2019.04.26: PWN - LONE - LONE 22

A video is shown, with a little note in the lower right corner stating it was just after LONE 21: Opportunity.
It's moments after the match between Paula and Stitches.
Paula is on the right hand side, with her face and part of her gear covered in what looks like blood. A victim of Sister Catherine's red mist.
Paula is flailing her hands at her sides, fingers shaking.
Paula: Ewww ohmygodohmygodohmygod! This is so GROSS!
Gucci is to her left, trying to calm her down. The two are wearing their LONE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS around their waists.
Gucci: It's gonna be okay calm down.
Paula: CALM DOWN? CALM DOWN?! -LOOK- AT MY FACE GUCCI! Sister Catherine got blood all over it! Oh my God! I hope none went into my eyes.
Gucci: Here we're gonna clean it up. Just don't move and let me get a towel.
Paula: I swear to God. I'm going to go get STD tests! Who knows what was in that blood! Who knows who she could've drank from!
Gucci: ... She drank from us.
Paula: Yeah but that was last month! Who knows who else she's made a meal of since then! Any of these hicks in this town!
Gucci retrieves a towel and starts to dab at her face, which starts to visibly calm Paula down some more.
Gucci: There we go...
Paula: If my tests come up positive with anything, I swear I'm gonna sue!
Gucci turns towards the camera now.
Gucci: The Damned... Oooh you're going to realize just how damned you are when we get you back for this. Whether we gotta venture to Transylvania in the daytime and stake you where you sleep, or beat you in the center of the ring at night, we're going to leave everyone saying that's SO Gucci!
Paula: There's nothing Gucci about this...
Paula begins to sob and Gucci dabs at her some more as the video fades out.
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