2018.10.26: PWN - LONE - LONE 16

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The stage where the wrestlers come through, with the titantron above it, starts to shoot off pyro in the colors of LONE. *Boom boom boom booom! Baraaarraarrraarraaa BANG!

The live feed on the iPPV cuts in now on our Play by Play man Kevin North, and his Color Commentary partner Dexter Irving Cornelius aka DIC. You always need more DIC. Everyone loves DIC. DIC himself would tell you even lesbians love DIC.

North: Ladies and gentlemen thank you for once again welcoming us into your homes. I'm Kevin North alongside my broadcast partner DIC and this is LONE Supremacy! After last month's chaotic end we will hear from Jack E. Bux later tonight in regards to the LONE Tag Team Championship situation. Tonight we'll also be seeing Qent in action after another vicious attack from Olga left her sidelined.

DIC: Speaking of Olga, I'd like to wish her and Frank Debauchee a happy honeymoon in Moscow. Last month they renewed their vows and you know me, I like it when good things happen to good people. Hope you two enjoyed a well-deserved vacation!

North: Good people, I don't think that phrase means what you think it does.

DIC: It's subjective, sure. They take out the trash and make LONE a more enjoyable product and Debauchee is a great wingman to boot. Good people in my book!

North: Good grief. Also expected tonight we have Vixen and The Perfect Shot Penelope Silven coming to blows after Vixen's sudden betrayal several months ago and more but first...

As I Am by Dream Theater hits the arena as the lights dim save for one spotlight shining at the backstage curtain.

DIC: First we're being graced by The Highlight of the Night herself, Alison Crowne! Did I tell you that she's my favorite in all of LONE?

North: I don't think you did...

DIC: All it took was her embracing the darkness and opening her eyes. I tell you what Kev-O, I think she's the one!

North: You know she'd break you in half without breaking a sweat right?

Alison Crowne emerges from the back in a what appears to be a red/black two tone version of her ring gear adapted for the Halloween season. With two vertical white stripes running down her trunks with red hearts with two rows of horizontal stripes of the same on a black sleeveless ring jacket and a crown on her head she stood on the stage oozing of confidence taking in the hostile reaction with her arms spread wide.

DIC: WOW! How can you say that isn't worth it? She's definitely the Queen of my heart!

North: It appears tonight Alison Crowne has adapted the Queen of Hearts into her ring attire but we're definitely not in Wonderland anymore.

DIC: Maybe not but LONE is her kingdom and soon, very soon she'll be the rightful LONE Champion; don't forget that she's the number one contender!

North: Might as well had been through emotional blackmail though.

DIC: Emotional blackmail? For all the torment Terri had put her through it's the very least she could've done. She was an awful friend to her and never once watched her back when she needed it. Alison Crowne possesses a righteous fury that will cleanse LONE of trash like Terri Thompson, mark my words!

Alison Crowne revels in all the jeers and boos thrown her way as she takes her time walking down the ramp with an appetite for malice glistening in her eyes with a mischievous grin to match, a stark contrast to her past demeanor only several months ago.

Baxter: Please welcome at this time, the Number One Contender to the LONE Championship, she insists she be announced from now on as the 'Highlight of the Night'... Alison Crowne!

Alison Crowne slowly makes her way up the steps as she motions Baxter over, ordering him to sit on the middle rope to let her inside, something he appears to do with a bit of reluctance as she steps between the ropes, holding her crown on top of her head with her hand as she does.

DIC: All hail the Queen!

Alison Crowne spins around slowly in the center of the ring with her arms stretched out wide as the hostile crowd boos her even louder than before. Finally she reaches over the ropes to grab a microphone from the timekeeper as the lights returned to normal.

Crowne: Seventeen and a half seconds. Seventeen and a half seconds; that's all it took to put the big ole Hipp O. down. I didn't even need the full twenty to make her tap out. One month later and people are still talking about it; talking about ME.

She says that as she motions her thumb sharply to herself.

