just might be my type; it'd deny us the chance to crown a more deserving LONE Champion like Miss Gucci or Cinnamon! I'd even settle for Sister Cathy at this point!
North: Even if it's a bit misguided at least you're beginning to see the error of your ways; it's at least progress.
Julia Ravencroft rolls into the ring and sits in the corner, her eyes fixated on the ramp, awaiting her challenger. It doesn't take her long as the lights cut out save for a single spotlight on the curtain as As I Am by Dream Theater plays. As the song picks up Alison Crowne emerges from the back with the LONE Championship around her waist wearing a pair of red, white, and blue gym sweats over her usual ring attire with a matching jacket baring the 2020 Olympics logo. Not long after she emerges she's flanked by her attorney Gordon Barrows and Stonehands. The three have a brief conversation on the ramp before making their way down to a chorus of boos.
Announcer: And her opponent, from Gainesville, Florida by way of Fallcoast, Maine...
Alison looks visibly annoyed as the announcer gets her hometown wrong again for the second month as she continues to make her way to the ring.
Announcer: she is the Highlight of the Night and the Ladies of New England Champion.. Alison Crowne!
North: Today marks day 392 of Alison Crowne's reign as the Ladies of New England Champion, tying Miss Gucci's reign. If she can make it past Julia Ravencroft here tonight she will become the longest reigning champion in LONE history as of midnight.
DIC: Records are meant to be broken, and I have to accept that it will need to be for Miss Gucci to have another chance in the future to break it! I'm rooting for Alison tonight, under protest!
Alison unbuckles the belt as she walks up the steps and into the ring, holding the belt up high before she squats to meet Julia Ravencroft at eye level in her corner.
Alison: Take it all in, savor it! This is close as you're ever going to get to my title!
North: Alison had enough wrestling for the month and she wasn't initially going to take on this match but Julia Ravencroft was determined to up the ante to make it worth her while by putting her own championship on the line. If Alison isn't careful she's going to blow her entire negotiating position and leverage if she returns to Fallcoast later tonight empty handed!
DIC: It's absolutely a gamble but just think of how much stronger her position will be when she wins?
Ravencoft stares at Alison with an unflinching gaze as she pulls herself up and the referee stands between them, asking for their championships. Both women comply and hand them over as he holds them both up high.
Ravenloft immediately goes for the bat and yanks it off the rope, shredding the bow that was holding it there and points it at Alison. Alison immediately darts out of the ring and darts over to Stonehands who motions with his hands to invite Ravencroft outside of the ring. Ravencroft stares them down, keeping her eyes fixated on them as Gordon Barrows slithers in behind her and begins trying to wrestle the bat away from her. Alison sees this opportunity and darts back into the ring and digs her fingers into Ravencroft's eyes to force her to leg go as she did so from behind causing the crowd to boo.
Barrows: That's right you miscreant! Don't you ever think you could lay your hands on me!
North: Ravencroft came to play tonight ladies and gentlemen but Alison Crowne of course isn't going to give her a fair fight; digging into her bag of tricks.
DIC: Remember, Raven lady requested this match. In an environment like this everything is as legal as a wrist lock.
The referee can do nothing but watch as Alison picks up the bat and rams it into Ravencroft's back repeatedly bringing her to her knees. Alison then with the bat wraps it around the front of her foe's neck and uses her knee to drive into her back and choke her with the foreign object! Barrows meanwhile is kneeling in front of her and continuing to berate Ravencroft.
Barrows: You're just a dirty little street rat! You don't deserve to grace the same ring as my client, do you hear me? You're a pity case; my client agreed to this match because she pities you! You're a charity case that gets to work with The Champ! Do you understand the words I'm saying? You're nothing but a -
Ravencroft manages to swing with an open palm and connect right to Barrows' face despite being choked, having heard enough! Barrows falls back and flat on his rear in shock, his eyes wide as saucers.
Barrows: You can't do that! That's assault! Assault! Do something!
The referee merely shrugs saying 'what do you want me to do about it?'
North: Technically, he can't do anything, he's not a police officer.
