2018.03.30: PWN - LONE - LONE 10

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The lights dim in the arena now, as the titantron above the entrance way where the wrestlers walk out starts to light up. Inside the center of the frame, Gutter Trash Terri Thompson stands with her back against the edge of a pool table. The same pool table she once cut a promo at. Her arms are stretched out, hands resting on the edge of the pool table. She's dressed in a black Alaskan Prudhoe hoodie, hood down and unzipped to reveal an American Nightmare Cody Bullet Club shirt. On her head, covering most of her blue hair, is a beanie that might get jeers from people not from the area, as it's a Patriots beanie. Denim jeans and her usual combat boots complete her attire.

Terri: Same place... Same time of year. Y'all remember it?

She spreads her hands out now, looking around and taking in the atmosphere; people drinking, pool balls cracking, that sound of multiple discussions meshing into one.

Terri: Leigh's Pool Hall. I remember this time of year, too. I talked about how I was going to get that title from Ms. Gucci, but then I got fucked. Now, now I'm coming for that title that The Glorious One took from me, but I'm getting fucked by Drew Stevenson. You know what?

Terri takes a few paces forward towards the camera.

Terri: I don't like getting fucked in the way that doesn't feel good. Ask Mark Robertson. We all know his knee is just an act. It doesn't excuse what my girlfriend did to it, but it was just an act and just like I said... He got a receipt for that knee.

She slowly nods her head, staring at the camera with malice in her eyes now. She loves the fact that she finally got some form of retribution for Mark Robertson and Drew Stevenson making her life hell.

Terri: So Drew Stevenson, you can keep trying to fuck me out of my title shot but just like last year, I'm going to get it eventually and it's going to be mine again...

She points her right forefinger towards the camera.

Terri: You mark my words. But right before that? Alison Crowne and I enter the tag team classic. That's right! We've entered, and from what I understand, we've got The Juggalettes as our opponents in the first round. Now I'm not going to say what a lot of you are thinking. I'm not going to say that it's going to be easy. Those girls have a desire in them now to win but... just how badly do you want it? And for what reasons? Do you want it so you can take the winner's purse, and the titles, so you can go to The Gathering and have a bunch of Juggalos pour Faygo on them? Or do you want them for redemption? You see, that's my want, that's my desire through all of this... is redemption. I want what is rightfully mine and that's the LONE title. I want to stick it to Drew Stevenson and win the Tag Titles too. I want to make HISTORY in this company and be one of the first tag team champions. Not... Not to go to the trailer park with a six pack of pabst's and drink myself into a stupor. Not to impress a bunch of Juggalos...

Terri brings her hands up towards her face, fingers grabbing at the collar of her shirt.

Terri: I NEED THIS! WE need this! I've been getting FUCKED! Alison got FUCKED at the last show! Juggalettes... Show us how badly you want it. I can tell you, it's not as bad as we want it and if you think otherwise... then I'll just have to plant your minds in the gutter!

She steps closer to the camera, where her face is taking up the entire frame now.

Terri: See you ladies on the 30th...!

Just as Terri's promo fades from the screen, LONE's themesong, Rage Against The Machine's Testify starts to play as a video package starts. A graphic flies across the screen reading TAG TEAM CLASSIC. Then following it is Match One. Footage of Terri Thompson hitting the shooting star press off the top of a 20 foot cage onto Ms. Gucci cuts in. Then it cuts to Alison Crowne locking Prada Paula in a side triangle choke, something you'd more likely see in an MMA octagon. That same triangle choke that made Prada tap in record timing! 26 Seconds! Then there's a graphic of Terri and Alison together from the shoulders up. Terri pulls down a black bandana from over her face and mouths 'oh yeah!' while Alison smirks and their team name ROYAL PLUNDER is seen under it. Then a graphic reading Versus flies in before cutting to footage of Slapp trying to open a faygo in the ring on her opponent but it sprays all over herself, and then Tick L. missing her dive the Tick Bite. The two are then together, whoop whooping while a graphic reads THE JUGGALETTES. The video seems to go on in the same manner.


Footage of Ainslee Avalon hitting her Excalibur(Paige Turner) finisher.

Footage of Anne "Flying" Grayson hitting her Flying Tornado DDT the Flying Grayson.

Ainslee and Anne look disgusted at the both of each other, and then angrily like they're ready to kill each other!

Ainslee Avalon & Anne "Flying" Grayson


Footage of "Fly" Felicia Hawkins hitting her swanton bomb "Bye Felicia" and then Kayoko Ichikawa hitting her spinning heel kick Star Struck.

The two are seen together smiling for the camera, with Felicia adjusting her hat to turn it backwards and Kayoko holding up a fist.



Ms. Gucci hitting her Northern Lights Suplex "That's SO Gucci!" onto Terri Thompson, and then footage of Gucci and Prada as masked villains jumping The Perfect Shot and Vixen, and then a swift cut to them demasking and Prada cutting her passionate promo.

Gucci waves her four finger ring that reads GUCCI in front of the camera while Prada plays with her hair.



A shot of The Perfect Shot Penelope Silven in the snow, hitting a bullseye with a sniper rifle, and then hitting her shooting star press Dead Aim before pointing two fingers like guns at Slapp. Then a cut to Vixen hitting her Foxfire(Dragonrana) on Slapp.