Crowne: I'll give the Gucci Gals and Spice and Ice some credit, they generated some buzz too; good for them. It was pure anarchy, it might as well had been a street war but you look at the four of them and you look at me there's no doubt in anyone's mind that nobody finishes quite like me. Nobody has the ruthless efficiency that I operate and carry myself with. While others like to make a mess inside and out of the ring I move with a sniper's precision; I know what I want, I know how to get it, and I know where all the vitals are to strike as clean as a whistle while inflicting maximum pain and suffering. Don't let some people fool you, everyone likes to say how they're the perfect this, the perfect that, how they can hit a target fifty yards out dead center in a video package yet can't even grasp the basics in front of a live audience. I don't need a thousand takes out in a field in the middle of nowhere for fifteen seconds of film to highlight one good shot out of nine hundred and ninety-nine duds that were no where close to hitting. I don't need to be manufactured by a couple of monkeys or hyenas in a media trailer in the parking lot, what you see with me is what you get. I get it right the first time, I do everything live and I leave you with a result that speaks for itself. If I have something I need to say, I say it. And hate me all you want for the things I've done to your little 'Chosen One' but I have no problems coming out here and speaking my mind about it after the fact.

The crowd knows exactly who she was talking about when she uttered the words 'Chosen One' as they take this as an invitation to start chanting for Terri.


Crowne: Oh TRUST me, I'll definitely be getting to that one shortly. What separates me from most of the girls in the back is that I'm authentic; I'm the real deal. Three and Oh in Mixed Martial Arts, former Florida State Martial Arts Champion, life time practitioner of Muay Thai, kick boxing, judo, I've trained in krav maga to expand my repertoire. I've built my own name, on my own sweat and tears starting at the very bottom when I could've used my family's name and started at the very top if not close to it. Hate me, I hope every single one of you here do. Go ahead, boo, shout names at me. Come on, give me your worst.


Crowne: Really? That's it?


Crowne: Come on. Are you all that low on originality? What am I saying, this state was part of the colony that burned women alive for 'witchcraft' just because they could read and write or swim. You're used to doing things the wrong way.


Crowne: But even you can't deny that I am who I say I am; I am the Highlight of the Night. At the end of the day you pay to see me, you throw your hard earned dollars and loose change you got at the recycling center for your liquor bottles just to buy a ticket. It doesn't matter if you pay because you want to see me lose or because deep down you know that I'm right and you lack the courage to go against the grain in public but you still show up here, final Friday of each month just to see ME.

But where's Terri? Oh Terri, oh Terri, oh Terri... where's the LONE Champion? Where's Fallcoast's Golden Daughter? Where is she? Where's this 'fighting champion' that I keep hearing about? Why isn't she fulfilling her obligations as a champion and giving me my contractually owed championship opportunity? Why?

Alison Crowne shook her head as she couldn't help but let a very snide chuckle escape.

Crowne: It's because she's scared. She saw what I was doing to Grandma Glorious when I had my one and only opportunity to date at the LONE Championship and she saw that I was on the cusp of creating history and toppling the house and their stacked deck against me. She saw that with my face drenched in my own sweat and blood I was still coming at Glorious One like a hound out of hell... do you really... do any of you REALLY think Terri Thompson wants any piece of me in a straight up and fair fight? She knows she can't beat me one on one with all things being equal and the fact that I'm living rent free in her head; she can't handle it. Nobody deserves an opportunity but Terri Thompson. That's the definition of Gutter Trash if you ask me; selfish and scared. So since she's not here to give me what I've earned for yet another month I'm going to give somebody in the back an opportunity, just like I gave Hipp O. Potamus last month. I'm going to give one lucky person the chance to Chase the Crowne.

"The Highlight of the Night" Alison Crowne vs. Madison Anderson

Coming Soon!

Vixen vs. "The Perfect Shot" Penelope Silven

Coming Soon!

Backstage Segment

Coming Soon!

"Pretty" Fay Qent in Action

Coming Soon!

Contract Signing

Coming Soon!