DIC: Thoughts of Barrows aside, noooottttt really smart to put your hands on an attorney. She's getting sued later.
Alison pulls back harder on the bat in response but Ravencroft reaches back and grabs a fistful of Alison's hair, yanking forward! Alison screams in pain as she lets go of the bat! Ravencroft keeps a hold of her hair, getting up and tossing her straight into her attorney! Alison lands on top of Barrows, their heads connecting upon impact!
North: And she'll probably be pursued for more damages over that. From a wrestling standpoint though; that's intelligent in an environment like this. You know Alison is going to use whatever and whoever she can to her advantage so you take out one of those you know are going to be a thorn in your side.
DIC: I hope she or the promoter has a fucking good attorney!
Barrows rolls out of the ring as Stonehands goes to tend to him. Alison is slow to get up and even slower after Ravencroft gives her a sick and twisted grin and with an upswing cracks her right in the ribs! Alison's body hops a bit off the mat from being on all fours upon impact before doubling over face down clutching her ribs tight only for Ravencroft to come back down with a downswing right on her back! Alison clutches her back now while trying to cradle her ribs as Ravencroft tosses the bat aside.
North: And I hope Alison has a good doctor! Bruised or broken ribs for sure with a swing like that!
DIC: You know she's got the best, no thanks to Bux! Even if I'm no longer on the Alison Crowne bandwagon, truth is truth.
Ravencroft grabs two chairs off the ropes and unfolds them, before grabbing the city limit sign and placing it on the two seats to prop it up, scooting them backward. She then grabs Alison and kicks her hard in the ribs again before dragging her to the turnbuckle and situating her on the top as she begins to climb with her back to the inside of the ring.
North: This one could end bad in a hurry with that makeshift obstacle in place!
DIC: Yeah, and it's a great way to catch a staph infection in a dump like that!
She tries to underhook both of Alison's arms as she looks back into the ring with the makeshift chair 'bridge' for lack of better term behind her and tries to lift her up and backward but Alison blocks it as she hooks her leg under the top turnbuckle! Ravencroft tries again but Alison continues to block it by hooking the leg! Alison then begins to throw several heavy punches at Ravencroft stunning her and leaving her precariously hanging in the balance as she wobbles. Alison finally throws her off with a heavy right punch but Ravencroft stops just short of crashing through the city limit sign she propped up as she fell to a knee. Alison pulls herself up as she stands on the top rope, looking down at Ravencroft.
North: Alison never goes to the top rope but perhaps given the situation she's feeling compelled to take a risk she normally wouldn't take. The longer this match goes the more it favors Ravencroft.
DIC: For all we know she might have a secret weapon in her arsenal that we haven't seen yet!
Alison acts like she's sizing Ravencroft up for a big move and acts like she's about to leap forward but instead she hops off the turnbuckle, her feet touching the ground as she looks down at Ravencroft and slaps her across the face instead, drawing loud boos!
DIC: Oooooh, she got everyone with that! Never trust someone with an attorney that slimey!
North: So you're saying I shouldn't trust your uncle?
DIC: Hey, don't say that about Uncle Isaac! Eugene Varano is an upstanding man of the highest moral character!
Alison quickly runs and rebounds off the ropes hitting a shining wizard, overshooting just enough that both women collide into the chairs and sign, sending them tumbling over. Alison gets up and looks at the city limit sign, and places both feet on it and begins to wipe her feet.
North: The ultimate sign of disrespect, that's uncalled for!
Alison goes to pick up Ravencroft, throwing her head between her legs and getting the double underhook on her arms, lifting her up and driving her head into the city limit sign with the Tiger Driver 98! Alison quickly goes for the pin. 1......2........KICKOUT! Alison sits up in shock!
North: Somehow, someway Julia Ravencroft kicked out!
DIC: She should've stayed down!