The two are now together, with Pefect Shot making a bang bang! motion with two fingers and Vixen grinning mischeviously.



Cinnamon hitting her standing heel kick Sugar & Spice and then Violent Violet hitting her piledriver Violent Tendencies.

Cinnamon scoffs and looks away in disgust while Violent Violet cracks her knuckles and gives the camera a cold stare.



Sister Catherine hits her Bloodlust (impaler DDT) on The Glorious One while the arena is shrouded in a blood red light. Footage then cuts to Stitches playing possum while in a submission with Terri Thompson and Terri looks surprised as Stitches acts almost spiderlike and starts to escape.

The graphic of Sister Catherine and Stitches together shows a red filter applied to the two of them, as Sister Catherine has a substance that looks like blood dripping from her lips and the Holy Bible clutched to her chest. Stitches on the other hand has her head hung low.


Sister Catherine appears to be laughing and just before the video package and music ends, Sister Catherine spits a red mist of what looks like blood into the camera and the video package fades out. The lights then slowly turn back on in the arena.

Opening up the show, we get a glimpse of the crowd and before anything else can happen, the public address sound system comes to life playing “The Man” by Aloe Blacc” and immediately, the fans start booing they know exactly who it is. Separating the curtains and stepping out onto the stage, it’s exactly who we thought it was, Drew Stevenson and he stands there dressed in a very expensive Armani suit. Wasting no time whatsoever, he begins to walk down the ramp and once he gets to the ring, he walks up the steel steps and climbs into the ring immediately motioning for a microphone. Being given one very quickly, he places it up to his lips to begin speaking when he is immediately interrupted by “As I am” by Dream Theater.

North: Uh oh... It looks like Crowne has something to say.

DIC: Look at the look on Stevenson’s face, he looks to be in a pretty foul mood.

North: Doesn’t he always?

Lowering the microphone down to his side, he turns his attention towards the gorilla position and awaits the arrival of one, Alison Crowne.

She doesn't appear to be in a great mood either as she's already half way down to the ring with a microphone already in hand.

Crowne: The Drew Stevenson Show is already in full effect. You never saw a camera you didn't like to be in front of.

She walks up the steps and goes under the top rope into the ring.

Crowne: What's next, are you going to trot Humpty Dumpty and your little circus to make a mockery out of a sport you claim to love? Are you going to have streamers and a big parade for your paper champion for every single "defense"? Are you going to throw around some more Monopoly money Scrooge McDuck, are you trying to put LONE under?

Clearly the normally calm and collected Crowne was still irritated over last month.

Crowne: You know for a fact that I had the Glorious One dead to rights despite your stooge of a special referee, despite every single obstacle you stacked to protect your chosen one. I was a split second away from driving her head into her chest and you ambush me from behind, hit me with a spinebuster and then counted yourself.

Holding his hands up, Stevenson pretends to be innocent in all of this even though everyone knows differently.

Stevenson: Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down now. First off Alison, let’s get one thing crystal clear, if it weren’t for me then LONE would already be belly up, you understand? I understand that you’re upset but it’s because of me that YOU have a business to compete in and let’s not forget that.

North: Oh here we go again...

DIC: Stevenson speaks the truth and you know it, North.

Stevenson: Secondly, I want you to stop for a moment and think about something. You see, I would not have had to stick my nose in your business, that match if it wasn’t for the fact that your...

He throws up air quotes.

Stevenson: ... “Best friend” Terri Thompson decided to put her nose in it first. Now look, I can’t tell you what exactly happened with Robertson because I was in the back but I can tell you this — ever since he was brutally assaulted? He has had several health issues so I assure you, everything that went on that night was completely legit and we have a doctors note to prove it if you would like to see.

Taking a moment to pause, he can clearly see that she is not buying into any of this.

Stevenson: You know what? Let’s get down to the brass tacks because I know you’re not the kind of person who wants to draw this out. The reality behind the situation is that, your best friend and I use that term loosely, decided to put her nose where it didn’t belong simply because she was jealous at the fact that you just might become the LONE Champion. No, seriously, think about it — how many times have you heard Terri say that she would do anything to get that Championship back, huh? Do you honestly think that she would want to face her best friend for the title? Hell, do you honestly think that she would even want her best friend as the LONE Champion? Come on now Alison, I know you’re smarter than that, all you have to do is stop for a moment and think about it and I promise you; it will eventually strike you.

Taking a step forward, getting a little bit closer to Alison, his dark brown eyes lock with hers.

Stevenson: Look, I know that you’re upset Alison and you have every right to be but I’m not the person you need to blame and neither are The Glorious One or Mark Robertson. No, see, the fact of the matter is this — Terri Thompson doesn’t believe in you and quite frankly, she never has. Take a look back at the tape, like you said, you had the match in the bag and I did not come out and make things even until she decided to put her nose in MY business. She went out of her way to RUIN the GREATEST Main Event in LONE history, the Main Event YOU were part of and you don’t find that a little suspicious?

Giving Alison a very questionable look, he is kind of surprised by her naive demeanor right now.

Stevenson: Come on Alison, I ask you this — just take a moment and think about everything I have said right here thus far and I promise you; you’ll begin to understand, you’ll see what I saw.

Crowne: That doesn't justify that spinebuster. As for Terri I didn't ask for her to come out and do what she did. But you are right Drew, you're absolutely right.

