2017.10.27: PWN - LONE - LONE 5

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The show starts off with the lights going dim and the titantron lighting up above the entrance way. In blood red lettering bleeds in the following:

"Because on this day atonement will be made for you, to cleanse you. Then, before the Lord, you will be clean from all your sins." - Leviticus 16:30. New International Version.

It fades to darkness, and then our scene opens up to a blank wall. The color of it is undetermined as the entire camera seems to have a crimson colored filter applied. A young woman in a Nun Habit is on the far left of the wall, back turned to the camera. She begins to write something on the wall with her finger. The 'ink' is quite possibly blood, and she starts to write out 'SIN' in large lettering. She repeats this down the wall, and the camera fast forwards to her covering the whole wall with this word. Why is she writing this, and where is she getting the ink from?

The woman reveals herself as Sister Catherine when she turns towards the camera and the crowd erupts into cheers. She points with her left forefinger behind her towards the wall, and she has what appears to be dried blood smeared around her mouth and chin. When she speaks, her tongue is coated in it.

Sister Catherine: Sin! Sin is everywhere. We are all not without sin, however, the Ladies of New England revel in it. Their petty squabbles are fueled by it. You are all filthy! Disgusting! Wretched! Come to me! Come to me and you will be cleansed of your sin! All of you! From the gluttonous, greedy Terri Thompson to the prideful, envious Ms. Gucci, to the slothful, BLASPHEMOUS one who calls herself The Glorious One. I can stand before you this evening and speak on all of the Ladies of New England but I will only address the one who calls herself the Glorious One. She is the worst of the bunch for the simple fact that she calls herself The Glorious One, for there is NO ONE more Glorious than GOD and she will find that out..... tonight. Tonight, when I make her lay down for the Lord... or I make her TAP OUT TO GOD! Whatever God wills.

Sister Catherine lowers her head now.

Sister Catherine: ... Good evening...

After Sister Catherine's promo fades out, we fade into Stitches in the boiler room, smiling and licking her lips before it, too, fades out.

"Pretty" Fay Qent vs. The Juggalettes - 2 on 1 Handicap Match

The lights come back on, and Johnny Baxter is still in the ring!

Baxter: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a HANDICAP match, where the duo team will remain legal at all times!

"Chicken Huntin" by the Insane Clown Posse blasts on the PA as out emerges two women in Juggalo facepaint.

Baxter: On the way to the ring! From The Big Tent on 9th Street! Slapp and Tick L. They are... the Juggalettes!

North: Hello and welcome everyone to Supremacy: LONE 5... the Halloween Edition! I'm Kevin North along side my partner DIC And we've got a night of astonishing action coming your way! Right now we have... well...This is an... interesting pair we have here!

DIC: Interesting? They're Juggalettes! They know how to get down, and I'm totally down with the clown! Woop woop!

Slapp and Tick L. march down the aisle, dressed in cargo pants and ICP gear, trying to look as tough and intimidating as possible for a pair of face painted women.

"Pretty Vacant" by the Sex Pistols starts up just as the last song fades as "Pretty" Fay Qent emerges from the backstage area with Aurore in tow.

Baxter: And their opponent! From Fallcoast, Maine, accompanied to the ring by Aurore. She is "Pretty" Fay QEEEEENT!

Fay looks all business as she makes her way to the ring, sliding into it and giving the two Juggalettes an ice cold stare.


North: Fay Qent has her work cut out for her here, a two on one handicap match is never an easy feat to overcome.

DIC: Never tell her the odds. They won't have to tag out here so we'll learn very quickly.

Slapp and Tick L. both waste no time piling on Fay Qent as they hammer down fists and punches looking to gain an early advantage. The two clown women think they're making great progress until they notice that their opponent hasn't moved a single inch and is just staring down at them. They slowly look at one another as their fists slow down but Fay Qent grabs both their heads and slams them together causing each one to stumble and hold their heads. Fay Qent then shows them what real fists look like as she takes turns swinging lead fists at Slapp and Tick L. fighting each of them back to opposite corners. Fay Qent looks at Slapp and runs full force into her with a running body splash causing Slapp to slump into the corner before charging at full speed at Tick L. and spearing her into the corner, causing Tick L. to slightly fold like an accordion before falling flat on her face.

North: Qent continues her path of destruction! She may as well slammed their heads together like coconuts before pulverizing them!

DIC: She's definitely Rowdy here tonight, that's for sure. And the D-I-C likes his women Rowdy.

North: I'm pretty sure her and Aurore would have something to say about that.

DIC: It's all good, I don't mind if it gets a little crowded.

Fay Qent decides to focus on Tick L. as she starts stomping a mudhole into her, the referee asking for a clean break at 4 due to the proximity to the ropes, she'd back off briefly just to go back to stomping. Again she breaks at the count of 4. Meanwhile Slapp takes these precious moments to recover as she slides out of the ring and starts searching underneath, finally she pulls out a... bottle of root beer? Had to at least be a day old and some liquid was missing from the container. With the soda she slides into the ring and confronts Fay Qent in an effort to save her partner. With the bottle she appears to have a trick in mind as she shakes it up but when she uncaps the lid the soda sprays straight into her own eyes! The Joke... is on her!

DIC: Oh come on now, I can't defend that. Who... who thought this was a good idea?!

