2019.04.26: PWN - LONE - LONE 22

A video is shown, with a little note in the lower right corner stating it was just after LONE 21: Opportunity.
It's moments after the match between Paula and Stitches.
Paula is on the right hand side, with her face and part of her gear covered in what looks like blood. A victim of Sister Catherine's red mist.
Paula is flailing her hands at her sides, fingers shaking.
Paula: Ewww ohmygodohmygodohmygod! This is so GROSS!
Gucci is to her left, trying to calm her down. The two are wearing their LONE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS around their waists.
Gucci: It's gonna be okay calm down.
Paula: CALM DOWN? CALM DOWN?! -LOOK- AT MY FACE GUCCI! Sister Catherine got blood all over it! Oh my God! I hope none went into my eyes.
Gucci: Here we're gonna clean it up. Just don't move and let me get a towel.
Paula: I swear to God. I'm going to go get STD tests! Who knows what was in that blood! Who knows who she could've drank from!
Gucci: ... She drank from us.
Paula: Yeah but that was last month! Who knows who else she's made a meal of since then! Any of these hicks in this town!
Gucci retrieves a towel and starts to dab at her face, which starts to visibly calm Paula down some more.
Gucci: There we go...
Paula: If my tests come up positive with anything, I swear I'm gonna sue!
Gucci turns towards the camera now.
Gucci: The Damned... Oooh you're going to realize just how damned you are when we get you back for this. Whether we gotta venture to Transylvania in the daytime and stake you where you sleep, or beat you in the center of the ring at night, we're going to leave everyone saying that's SO Gucci!
Paula: There's nothing Gucci about this...
Paula begins to sob and Gucci dabs at her some more as the video fades out.
Spice & Ice vs. Generations
North: Welcome everyone to Supremacy: LONE 22 - Retribution 2! I'm Kevin North alongside my colleague DIC.
DIC: Capital D-I-C!
North: And what a night we got planned for you tonight as--
Cinnamon Girl by Neil Young starts over the PA and a very angry duo of Spice & Ice storm out from the stage curtain and march towards the ring.
North: Well it looks like we're going to start with Spice & Ice tonight, and they don't look very happy after what happened to them last month.
DIC: Cinnamon looks so mad, and it makes her look even hotter! Spicy indeed!
The two slide into the ring from the bottom rope and when they get to their feet, Cinnamon moves over to the stage hand and can be heard shouting.
Cinnamon: Gimmie a microphone!
Cinnamon snatches it from the stage hand. She then taps on it 3 times, mic picking up feedback.
Cinnamon: You know they call this show Retribution and you know what? After what No Fly Zone pulled last week, we want our retribution, dammit! You guys say you want to get even? Well come on out right now and give us a match! Ref, get out here!
A ref soon comes out from the ring curtain and jogs to the ring.
Cinnamon: Now we got a ref and you two got no excuses! Out! Right now!
Waiting for No Fly Zone, then Cross Off by Mark Morton featuring Chester Bennington hits the speakers to their surprise with a happy reaction from the crowd attending. The music doesn't stay on long as Ainslee Avalon and Anne Grayson have microphones.
Ainslee: Cinnamon... Violent Violet... you see we're out here right now because last month at Opportunity we dropped an open challenge after our victory. We made it abundantly clear what we're aiming for and that we're on the same page to succeed in getting it. And then that's when you came out running your mouth.
Anne: And since you did us a favor by coming out here; it sounds to us like you decided to step up once you dropped our names and talking about things that show you clearly don't pay attention to what's going on around you. And... ANNND it looks like No Fly Zone saved you from embarrassing yourselves even further because you clearly had no idea what you were talking about. Am I right? Pretty sure I'm right.
Ainslee: I'd say you've hit the nail on the head pretty well. So if you two even bothered to pay attention to the biggest threat to the Gucci Gals championship reign - that's us by the way -last month you'd know that we've got most of our differences behind us because we're seeing the big picture. But that's cool. It's fine and dandy and we don't expect you to take our word for it but we're happy to prove it. More than happy.
Anne: And in fact since last week we had ourselves a conversation with Jack E Bux and tonight the two of you have the privilege of facing the two of us. Spice and Ice versus Generations!
Ainslee: We were raised in this business. It's in our life blood. It's why we're called Generations - because this is all we've ever known. And can you two guess the best part about this?
Anne: Well, Mister Bux says otherwise because Generations versus Spice & Ice, it happens now!
North: Wow! What an announcement! Ladies and gentlemen, we knew Spice & Ice would be here tonight, we had a feeling Generations would be, but never did we think we'd be seeing them square off right now!