She pauses and locks eyes with him again as she takes a step forward, not backing down.

Crowne: I did have that match won. But I didn't spill damn near a gallon of my own blood just to have some old dog that can't stay away stick his little grubby thumb on the scale to rob me of my moment. I have nothing to do with your vendetta with Terri but when it starts crossing into my business it's going to become my problem and I have no problems making examples out of your golden goose; especially after last month.

She pauses and looks to the back where Terri certainly had to be waiting near gorilla for their match.

Crowne: I'm not like the rest of the people in the back that only have this and nothing else to fall back on. I've excelled in MMA and I've won martial arts tournaments in Florida so save the charity act for somebody that can actually take it as a veiled threat. I continue to do this because this is something I love, not because I need it. But whether it's a wrestling ring or an octagon I'm going to take what I've earned; I'm going to take what's mine. And I'm not going to let anyone, not you, not Mark Robertson, not Glorious One, Ms. Gucci... not even Terri Thompson heaven forbid, deny me of what's mine. Not when I've done nothing but go by the letter of the rules and given these people their money's worth night after night whether the cameras are rolling or not.

So Drew, if you're going to fire me to send a message, do it and don't hesitate. Just remember that I can do a lot of damage on the way out.

She stands as close to nose to nose as she could despite a four or five inch difference in height with a grin.

Crowne: You know what I'm talking about. I don't need this job but I know you need this for your own ego.

Taking a step back with a large smile expressed on his face, he holds up his hands once again to show that he comes in peace.

Stevenson: Look Alison, we can bicker back-and-forth all day long and we both know that it’s not going to settle anything. Like I said, I get it, you’re upset and maybe I shouldn’t have Spinebustered you, maybe it was wrong but once again; none of that would have happened had Terri stayed out of it.

Reaching out and placing a hand on her slender shoulder, he looks directly into her eyes.

Stevenson: So look, I know just how great of a talent you are, all of those things and if you want my honest opinion, I even admire you Alison. You have proven just how tough that you are and I respect that, but what you need to understand is — if Terri valued your friendship, and I mean TRULY valued your friendship then wouldn’t she have believed in you enough to stay out of it and let you do this on your own? You can continue to point the finger at me all day long, that’s perfectly fine but at the end of the day? None of this would even be a thing had Terri listened and stayed out of it.

Removing his hand from off of her shoulder, he holds up his hands yet again to show that he wants no war with her.

Stevenson: But I’ll tell you what Alison, why don’t we go to the back where it’s quieter and discuss all of the opportunities that you could have; what do you say?

She looks at him suspiciously to the crowd and the crowd which is relentless in telling her NO.

Crowne: Fine, I'll humor you. Only because as far as I'm concerned you have a debt to pay.

The crowd is stunned and is quick to show their disapproval.

Crowne: But if I don't like what you have to say I'll walk right out of your office without a second thought.

With a smile expressed on his face, you can tell that it’s a very devils advocate kind of grin.

Stevenson: You know what? That sounds completely fair but if I may say so myself Miss. Crowne; I have a pretty good feeling that you’ll want to hear what I have to say.

Dropping the microphone down onto the canvas, he walks over to the ropes and sits on the middle one while motioning for Alison to step through, clearly kissing her ass right now.

Burns comes back to his seat, finally getting a new soda, and somehow found a tub of cheese popcorn. Squeezing through to his seat, he finds his seat and sits back down, glancing around making sure he's comfy and not blocking anyone.

North: You have to wonder where Crowne’s head is after that heated argument with Stevenson?

DIC: Well if I were her, I would listen to the man because I think he is on to something.

North: Oh come on now, you know just as well as I do that he is simply trying to drive a wedge between them.

DIC: I don’t know anything, North!

Royal Plunder vs. The Juggalettes

Already standing in the ring, Crowne rolls her neck, trying to pop it while awaiting for her partner to arrive. With nothing but dead silence, the curtains part to the side and the fans erupt into cheers as Terri walks out showing a ton of energy.

Baxter: Standing in the ring, hailing from Gainesville, Florida, she is ROYAL PLUNDER... ALLLLISSSOOONNNN CRROOOWWWNNNEEE!!!

North: This punishment to Terri is simply absurd and completely unfair.

DIC: Would you like to tell that to Mr. Stevenson because I’m sure it can be arranged.

North: ...

Stepping foot inside the ring, both Terri and Alison slap hands as “Chicken Huntin’” by ICP suddenly begins to play over the public address sound system.

Baxter: And their opponents, hailing from The Big Tent on 9th Street, they are SLAPP AND TICK L.; THE JUUUUGGALLLLETTTTTEEEESSSS!!!

Bouncing around on the stage, they quickly make their way down to the ring and enter. Looking at their opponents, they begin to make hand motions as if they’re going to cut off the heads of the chickens. Laughing hysterically at their own comedy, the referee signals for the bell as Crowne and Tick L. start things off.

Ding... Ding... Ding...

Walking to the center of the ring, both women stare at one another. Trash talking immediately, Crowne wastes no time and Muay Thai kicks Tick L. right in the left leg, behind the knee as she drops down immediately and crawls over to her corner quickly tagging in Slapp.

North: And just like that, Tick L. realizes that Alison Crowne is for REAL!

