2017.02.26: PWN - LONE - LONE 1

As the show starts, Terri Thompson's voice can be heard over the PA. "You've been busting my balls for weeks. Saying I'll never amount to anything. Jumping me from behind."
Another voice comes in. Ms. Gucci: "You look like you get your clothes from the dumpster of a Goodwill. Tch, probably sleep there too!"
Cinnamon: "Sugar... spice... heh... and everything nice!"
Alison Crowne: "I'm gonna show Prada Paula why -I'm- the Crowne Jewel of Professional Wrestling, and I'm gonna seize the day when I do!
Kayoko Ichikawa: Watashi wa kon'ya besuto o tsukushimasu!
Prada Paula: "Like, when the hell did a Queen start hanging out with Trash? Heh, no matter. Tonight I'll crack your crown and show you that the devil... wears Prada.
Gutter Trash Terri Thompson: "You'll come to realize you poked the wrong bear. You'll come to realize you made a mistake when I grab you by that head of yours and put your mind... in the Gutter!"
Ms. Gucci: "Honey when I show you why this strap belongs to me, when I plant you in the center of the ring and then toss you out like the trash that you are, the crowd will be saying That's... SO Gucci!"
The PA now starts to play a piece of music that hasn't been heard so far tonight. www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9kuNMdUq_0 Emerging from the curtain can only be one man when that music blasts. Jack. E. Bux! The crowd starts chanting his name, standing up and pumping their fists in the air when the music hits. Jack steps out from the curtain and the crowd erupts into cheers, with most of them bowing repeatedly. Jack looks out at the crowd and shakes his head with a smirk on his face, mouthing "No, you!" and starts to bow back. Jack makes his way to ringside, casually moving up the steel steps and stepping through the middle and top rope. He stands in the center of the ring and looks out at everyone, turning to each side before heading over towards the commentator's table. A staff member hands Jack a microphone. He taps it.
Jack E. Bux: Is this thing on? Oop! I guess so!... HELLO FALLCOOOOOOAST!
Jack: How are we doing tonight? Everybody good? Good! You know something... as you know, like my Father, I'm from Washington D.C.
Jack: Heh heh, yes, yes. Fuck the Cowboys. This is New England. Home of your Superbowl Champions.
Jack: And even you guys can't stand the Cowboys. Nobody can! But Football season is over. I'll tell you one thing that's not over, and that's Pro Wrestling! Some of the finest Female Pro Wrestling you'll see anywhere! As I was saying, I'm from Washington D.C. and I tried... I tried my hardest to get something off the ground there but I couldn't.
Jack: Thank you, that really means a lot. Drama City Championship Wrestling... I had high hopes for it, but it busted. Like my Father... I looked to New England. But I didn't, just like with Drama City... I didn't come here on his dime. I worked hard, busted my ass, and raised up enough money to start anew. I looked to New England and I thought... I want to do something different. I've heard talks about Womens' Revolution, but I've yet to see it! So I said let's start our own. Let's start our own in New England and I'm not the one... not the only one to bust my ass! There's a whole locker room of Ladies who have worked hard to provide you with the best damn wrestling you'll ever see! Period! Let's show them! Let's show everyone who buys this on DVD, who watches this on Internet Pay Per View. Let's show them all that the Bux stops here! Let's let the Ladies Of New England show you that they are the REAL Women's Revolution! Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen, to Ladies Of New England WRESTLIIIIING!"
Jack lowers his microphone, grinning broadly as the crowd chants LONE! LONE! LONE! LONE! LONE! LONE! LONE! LONE! When the crowd dies down, Jack speaks.
Jack: Now I know, tonight, our card is small, but I promise you it will pack a punch and ALL of you will leave here happy tonight or your money back! And I mean that! Thank you for coming! Thank you for watching! Support your favorite talent. They deserve every cent of that merch money at the merch table!
The crowd chants Jack! over and over as Jack hands the mic back to the staffer and takes a moment to soak in all the admiration before moving for the back.
Alison Crowne vs. Prada Paula
Coming Soon!
Cinnamon vs Kayoko Ichikawa
Coming Soon!
Ms. Gucci vs "Gutter Trash" Terri Thompson
Coming Soon!
Surprise Match
Coming Soon!