DIC: No! I can't believe it! Ugh!
Cross Off is playing with Generations getting to the ring to the fade out of their music. Spice & Ice were definitely not too happy about being interrupted, nor being forced into the match but they knew that they had to deal with it.
Starting off the match would be Ainslee and Violent Violet, the brawlers of the groups. The two come face to face in the center of the ring, Anne Grayson and Cinnamon on the respective aprons. The trash talk began real fast with Violet yelling at Ainslee that this was their shot and they deserved it a lot more than Generations, but Ainslee cocked a smirk before swinging a right hand and knocking Violet off of her balance and into the corner just on the other side of their corner. Ainslee wastes no time going in for the kill with a series of mudhole stomps into Violet’s gut dropping her into a seated position. Ainslee runs to the corner where Cinnamon is at and with an elbow strike it knocks Cinnamon off of the apron. Ainslee points her hand in the shape of a gun at Violet and rushes in with a very rough Yakuza kick. Violet starts to fold out of the corner but Ainslee puts her back and then points to Anne to the crowds approval.
North: This is a strong display of dominance coming from Ainslee very early on and it looks like she’s looking to bring her partner, Anne Grayson, into the fold too!
DIC: Look, Ainslee has been the queenie around these parts. Like, she was wifey material but this alliance she’s made with Grayson is just pitiful! My how the mighty have fallen! It’s like she went on an episode of Doctor Phil and came out supporting the Cash me outside girl!
North: Your opinions sway so fast, it’s too hard to keep up with your flavor of the week.
DIC: Look, if they stopped making poor decisions I wouldn’t have to keep calling them out and losing wifey material. SHE COULD HAVE MADE ME PANCAKES!
North: Somehow I don’t feel like Ainslee would do that but the way you flip around maybe she’d turn you into one. But the action continues in the ring and the crowd is hot with the tag being made! Ainslee Avalon has tagged in Anne Grayson!
Ainslee is making the call and stands in the middle of the ring, back to Violet.and Anne rushes to Ainslee who vaults her up and over. Anne flips in the air and crashes down with a dropkick to the seated Violet who instantly rolls to the outside of the ring and reconnects with Cinnamon to figure out their next move. But before they can even catch their breath, Anne is up and with a full running boost she jumps to the middle rope, springs up and flips over to the outside effectively coming down on Spice & Ice to the crowds appeal.
North: TOPE CON HILO! The diving flip body attack over the top rope and to the outside! Ainslee and Anne are picking things up to a whole new level tonight that we haven’t seen them go to since they were fighting each other! This is a prime example that they have the tag team championships on their mind.
DIC: This is depressing! How can Spicey Icey let this happen?! Clearly Generations are cheating here, North. CLEARLY! I mean you had to have seen those closed fists with Violet! Illegal maneuvers! There has to be something planned. THERE HAS TO BE!
North: I’d just like to chalk it up to the fact that Spice & Ice were just underestimating what this team could do. Last month they put out an open challenge and Spice & Ice instead of accepting it just talked down about them so they answered the call and they’re coming to win.
Anne slid back into the right and climbed the corner to celebrate with the crowd. Outside the ring, Violet had taken a brunt of the attack and though she wasn’t legal, Cinnamon snuck in. Ainslee started to get into the ring but couldn’t stop Cinnamon in time before she shoved Ainslee off the corner and spilling to the outside hard, hitting the apron on the way down. Ainslee kicked Cinnamon in the midsection and knocked her out of the ring. Violet though was up, though feeling the effects spins Ainslee around and just headbutt after headbutt, Ainslee goes down and rolls out from the Violent Tendencies. Violet still worn out though leans into the ropes and our referee begins the count, counting out Anne Grayson.
North: And the tides begin to turn with those vicious headbutts from Violent Violet and that jump in from Cinnamon. It looks like Spice & Ice are realizing what they’re up against and not to take the opposing team lightly.
DIC: That’s what they get for cheating, North!
North: How in the heck were they cheating? Why does Anne deserve to get shoved out of the ring in a way that she could be seriously hurt?
DIC: Because Ainslee used closed fists! Jeez it’s like you don’t even pay attention with all of these beautiful women around here. Aren’t you married or something, North? Your wife probably wouldn’t be too happy.
North: And it’s a wonder why you don’t have a wife.
DIC: Who needs one when you’ve got Cinnamon on speed dial? I’LL TAKE A LITTLE CINNAMON ON THAT! You know who doesn’t like a little Cinnamon? That pipsqueak Grayson. The two of them just disrespected the *rightful* Tag Team Champions by interrupting them tonight and making them wrestle when they weren’t even *ready* for it! Frankly they deserve whatever comes to them.