Stepping into the ring, Slapp screams and rushes Crowne. However, Crowne reads it perfectly and uses her own momentum throwing her into the turnbuckle as she strikes chest first. Rearing back, Terri slaps Slapp right across the face and as she bounces out of the turnbuckle; Crowne hits a stiff kick to the head which flattens Slapp. With a large smile expressed over her face, Alison quickly covers the lifeless body of Slapp.



Managing to press her shoulder off of the canvas, Crowne is pleasantly surprised by the resilience of Slapp.

North: After that kick, I’m surprised Slapp still has her head.

Quickly yanking Slapp up to her feet, Crowne tags in Terri who enters and immediately puts Slapp down with a hard scoop slam. Arching her back in pain, Slapp reaches out and tries to tag in her partner, Tick L. who reaches out as well. Showing nothing but signs of confidence, Terri smiles and motions for Slapp to tag in her partner. Before she can do so however, Terri grabs her by the foot and yanks her away from her corner. Grabbing a handful of hair, Terri pulls Slapp to her feet and shoves her into the turnbuckle.

North: Terri and Crowne are dominating this contest.

Licking her hand, Terri rears back and smacks Slapp right across the chest as it echoes throughout the building. Clutching her chest in pain, Terri moves Slapp’s arms out of the way and strikes her again. Clutching her chest again, Terri looks at the crowd with the biggest smile she has had in a long time and looking for one more; Slapp darts to the side and gets in behind Terri rolling her up with a roll up.

North: Slapp with a nice roll up!




To everyone’s surprise, she pulls it off.


DIC: Slapp just defeated Terri Thompson, that’s what happened.

Baxter: The winners of the match, Slapp and Tick L.; the JUGGALETTES!

Quickly exiting the ring, the look on Crowne’s face is nothing but shock, like she can’t believe this just happened. Stepping into the squared circle, she walks over to Terri who is on her knees, definitely surprised as well. With obvious frustration and disappointment on her face, there’s an argument between Terri as Crowne is definitely angered by this huge upset.

DIC: Uh oh, looks like there’s trouble in paradise!

North: Upsets happen, there’s no reason for Crowne to be upset with Terri.

Clearly frustrated with Terri, Crowne doesn’t want to hear anymore of her excuses as she quickly exits the ring and begins to head up the ramp, clearly pissed off.

Ainslee Avalon & Anne "Flying" Grayson vs No Fly Zone

"Stay Fly" by 3 6 Mafia hits the speakers and a big cheer from the crowd comes alive as this newly formed team makes their way from behind the curtain.

Baxter: Ladies and gentlemen please welcome the team "Fly" Felicia Hawkins and Kayoko Ichikawa, they are the No Fly Zone!

In confidence they stand, making their way down to the ring and giving high fives to all of their fans along the way. Felicia wears a backwards cap with a a flag on it, half USA on the left and half Japan on the right and a big smile on her face. Kayoko wears a zip up jacket with the flag design on the back with the Japanese flag on the left, the USA flag on the right. The look ready for action, sliding into the ring and jump into different corners with their arms up and getting the love from the crowd but their moment is cut short when "Long Way Down" hits and coming down the apron, still showing appreciation to her fans but keeping her main focus at the ring. Anne isn't terrible happy according to the look on her face to be in this position because of her partner. Anne steps between the ropes to enter the ring and the song then transitions to "Holy Diver" and immediately all of the cheers change to boos.

Baxter: Their opponents, currently in the ring, Anne "Flying" Grayson! And her partner, making her way to the ring currently, Ainslee Avalon!

Ainslee looks none too pleased herself as she makes her way down. The fans, not fans of her at all, have signs with things like "Ainslee Sucks" and "Grayson > Avalon" and of course there's some support "Ainslee's the best! However a fan right up front has a sign that Ainslee just can't stand and it says "Ainslee is Jealous of Anne!" and Ainslee just rips that sign up and throws it back into the crowd and continues her way to the ring. Once all four women are in the ring, mixed cheers and boos alike the tension is high. On one side of the ring is No Fly Zone - the team consisting of “Fly” Felicia Hawkins and Kayoko and on the other side is a rather disgruntled team that have been having their differences over the last number of months, Ainslee Avalon and Anne Grayson. The bell rings, Felicia Hawkins is starting for NFZ and an argument already seems to be had between Ainslee and Anne. Our referee is breaking it up demanding they figure out who is going to start the match and immediately begins the 5 count for disqualification before Anne steps to the apron to let Ainslee start. The bell rings and Anne quickly smacks Ainslee on the back to tag herself in to start the match how she wanted at the beginning. The ref calls for the tag and Ainslee has to go to the apron, very unhappy.

North:The tension is already beginning tonight with that forced tag by Anne Grayson!

DIC: Forced is damn right! They decided fair and square Ainslee was starting this match but that jealous daddy’s girl just had to get involved!

Anne has a grin on her face while her and Felicia circle around. Anne goes for a grapple and Felicia rolls under it and pops up behind Anne, spins her around and starts to club her with elbows to the face backing Anne to the ropes; Ainslee leaning in the corner not looking happy. Coming off of the ropes, Felicia whips Anne across the ring and she hits the ropes coming back at Felicia who jumps in the air turning her body sideways, her back facing against Anne and with a calf kick, kicks Anne in the face and covers quickly but only 2.

North: Well right away the pace has picked up after the dust seemingly settled and right there we’re seeing the speed that these two high flyers really bring to the table in this match up! I think right now in LONE that might be a dream match of mine for the speed, the power, the agility and the aerial tactics!