Alison argues for a three count but she's not getting it! She shoves the referee several times trying to browbeat and intimidate him into changing his call but he won't cave! This gives Ravencroft precious time to recover as she crawls over to the bat and doubles over as if she's trying to cover it up with her body. Alison after another moment or two finally turns her attention to her and tries to yank her up by her hair in a very dismissive manner but Ravencroft springs up like a trap and swings the bat at her ribs again! Alison immediately lets go as she doubles over once more Ravencroft quickly sets up a chair before DDTing Alison right on top of it! The chair dents downward from the impact as Alison lays limp.
North: Ravencroft could easily become the LONE Champion right now and under almost any other scenario she might just have it, but she wants to double-tap here and remove all doubt!
DIC: She's getting cocky, Kev!
Ravencroft instead of going for the pin rolls out of the ring and quickly finds a table underneath it, pulling it out and slowly sliding it into the ring. She goes to unfold the legs before propping it up while Alison continues to take a nice little nap on the mat, appearing to not be getting up anytime soon giving Ravencroft all the time she needs to inflict maximum punishment. With the table now unfolded and standing up she begins to drag it closer to the turnbuckle before stomping on Alison several times and dragging her on top of the table. The crowd cheers as Ravencroft quickly ascends the turnbuckle, looking to end Alison's reign once and for all
North: If this connects this is over!
Ravencroft sizes up Alison and gets ready to take flight but Stonehands quickly hops onto the apron and with a haymaker connects right to Ravencroft's head with an unrelenting and unforgiving right hand, showcasing his World Class Striking Power! Ravencroft is out on her feet as her body immediately loses balance and her legs split out from under her, sending her to a seated position on the top in a very rough way.
North: Julia Ravencroft had this won but Stonehands had to get involved, with his size and world class striking power... that's not even fair!
At around this time Alison revives as she sees Stonehands standing on the apron and yelling at her to get back up. It doesn't take Alison long to put two and two together as she then scales the turnbuckle herself, first getting onto the second rope as Stonehands grabs Ravencroft and hoists her up on Alison's shoulder! He then helps Alison balance her weight as she climbs to the top rope as she begins to drop Ravencroft down for the position for the Crowning Moment.
North: No no no no no! Don't do it! You've proven your point, she's out on her feet! Just pin her, there's no reason to cripple her!
Alison leaps off the top rope and nails Ravencroft with an Avalanche Crowning Moment through the table as the wood breaks and splinters upon impact! Alison hooks both legs as the referee counts...1.....2..................3!
Announcer: Here is your winner AND STILL the Ladies of New England AND NEW Maine Commonwealth Champion.... The Highlight of the Night.... Alison Crowne!
Alison quickly rolls out of the ring at Stonehands' urging as Gordon Barrows, finally back to his feet snatches both championships from the timekeeper as they dart out through the crowd.
North: Well she won, but how is she going to get to Fallcoast in time?
DIC: My guess? Either a private jet or a helicopter and seeing how Gordon Barrows dresses and carries himself? I'd say that's a guarantee.
Backstage Segment: Linda Edwards w/Madison Anderson
Linda Edwards: Ladies and Gentlemen I'm joined her at this time by Madison Anderson. Madison, last month you pulled off what will likely go down as the Upset of the Year when you managed to beat Olga in your first singles match back. So the question begs asking... why are you still here?
Madison Anderson looks a bit nervous standing next to Linda Edwards as her eyes are darting around and constantly on the move.
Madison: To be honest.. it was big. It was a huge win for me early on in my career and I know it was something nobody saw coming. I mean.. I didn't even see it coming! But each night you always have a chance and while I wish I could've made the most of my opportunity challenging for the LONE Championship earlier this year, for now, this will do.
Linda Edwards: Yes but Madison... why haven't you gotten out of town yet? Olga has been furious all month long, she feels humiliated at the upset and shocking loss and well... yeah. I don't think I have to tell you what that...
Madison: Why does everyone keep telling me to get out of town? It makes me nervous, if I can be honest. I know I'm nobody's first pick for people expected to beat Olga but it happened, you know? I can't tell you if lightning will strike twice but it did last month at Thanksbeating. All I can do is keep training hard and improving my ring work and prove that...