North: That’s the nature of the business they’re competing in though, and you know that. When you decide that it’s time to call somebody out, or you decide it’s time to lace up those boots like you’re ready for a fight, be ready for whatever fight comes your way. Anne and Ainslee have something to prove as a fresh tag team here in LONE and prove it they’ve been doing and prove it they shall continue to do.
DIC: Clearly they were calling out pigtails and karate girl. Anne and Ainslee had no business coming out here! Look at that, North; the count is up there! They could be learning a swift lesson here!
The ring-out count has reached 9, but Anne got up and slid into the ring and the count stopped. The crowd was very happy but Violet was not. She storms over to Anne and picks her up only to knock her down with a headbutt. Violet held onto Anne’s arm and picks her up again and headbutt again, again and again. After about 5 of those and looking to be tougher each time, Violet is even bleeding from her head a bit. Violet drags Anne to the Spice & Ice corner and just repeatedly stomps in her gut and forearms her face. Stomp, forearm, stomp, forearm, just over and over again. Anne can’t hardly stand and falls to a seat in the corner. Violet tags out and Cinnamon comes in. She flips off Ainslee in the far corner and then starts to foot choke Anne to the referee’s count of 4, releasing the hold by 5 and avoiding being disqualified and taunts to the crowd, her arms out and yelling at them to a chorus of boos.
North: Spice and Ice have taken the lead here in this bout showing excellent team work and keeping the ring separated. By keeping the high flyer grounded and keeping her away from the fresh Ainslee, this gives Spice & Ice a much stronger chance to walk away with the victory tonight!
DIC: Lesson. Learned. And it’s all because Ainslee had to go and side herself with that spot monkey. I’m telling you, North, that was a bad idea. Ainslee had the world in the palm of her hands. She could have been a star! But she came and took a crap on the DIC and ruined all of it!
North: I… have no words. But the crowd is trying to rally behind Anne Grayson to give her the energy to fight out of this and make the tag!
The crowd is clapping and Anne’s stomping her foot. She’s feeling the energy from the crowd.
Cinnamon can’t take it and pulls Anne by the hair out of the corner and she yells out “IT’S OVER!” and with her spinning heel kick finisher she calls Sugar & Spice. Anne lands hard and Cinnamon covers.
One… Two… Thr-NO!
North: Anne kicks out! Anne Grayson kicks out! She’s still alive and Cinnamon can’t believe it! Ainslee is going crazy on the apron and Anne is getting the energy from the crowd! Can she make it to her corner?!
Anne is slowly crawling over to her corner but Cinnamon grabs her foot and pulls her back to the opposing corner but Anne rolls to her back and kicks Cinnamon off and into Violent Violet, knocking her off the apron to the floor. Anne has a second wind and rushes as fast as she can before jumping half way across the ring to make the hot tag. The crowd goes *wild* with Ainslee coming in and clothesline to Cinnamon but she pops up. Another, and another followed by an Arn Anderson style of Spinebuster and a quick cover but only two. Ainslee is now calling for the end and the crowd is rallying behind her. The energy from the crowd is getting Anne up, shrugging off the injury and giving Ainslee the signal to set up Cinnamon.
North: They’re calling it here, DIC! Generations are setting up for that brutal tag team finisher we’ve seen them use that we’ve learned they’re calling The Oracle Combination! Ainslee has that reverse wheelbarrow set up and Anne Grayson is climbing to the top!
DIC: Come on Violet! YES!!
Violent Violet saw it coming and was getting into the ring, running to stop Ainslee. Anne Grayson up top saw this and jumped over Ainslee/Cinnamon and dropkicked Violent Violet with a huge missile dropkick that sends her to the outside. Ainslee is calling for Anne to hurry up so she runs back to their corner, jumping over Cinnamon and rolling through and then running up the corner as she got to her feet. Quickly turning around at the top she jumps off with a shooting star leg drop connecting flush and rolls out. Ainslee holds onto the leg and turns Cinnamon around with a single leg arched crab and then starts to stomp into Cinnamon’s head repeatedly until she starts to tap.
Baxter: Your winners of the match, by submission, Ainslee Avalon - Anne Grayson - GENERATIONS!
Cinnamon rolled out of the ring holding her head and Violent Violet was together enough to check on her. In the ring, Anne and Ainslee are motioning the “belt” style of taunt to them to say they’ll be champions while Cross Off plays.
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!
Coming Soon!