DIC: Get your perverted mind out of the gutter! These lovely ladies don’t want to see some nasty old man looking at them the way you do! You’re lucky to still have a job! Talking about their sweet bodies flying around like that! You make me sick!

North: How did it suddenly become like that?! And do you ever listen to yourself? Your uncle isn’t the boss here, buddy. I think you’re lucky they all just tune you out. But pay attention to the match, would ya?!

After a quick kick out, Felicia Hawkins brings Anne Grayson to her feet but Felicia is swiftly taken to her feet with a headlock takedown followed by a loud >SMACK< from a kick to her back. The pain shows in Felicia’s face and she arches her arms back getting to her feet before recovering and yelling back and starts to throw punches in Anne’s direction but she blocks after a few and starts to fire back but goes into a rapid fire mode with punches and kicks and punches and kicks. Kayoko is on the just dying to get into the match. Felicia then catches one of Anne’s kicks, throws her foot back to the mat and with a temporarily caught off guard Anne, runs behind her to the ropes and jumps to the middle, leaping off backwards with a moonsault. Anne moves and rushes the ropes herself while Felicia lands on her feet. Anne too jumps to the middle rope and turns in midair, landing in a seated position around Felicia’s shoulders and starts to spin around all in one fluid motion for a spinning head scissors. While spinning, Anne grabs Felcia’s arm and Anne keeps the spin going and lands on her feet while wrenching Felicia’s arm around and keeps pressure applied and walks Felicia over to Anne’s corner where she’s looking to make the tag to Ainslee who looks rather reluctant. Ainslee shrugs and ignores Anne’s hand and smacks her real hard on the arm to tag in. Anne gives Ainslee a not so nice glare and Ainslee comes in and strikes her elbow down onto Felicia’s arm.

North: Beautiful maneuver there by Anne Grayson with that arm bar, catching her off guard with the tilt-a-whirl to start! Anne really living up to the “Flying” nickname!

DIC: I can see down her shirt!

North: That’s not inappropriate at all… but now Ainslee is in the ring but that tag did seem all too friendly. The tension between these two is definitely high but sometimes this type of environment can spawn the best of tag teams and future tag team champions!

DIC: I like my ladies to have a little gold on them, too! It’s like a magnet to the D!

North: I’ll ignore that comment. Sorry for the folks watching this online for my partner - he can be a bit… out there. But the ferociousness of Ainslee has her team in control!

Ainslee is more of the brawler and rough houser between the two continues to hold Felicia’s arm while Kayoko wants in so bad she can’t stand still, running from side to side on the apron and jumping up and down reaching into the ring as far as she can on the middle rope. Ainslee flips Kayoko the bird and starts to rapid fire elbows into Felicia’s shoulder; the same spot that has been attacked. Ainslee then too goes for a power game and lifts Felicia off of the ground, holding her in the air by just the injured arm before letting go completely and swiftly catches Felicia’s body in the air with one hand on her tights at the side and the other on her stomach, Ainslee drops into a seated position and connecting a nasty spinebuster to Felicia who looks to have had her head bounce off of the mat at the same time and she starts to roll towards Kayoko and to add insult to injury Ainslee gives Felicia some minor shoves with her foot until the referee stops it. When Felicia gets closer to the tag, Ainslee steps in between the two and starts to bring the banged up Felicia to her feet however Felicia in desperation connects a Jeff Hardy style of Jaw Breaker that carries momentum with it - a sit out jaw breaker if you will where Ainslee’s jaw bounces off the top of Felicia’s head. This knocks Ainslee back into the nearby corner opposite the tag corner giving Felicia the distance she needs. She pops to her feet and with a big leap her hand connects with Kayoko and the hot tag is in! The crowd goes wild and Kayoko is ready to strike.

DIC: I’m all about the asian persuasion, baby! Got me the yellow fever!

North: That is extremely racist, DIC! You really need to watch what you say while we’re on network or you’re going to get us thrown off!

DIC: Kayoko is my girl, though! She’s got all them Karate moves!

North: Well regardless, she got the tag and it looks like she’s on the move! This could be exactly what the No Fly Zone need to get things back in control for themselves!

Kayoko on the apron runs across to Ainslee and using the ropes, Kayoko throws her body up and kicks Ainslee in the back of the head and she staggers out of the corner. Kayoko is quick into the ring and spins Ainslee around and starts to throw knee strikes into her midsection followed by a DDT and a quick pin but only two. Ainslee is using the ropes to get up and Kayoko is stalking her and when Ainslee is up Kayoko is ready and goes for a spinning heel kick but Ainslee had fast reflexes to see something coming and stepped back, ultimately falling down on her rear. She dips out of the ring to collect herself but that doesn’t seem to stop No Fly Zone because in the ring comes Felicia Hawkins back at it and runs at Kayoko and with a hand boost, Felicia clears the top rope and flips in mid air crashing down on Ainslee outside. This of course sparks Anne to save her teammate, as much as she doesn’t like her and Anne comes in over the top rope and with a big dropkick she knocks Kayoko out of the ring. Anne stands there for a moment while all the women outside are collecting themselves and points to them with crowd approval. Anne rushes and gets a boost and soars over the top rope twisting in all kinds of ways with a sick Phoenix Splash that ends up taking out everybody and the crowd loves it!