The camera pans down the hallway as security guard can be seen trying to pacify Olga but Olga tosses him into the wall like a ragdoll as he lets out a very loud 'OOOOOOOOMPH! and wisely stays on the ground.
Madison: I have to go now!
Madison starts sprinting down the hallway as Linda Edwards darts into the janitor's closet nearby just to escape Olga's war path. Olga pursues Madison like a bat out of hell thirsty for blood as Madison does her best to slow down the Brutal Russian Warmachine. Madison knocks over some pipes and light stands and several stage props to slow Olga down, but Olga just plows through while only sacrificing minimal speed as she hurdles and shifts her body. Madison looks back as panic spreads across her face as Olga keeps rushing towards her and beginning to gain ground on her. Madison darts through catering and starts flipping over tables as food and plates crash and scatter everywhere. She tips another table over as a giant bowl of punch spills over the floor. Olga skids and slides, nearly falling twice and finally has no choice but to reduce her speed. Madison sprints down another hallway and bolts out the backdoor to the parking lot. She darts into a faded orange four door car and shuts the driver door and turns the key. The motor tries to turn over but it won't start! Olga barrels through the remaining obstacles in the meanwhile and returns to her previous speed as she darts out the door and quickly scans the parking lot. Madison is pumping the gas pedal desperately as she tries to turn the car over. Olga makes a bee line for the rear door of the car and gets her hand on the handle just as the engine roars to life! Madison, having parked her car facing forward towards the exit immediately slams on the gas and peels out as Olga briefly gets the back door open but can't hold on as the car rapidly picks up speed forcing her to let go! With a hard left Madison peels down the street and successfully makes her escape as Olga in a rage shatters the passenger side window of a nearby car with a vicious punch.
The Stadtfelds vs. The Damned
Baxter: The following Tag Team Contest is scheduled for one fall!
Crowd: ONE FALL!
Baxter: This is a non-title bout. Already in the ring. From Albuquerque, New Mexico, they are Amy and Anna, THEEEEEE STADTFEEEEEEELDS!
The Crowd boos as the two twins strike a pose.
Baxter: And their opponents.
With silence from the crowd, as the lights in the arena suddenly turn to a very dark red color as “I’m damned” by Vampira with Satan’s Cheerleaders plays over the public address sound system. Walking out onto the stage with the Holy Bible in hand, Sister Catherine stands on the stage with this sadistic grin curled along her lips. The camera takes a moment to focus on some fans holding up signs in crimson font that reads Ephesians 6:11. Walking down the aisle very slowly, Sister Catherine keeps the Bible clutched to her chest. Stitches walks behind her with her head hung low. The two, of course, have the LONE Tag Team Championships draped over their waists.
Baxter: Making their way to the ring, they are the LONE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS, Sister Catherine and Stitches... THEEEEEEEE DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMNED!
Upon reaching the steel steps, Sister Catherine places the bible in the corner and quickly ascends up the steps and into the ring. Stitches languidly follows.
Stitches starts out for her team while Amy Stadtfeld starts out for her team. Amy immediately goes and starts hammering down on Stitches who stands there and takes the punches without trying to protect herself. Amy grabs her by the hair and drags her over to her corner while her twin sister, Anna, makes the blind tag. The referee slaps his hands together to acknowledge the tag as the twins begin to try and beat her into the corner, trying to maximize the referee's five count for all it's worth. Amy exits at four, only to blind tag herself back in and repeat the process. Stitches gets beat down into a seated position as the twins go for two low dropkicks, one quickly after the other to Stitches as she takes the full force of both. The Stadtfeld Twins mock The Damned as they start taunting Sister Catherine from her corner and each makes a belt motion around their waists as Stitches begins to laugh.
North: The Stadtfeld Twins are trying to make a case for the next opportunity at the LONE Tag Team Championship but we know Stitches; she enjoys pain and thrives off it!
DIC: Yeah, she's a bit freaky. Pain makes most people stop and yield when a threshold is reached, Stitches just asks for more when she reaches that point! You gotta knock her out to stop her!