North: This is one of the rare moments where we actually agree on something. The Joke didn't go off too well.

The referee quickly kicks the bottle out of the ring as it spins and sprays soda everywhere. Tick L. gets up and lunges for Fay Qent but she slips on the soda on the mat and faceplants onto the mat! Having had enough of the games Fay Qent backs up as she waits for her opponents to eventually get up and charges forward with a Doube Tomahawk Chop clothesline, catching each one with an arm. Down on her knees now she places one hand on the chest of each one as the referee slaps down on the mat to count both pins. 1! 2! 3!

Baxter: Here is your winner... “Pretty” Fay Qent!

After Match In-ring Segment

Aurore is quick to snatch the microphone from Baxter as she taps the top several times.

Aurore: Is this the best LONE has to offer? Is Jack E. Bux going to keep paying peanuts for circus acts when he's got the real deal standing right in front of him? Is this the best he can put out? Does my client have to go back into that locker room and yank people out until nobody is left? What is it going to take, what is it going to take to...

The Razor Ramon Freestyle by Wale hits the arena, cutting Aurore off. The crowd pops several seconds later as Alison Crowne slowly emerges from curtain with her arms spread out from body and entering in low in a style that'd make The Bad Guy himself proud. Her ring gear was noticeably different to fit the occasion sporting purple trunks, purple boots and kneepads, a purple and a black elbow pad, a purple top with a vest that says Alison Crowne in Razor Ramon style font, crowns replacing the razor imagery. Reaching inside of her vest she grabs a microphone out.

DIC: Oh come on, what is she doing here? Shouldn't she be watching some Bruce Lee flick backstage and staying out of view? You can't have Terri running around backstage unattended! Alison you had one job!

North: Well you're in the minority here, the fans seem rather happy to see her and she's paying tribute to Razor Ramon here tonight. Former Intercontinental Champion, multiple time tag team champion and member of the infamous Kliq and nWo. Always enjoy it when wrestlers take a nod towards those who came before them.

Alison Crowne: Did anyone ever tell you that you sound like a broken record, chica?

Giving her best Razor Ramon impression she turned her head to the crowd as she pulled a toothpick from behind her ear and let it hang out of her mouth. The crowd popped as Aurore wasn't amused at all by her antics.

Alison Crowne: I get it, your client is a monster and puts her competition down in near record time. She just made quick work of two people in the ring at the same time. You think you're being slighted, you'd rather protest when you should be building your brand and your case. It's like every opportunity you get to earn respect with the fan and locker room you manage to turn into a showcase of sadness.

Aurore: Oh please, shouldn't you be in the back coddling the LONE Champion?

That managed to draw a bit of heat from the crowd as they start to shower her with boos and jeers. With a slight grin Alison Crowne let the crowd say their piece before raising her finger up wagging it a little.

Alison Crowne: Oh, so you're one of those people then, huh? You come into a promotion and expect to be given top billing and jump to the front of the line. Don't get yourself twisted, sister. The last few months you've been given opportunities to prove yourself against women looking to do the same and while I mean no disrespect to anybody in the back that recently got here... you haven't stepped in the ring with the mainstays yet that put you in the position to have this opportunity.

Aurore: Oh, mainstay you say? Where have you been the last few months? Hiding in the back? Please, your highness, enlighten me.

Raising her eyebrows Alison Crowne seemed impressed by the bluntness of the newcomer representing her client.

Alison Crowne: Giving you that spotlight the two of you seem to crave; you're welcome. My record speaks for itself, whether it's in the octagon in MMA or in the squared circle I've proven time and time again that I am the Crowne Jewel of sports and entertainment. While I may have taken advantage of my time away to expand my repertoire your client seems hungry for a fight; so I'll tell you what. I'm here, I'm ring ready and we already got an official in the ring. Fay, you want to really test yourself or are you just a paper tiger?

North: A very bold declaration and challenge by Alison Crowne. She's never been one to stand down, several months ago she beat Prada Paula in 20 seconds in a submission match. If Qent is looking for a challenge she's got one standing right in front of her now.

DIC: She's flirting with fire, Kev. I'm not sure I like her odds here, Fay Qent is a freaking Amazon.

Aurore: You want that Alison? Are you really sure what you're asking for?

Alison Crowne methodically walks towards the ring, bringing her hands up towards her chin, wiggling spooky fingers, another Scott Hall trademark. Nobody could accuse her of not embracing her costume's persona tonight. Aurore carefully watches her as Alison Crowne places a knee up on the apron and pulls herself up with the middle rope. As she slides under the bottom rope however Aurore and Fay Qent duck out of the ring.

Aurore: No no no, we do things on our time, not yours. But you better be careful what you ask for... you just might get it.

The Razor Ramon Freestyle by Wale hits the arena again as Alison Crowne stands tall, having seemingly gotten the upper hand for now.

Backstage: Jack E. Bux

Coming Soon!

Kayoko Ichikawa vs. Cinnamon

Coming Soon!

Backstage: Linda Edwards w/Anne "Flying" Grayson

Coming Soon!

Backstage: Mark Robertson

Coming Soon!

Hannah Kix vs. Ami Reeves

Coming Soon!

In-ring Segment: Gucci Gals

Coming Soon!

Sister Catherine vs. The Glorious One

Coming Soon!