Crowd: FLY-ING GRAYSON! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* FLY-ING GRAYSON! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* FLY-ING GRAYSON! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap* FLY-ING GRAYSON! *clap, clap, clap-clap-clap*

North: Anne Grayson stepping things up and the crowd is fully behind her after a completely insane Phoenix Splash taking out everybody outside the ring including her own partner!

DIC: Oh no! I might have to put the headset down and go give them mouth to mouth on the chesticles! That’s where they get air from, did you know that, North?

North: I’m pretty sure you’re wrong on that one, DIC and you may not have testicles if you try that on them! Just listen to the crowd here tonight, folks! They are on fire and loving every minute of it and I’ve got to say that I’m right there with them!

Anne being the only one on her feet but not legal, grabs Kayoko who is the legal one and rolls her into the ring. Her partner, Ainslee, also the legal woman is being assisted by Anne but Ainslee refuses the help and shoves Anne away which actually shoves her into the barricade at ringside. Anne shoves Ainslee back and they two are in each others faces yelling back and forth until Felicia strikes them both and throws Ainslee into the ring before going back to her own corner. Anne gets to her own corner and she’s calling for the tag, yelling out for Ainslee to get it together. Kayoko has it together first and starts to strike at Ainslee who just got to her feet with punches and kicks, using a martial arts style to effectively deliver her strikes but that was until Kayoko was caught quickly with a heavy lariat knocking her down with authority. Ainslee grabs Kayoko by the air and trash talks in her face before bringing Kayoko to her feet and is looking for a German Suplex. Ainslee has Kayoko off of her feet but Kayoko stops the move with an elbow to Ainslee’s head and Kayoko whips Ainslee to her respective corner. The problem is Kayoko is checking on her partner. This allows for Anne to make the tag to Ainslee that she wanted and get into the ring.

North: It looks like Ainslee didn’t want to make that tag but Kayoko with that rookie mistake! That could cost the No Fly Zone in the end of it because their opponents are two very skilled, veteran wrestlers that both been born into the business. Leaving Ainslee there for the fresh Anne to get the tag! And she’s in!

DIC: My Ainslee isn’t going to like this, North! That’s 2 times she’s been tagged out without asking for it! Why can’t Anne give Ainslee the respect that *I* give her? Daddy’s girls are always so spoiled!

North: Do you have the mentality of a 5 year old or do you just not pay attention to what’s going on? Ainslee may not want to tag out but Anne, despite her partner being somebody she is not the biggest fan of but she’s looking to be part of the first team to be crowned the first even LONE Tag Team Champions and it’s definitely not something that’s out of the question either! All throughout wrestling history there are tag teams formed from the most bitter of enemies that become some of the best and most memorable teams in history! HIstory might repeat itself tonight with these two moving onto round 2!

DIC: There’s a clear lack of respect here, North, and my Ainslee won’t stand for it!

North: Of course we cannot count out No Fly Zone, though! Ainslee and Anne know each other pretty well and are ready to lock horns any time but they’re facing an actual tag team and that could also spell disaster for Anne and Ainslee! Anne has the hot tag and things might switch in their favor but nothing is set in stone until the referee counts that three!

Jalal settling into a groove of cheering Anne but cheering for No Fly Zone when her partner is in the ring, this is kind of odd when you think about it because either way someoen he cheers for will win and someone will lose.

Just to be contrary, and for giggls, Demi has taken to cheer for the opposite person to Jalal. It's all in good fun.

Felicia hit the ring and Anne kicked her with a standing side kick and sweeped Kayoko out at her feet rather quickly, locking the legs and turning her over connecting the Pain Redefined submission, much like a Scorpion Death Lock, the very same finisher which was used by her dad. The referee is checking in on Kayoko seeing if she wants to give up but Kayoko is holding in there, wanting so desperately to move to the next round as well for the tag team championships. Once Ainslee has come to and realizes that Anne may very well be winning this match, and also realizing Anne tagged herself in, Ainslee gets red and Anne doesn’t even realize it before she is grabbed by the hair, forcing her to release the submission and Ainslee drops Anne with her modified Spinning Russian Leg Sweep she calls the Excalibur. Anne is motionless and Ainslee dips out of the ring just shrugging off the match heading to the back to a series of boos.

North: I… I can’t say I’m surprised but I’m kind of surprised by this! We knew the tension was there but Ainslee just exploded on Anne with the Excalibur and Anne isn’t moving! Ainslee’s explosive temper and ego may have just cost her this chance at the titles!

DIC: I told you! I told you it was going to happen! Anne Grayson just had to be selfish!

North: Well despite everything, No Fly Zone have had their work cut out for them tonight with Anne and Ainslee and it appears Ainslee doesn’t appear to care about the titles but I tell you what, DIC, the No Fly Zone care about the belts and it looks like Kayoko is going to try and take a win where she can get it!

WIth Anne now being by herself in the middle of the ring, Kayoko sees that she’s out and rolls Anne over for the pin and the ref counts.

One…. Two…. Thre-SHOULDER!