The Stadtfeld Twins turn around to see Stitches laughing in the corner and quickly try to stomp her silent but she keeps laughing through their stomps, louder and louder almost as if their strikes were proving fruitless or perhaps more horrifyingly; she was enjoy the pain. The referee fails to count, partly because he forgot which twin was the legal partner and partly due to being creeped out himself. The Twins back off in horror as Stitches slowly pulls herself up by the ropes and walks towards them like a reanimated corpse.
North: This is... absolutely unsettling. I think the official is going to request some hazard pay by the time this one is over.
DIC: And can you blame him? I don't know whether to call her a Jesus Freak or some kind of zombie corpsewalker but whatever she is, it's not of this world!
The Stadtfelds nervously begin to backpedal, all the way to The Damned's corner as Stitches makes her slow death march towards them. Amy feels herself bump into the corner as Sister Catherine bares her fangs and hisses at her, sending Anna right into Stitches' clutches as she begins to bite and gnaw at her forehead! Amy looks too terrified to help her sister as Sister Catherine slaps Stitches on the back for the tag as she repositions herself while snacking on a Stadtfeld.
North: She's... eating her flesh!
DIC: I think I might be sick...
The referee acknowledges the tag but seems clueless on how to tell Stitches to stop lest his face becomes her next snack. Anna, in the throes of flight or fight chooses flight and tries to get out of Dodge but Sister Catherine manages to cut her off swiftly and hits her with the Bloodlust Impaler DDT sending her down to the mat! Amy is finally freed as Stitches lets go, Amy covering her face in horror as she stumbles to the center of the ring as Stitches and Sister Catherine look at one another. They quickly decide to go for and connect with Damnation as Stitches clotheslines Amy as Sister Catherine spears Amy simultaneously! Sister Catherine goes for the pin as the crowd counts along... 1.....2.....3!
Baxter: Here are your winners, the LONE Tag Team Champions, Sister Catherine and Stitches... The Damned!
North: Mercifully, it's over. Can anyone stop The Damned?
DIC: Outside of The Gucci Gals or Spice and Ice? Best of luck, and be it by some divine fluke or otherwise neither of them have managed to do it yet either!
Backstage Segment: Bux/O'Reilly/Washington/Jennifer Stewart
The camera cuts back to the office of Jack E. Bux who seems to be huddled around his desk by Frank Washington and Steven O'Reilly as the trio prepare for Alison Crowne's contract negotiation. A knock is heard as Bux looks up.
Bux: Come in.
Jennifer Stewart opens the door as the management trio, Bux and his trusted lieutenants Frank and O'Reilly turn to face her.
Bux: Miss Stewart, to what do I owe the pleasure? I only ask that you make it quick because we're crunching for some last minute preparations here.
Stewart: I promise I won't take up much of your time. As you know, the duet of Spice and Ice have been making my performances rather... unpalatable the last several months with their constant interference spoiling my performances. Not only do these people deserve a better effort but I as a professional... detest when my craft is interrupted and upstaged in an unfair way. So I propose a solution; give me the stage with the ringleader of that duet, Cinnamon, allow me to dazzle her with my frightening display and acumen and I promise you that you nor the fans will be disappointed.
Bux leans back in his chair for a moment as he looks to Frank Washington and Steven O'Reilly who both give him a nod in affirmation.
Bux: Initiative; I like it. We'll sit down and work out the right date and time later but I'm going to grant you your wish. The next time you face off in a LONE ring you will go one on one with with Cinnamon and to ensure there's no outside interference, it'll be in a fifteen foot steel cage!
The crowd pops loud for that announcement as Jennifer Stewart wore a soft but extremely satisfied grin.
Stewart: I promise you that I'll put on a show with Cinnamon as we dance the dance of death that you will never forget! A requiem for a lost and misguided soul; gone but never forgotten once I spirit you away...
Jennifer Stewart exits Bux's office as Bux looks a little confused, O'Reilly wearing a stoic expression and Frank with a grin and a nod.
Frank Washington: I like her drive; eloquent but dangerous.
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!