2019.05.31: PWN - LONE - LONE 23

The show opens up with a video package. The music is White Trash (Second Generation) by Bad Religion, the theme music of Pretty Trashy.
We're in what appears to be a junkyard. As the music plays, it appears to be showing a montage of Terri and Qent. Most of it is Terri, bashing things like old televisions with a lead pipe she must've found, and slam dancing, flailing her arms and legs. Then there's a shot of the two drinking some Miller Genuine Draft beers as the sky darkens. Then there's a shot of Terri standing atop a giant heap of trash while raising the pipe triumphantly, and Qent watching her from the bottom while laughing. The montage seems to end with the sky covered in darkness and stars, and the two seated on bar stools in front of a barrel with the contents inside set on fire.
Terri's right leg is twitching against a rung of the stool while she stares at the flames.
Terri: ..... I need a cigarette... I've been trying to quit, though. You know what I can't quit, though?
Her eyes fix up towards the camera, leaving the flame.
Terri: Making Alison feel pain.
Qent smiles at this.
Terri smiles as well. Sadistically, even!
Terri: Oh that's right Alison. I can't quit you. You're my new addiction now. This isn't about the belt anymore. Not to me!
She points at herself for a moment.
Terri: Hell this isn't even about what you did to me after I won it the second time! This is about Wendy.
She waves her finger around now.
Terri: This is ALL about Wendy and what you did to her! And I won't rest... I won't rest until you feel the pain I felt. The pain she felt.
Qent looks a little concerned, and lays a comforting hand on her friend's shoulder. Terri's eyes shift over to Qent briefly, and she gives her a little nod of appreciation.
Terri: You can make all these jokes... and all of these threats that I'm going to have to get wheeled up and down my trailer along with Wendy while we share a disability check... but it all goes to show me that you don't know what REAL pain is. REAL pain is waking up in the morning and wondering what you'll have to scrounge up to eat for the day, if you CAN even eat for the day. Real pain is having a parental unit who acts like you don't exist, while the other one is gone too much to even notice! Real pain is having to look at the woman you're going to spend the rest of your life with and thinking you've failed her because she has to be bound to a wheelchair, possibly for the rest of her life, because someone you thought was your friend stabbed you in the back over jealousy! Jealousy. Jealousy sewn by corruption...
Terri twitches some more, that leg shaking from her foot bouncing against the rung of the barstool.
Terri: You know, I used to say that I don't know you now. That I knew you then, but I don't know what you are and what you've become now. But no, no it's the opposite. I didn't know who you were then, but I know who you are now. You're... you're a jealous woman. You're a jealous woman consumed by fame. The fame and fortune the title brings. You're a jealous woman consumed by fame who doesn't know what real pain is. You don't know what real pain is because you've never felt it. You've had it easy growing up, and you've never felt real pain because you've spent your whole life inflicting it on others! Physically, mentally, verbally, all your life! Then you come to New England, and you befriend somebody like me who had trust issues to begin with, and you let what happened to me consume you with jealousy! You're jealous because I've done in one year what you couldn't do in 5 plus YEARS! What you couldn't do without the help of a partner and you know EXACTLY what that is... Taste gold! Now, now you're addicted. You're addicted to the taste of gold.
She taps two fingers by the back of her elbow after extending her arm out, like she's waiting for an injection.
Terri: Like a junkie waiting for her fix! Wanting it so badly... And now you have it. But just like a junkie whose gotten her fix, it's not as good after the first time... and it doesn't last long. Then they're left to chase that addiction, wondering if it's even worth it because they can't feel that euphoria from the first time. So you can keep parading around with your title, but there will come a time, and it won't be long, where you won't have it and then I'll ask you..... Was it worth it? Was it all worth it, in the end, Alison?
Terri stares longingly into the flames now.
Terri: Alison Crowne..... You are my addiction now, and I'm going to feed... when I get my hands on you... and it'll be worth it...
The camera zooms in on the flames, which can be heard crackling as the screen fades to black.
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