DIC didn’t even have a comment and Anne somehow did it, she’s somehow has the fight in her to stay alive and kick out, though that shoulder off the mat could have strictly been out of instinct. Felicia is back up, though her jaw hurts a bit but she has an idea and calls for the tag. Kayoko makes the tag making Felicia the legal woman in the match. Her and Felicia nod as if on the same page for the same ID. Kayoko holds Anne up, crouched with a strong base and holding Anne in a reverse wheelbarrow. While Anne looks to the sky, “Fly” Felicia Hawkins heads to the top turnbuckle, she stands after getting her balance and looks down to the ring. Kayoko gives the nod, Felicia jumps off the top with so much beautiful hangtime and in perfect form she drops the leg across Anne Grayson and she looks to be out.

North: That has to be it, DIC! That has to be the new finisher I’ve been hearing the rumors about! The NFZ! That form from Felicia Hawkins was perfect and she landed right on the money! I Don’t think Anne is going to have the energy to kick out on instinct alone at this point!

DIC: Things might have turned out differently if Ainslee didn’t walk out! What upsets me the most about that isn’t that she left her partner alone in the ring, North, it’s that she took that body away from this line of sight!

Felicia quickly rolls Anne over and goes for the cover.

One… Two… Three!

Baxter: Your winners and advancing to the next round, "Fly" Felicia Hawkins and Kayoko Ichikawa - NO FLY ZONE!

Frank Debauchee segment

The camera cuts backstage with Linda Edwards holding a microphone in hand as the aftermath of the previous match wraps up.

Edwards: Plenty of surprises here tonight on the first night of the tag tournament and we're only halfway done with the first leg. Later on tonigh...


Mr. February himself, the Calender Man, Mr. Smexy Frank Debauchee walks into view complete with an Armani suit and his Mail Order Bride, Olga close behind him.

Debauchee: That's enough, Barbie. You are not who these people came here to see tonight.

Edwards: It's Linda, Linda Edwards.

Debauchee: Edward? What kind of name is that? Guess that'd explain those hands...

Olga glares daggers into Linda Edwards, which causes her to meekly hand over the microphone to Debauchee

Debauchee: Smart choice.

Debauchee shoos her off with only a glance from Olga to force her to comply.

Debauchee: Now I know the question on the tips of everyone's tongue has to be... where did you get that suit? Well certainly not at Pop's Bumpkin Outfitters, that's for sure. 'But Frank, why are you here?' Simple really, I was flipping through the TV one day and I came across LONE. Thought it was some kind of softcore porno or something, with Skinnimax on the fritz I figured, what the hell? So you could certainly imagine my surprise when there was zero action, none whatsoever. A bunch of women wrestling inside a ring. I kept on waiting for the good part only to see some... uncivilized biker chick chucking people around like spare tires. Qentin? San Quentin? Sounds like something out of a bad lesbo prison erotica.

Olga crosses her arms standing next to and slightly behind Debauchee as he spoke. The six foot behemoth from Russia stood nearly the same height as Mr. Smexy himself, which may have well made her twenty stories high compared to most of the roster.

Debauchee: See all I saw was someone who was trying to imitate Olga; parading around like some off-brand badass. Some people like Russian Standard Gold vodka, but you.. you're Kirkland brand. And I sat back and thought; if some felon could come around and toss around a bunch of midgets then why shouldn't Olga? Why shouldn't this dump get a makeover from the top down? So whether you like it or you hate it you better learn to love it because by the time we're through this little dump you're all going to reach out with your grubby little hands, clutching your welfare checks and praising my name and thanking me for liberating you from your pitiful existence for a few fleeting hours with a dash of Smexy on top.

Olga, got anything to say to San Qentin?

Olga: I will crush you. I will crush you like your puny parrot handler.

Debauchee: You've been warned, sweetcheeks. Now lets fly out of this dump before we catch hick fever.

Gucci Gals vs "The Perfect Shot" Penelope Silven & Vixen

Sabaton's "White Death" soon starts and out from the curtain emerges "The Perfect Shot" Penelope Silven, dressed in a sports bra, shorts held up by a studded belt, and wrestling boots. Her top is in snow camo, same for her shorts and the belt is also white. In the center of her top is the image of a sniper scope. Her boots are the same hue of white with the soles and a part of the middle of the boots are in snow camo. She makes gun motions with both hands and points them towards the ring. Bang bang!

Baxter: Making her way to the ring, from the other side of the scope, she is... “THE PERFECT SHOT” PENELOPE SIIILVEEEENNN!!!

Penelope Silven walks down the aisle, slapping hands with a few fans, climbing the stairs and stepping through the ropes. She climbs onto the middle ropes of the nearest turnbuckle and throws her hands up into the air, then makes the gun motion again towards the fans. She jumps down and then hops in place, waiting for the match to start.

Baxter: And her partner...

“The Fox” by The Chainsmokers featuring Calvin Harris hits over the public address sound system as the fans give Vixen a solid ovation.

Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring, hailing from Hanging Hills, Maine — she is — VIXXXEEENNNN!

Vixen starts walking down the aisle and slapping some of the fans’ hands. When she gets to ringside, she rolls in and spreads her hands out, spinning in the circle while the fans cheer her on.

Baxter: And their opponents...

“Gucci Gucci” by Kreayshawn suddenly blasts over the public address sound system as the fans immediately start to boo as Miss. Gucci and Prada Paula come walking out with arrogant smirks expressed on their faces.

Baxter: Making their way to the ring, they are the team of Miss. Gucci and Prada Paula... THE GUCCI GALLLLLSSSSS!!!

Walking down the aisle while blatantly snubbing the fans, they get down to the ring and enter as the crowd begins to boo even louder.

DIC: These four women right here are why most of our teenage fans are always happy, if you catch my drift.

North: Oh knock it off, that’s disgusting! These are four of the TOP women in the business today.

DIC: And four of the hottest...

As each woman stands in their respected corner, the referee signals for the bell as we’re starting off with Penelope Silven versus Prada Paula.

North: And here we go...

DIC: Get your Kleenex and Lotion ready boys!

Embracing in a basic collar and elbow tie up, Silven quickly applies a headlock and drops down to one knee putting on more pressure. Trying to pry the headlock off, Silven applies it even tighter as Paula starts gouging her in the ribs which causes Silven to wrench it even harder. Pushing her way to her feet, Paula wraps her arms around Silven’s waist and hits a backdrop bridging it into a pin fall.



North: Kick out!

Immediately rising to her feet, Silven looks for a clothesline but Paula drops down and hits a drop toe hold causing Silven to face plant hard. Quickly wrapping her legs up, Paula turns her over with a surfboard stretch as Silven screams out in a great deal of pain.

Referee: Do you give up?

Shaking her head violently, Paula pulls back harder trying to get her to submit. Entering the ring, Vixen stomps on Paula causing her to release the hold as the referee immediately rushes over there telling her to leave the ring. Slapping her own hand, Gucci enters the ring as the referee is completely oblivious to the illegal tag.

North: There wasn’t even a tag.

DIC: Blame that hooligan, Vixen, it’s her fault.

Entering the ring, Gucci grabs Silven and yanks her up to her feet. Irish whipping her into the turnbuckle, Gucci runs in with a full head of steam and clotheslines Silven dropping her down to the canvas. Stretching her arms out while taunting the crowd, the fans boo loudly as Silven starts picking herself back up.

North: Gucci is wasting a lot of time here.

DIC: Yeah but she looks amazing doing it.

Turning around, Silven grabs Gucci by the waist and falls backwards, driving her face into the turnbuckle as Gucci clutches her jaw in pain. Beginning to crawl over to her corner, Silven reaches out and slaps the hand of Vixen but the referee rushes over there and tells Vixen that she wasn’t holding the tag string. Furious, Vixen argues with the referee a little bit as Gucci drags Silven away and both her and Paula start stomping on Silven repeatedly.

North: Things aren’t looking too good for Penelope Silven right now.

DIC: They’re making some pretty grave errors right now.

Slapping her own hand, making an illegal tag again, Paula enters the ring as Gucci exits right as the referee turns around. With Silven on her knees, Paula slaps Silven right across the face. Showing signs of anger and adrenaline, Silven decks Paula right in the midsection causing her to stumble back. Getting to one knee, Silven reaches up grabbing the head of Paula and drops down to the seated position with a jaw breaker as Paula falls down to her stomach clutching her jaw. With the fans behind Silven, clapping, she crawls over to her corner and tags in Vixen who comes in flattening both Paula and Gucci.

North: Vixen is on fire and the tables have turned.

Pulling herself up, Silven starts attacking Gucci as the referee orders Silven to leave the ring. Giving them time, Gucci charges in from behind and flattens Vixen with a forearm smash. Dropping down and draped over the middle rope, Paula starts choking Vixen over the rope as Silven screams at the referee while trying to enter but taking his eyes off of the action, he orders Silven to get back. Lying on the canvas while clutching her throat, Paula tags in Gucci as she enters and starts kicking Vixen around arrogantly.

North: The team of Silven and Vixen NEEDS to get on the same page if they plan on winning this thing.

Picking Vixen up to her feet, Gucci screams at Vixen but from out of nowhere, Vixen hits a DDT which flattens Gucci. Before she can crawl over there to make the pin, Silven slaps Vixen on the back tagging herself in as she quickly ascends up to the top rope measuring the fallen Gucci. Looking rather annoyed, Vixen exits the ring and as Gucci gets up, Silven leaps off with a missile drop kick planting Gucci back down to the canvas. While sitting on her knees, Vixen slaps Silven on the back and enters the ring as now, Silven looks annoyed but hesitantly exits the ring.

North: What exactly are they doing?

DIC: I’m not entirely sure but don’t they look great doing it?

Walking over to Gucci, Vixen bends down to pick her up but Paula begins to taunt her. Standing up, Vixen starts yelling back at Paula which gives Gucci time to recover. Reaching out to slap Vixen across the face, the orange haired bombshell manages to back up in time as the referee warns Paula to stop. When Vixen turns around however, Gucci grabs her and hits a quick That’s So Gucci as the referee drops down to make the count.




Right as the referees hand hits the three, Silven stomps on Gucci but it’s too late. Releasing the pin, Gucci rolls out of the ring as Paula helps her to her feet.

Baxter: The winner of the match, Paula Prada and Miss. Gucci... THEE GUCCCCIIIII GAAAAALLLLLLSSSSSS!!!

North: What a big victory tonight for the Gucci Gals.

DIC: Vixen and Silven did NOT have the right chemistry tonight.

North: For once we’re in agreement!

Walking up the ramp, both Vixen and Silven look incredibly disappointed.

"Pretty" Fay Qent Promo

Coming Soon!

The Damned(Sister Catherine & Stitches) vs Spice & Ice

Coming Soon!