Kabin/A Reconciliation of Umbral Theoretical Systems and Etherite Dimension Analysis
The mapping of the Umbral Reaches has long been a source of inquiry for many a mystic scholar. Their attempts to define, rationalize and traverse the realms is as varied as there are letters concocted throughout existance. This paper attempts to bring unique insight into our approach and understanding of Umbral cosmology by utilizing two principal components of inquiry: The Mercurial Cosmology and the proposed metaphysical model put forward by Dr. Arumi Hanada in an attempt to reanalyze the base structure and modes of the Umbral Reaches and provoke new avenues of inquiry and future research.
"One Cannot Map the Umbral Reaches", cites Master Quirion Lusos bani Criamon, in a session on Umbral Cosmology at a lecture in Cairo, Egypt in 2014. "It is a fool's errand to map infinity. Yet as Magi we understand impossibility as merely uncertainty. So, I ask, can you map the Umbral Reaches?" It is a question that dogs Umbral metatheorists. Historically, several Traditions have sought in some form to 'master' the Umbral Reaches be it through intellectual conquest, journey and vision quest or merely scholarly objective assertion. Yet especially today, given the state of the Umbral Reaches in the wake of the Avatar Storm our understanding of the Umbral Reaches is terribly flawed, outdated and requires a fresh perspective. A fresh look to an old question with new eyes. This paper seeks to provide a conceptual framework, utilizing the old Mercurial Cosmology constructed by fellows of the Order of Hermes and contrasting their studies against those proposed by Society of Ether Dr. Arumi Hanada. The purpose of the use of these two models is thrice-fold, as Hermetics so often enjoy. The first is that it will provide a unique bridge between mystical and Etheric understanding of the cosmos, a joint effort that has in recent memory been lacking. Second, this paper can serve in it's inquiry a strong tool for novice Etherites and acolyte Hermetics as a strong tool in the conceptualization of their own designs. Thrice, while this paper utilizes heavily prior Etherite and Hermetic research, acknowledgement is given, where applicable, to other Tradition methods where evidence has been made available for analysis.
The paper is thus organized as follows:
1) A presentation, in brief, of the proposed Etheric Model. 2) Discussion of prior research on Umbral Reach studies, highlighting faults and irreconciliations with the proposed model. 3) Arguments for how, if applicable these faults can be reconciled. 4) Discussion over assessments and suggestions for future research.
The Etheric model proposed by Dr. Hinata is presented in Figure 1. As one can see, the dimension model ranks the various Astral Reaches in terms of layers or tiers if you will1. Earth is the base dimension, consentual reality thereby also extending from it. As one progresses "outward", one enters the next levels of reality: Bypassing the Gauntlet one enters the Periphery realms, those realms closest in reflection and tether to Earth. This realms include what has been called the High Umbrae, or Astral Reaches, The Middle Umbra, or the Spirit Wilds and the Low Umbra, also known as the Underworld2. The reflective Umbra are referred to as Mimetic Dimensions, in a sense 'mimicing' consentual reality in their base construction, form and landscape. Beyond the Mimetic Dimensions is the First Horizon, roughly equated in consentual reality to the Earth's stratosphere3. Breaching the First Horizon one enters what consentual reality has dubbed 'Outer Space'. Here likes the titular Etherspace, in which mystics would refer to as the 'Near Umbrae' or collectively as 'Horizon'.
While in Etherspace, one can travel to any of the 9 base planets of the Inner Solar System: The domains of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, the Moon4 and Mars as well as Low Earth Objects (LEOs). Travel outward toward the outer solar system brings one to what she refers to as the True Horizon, which mystics (including my own) refer to as the Dreamshell, a barrier in which masters only have been able to pierce with extreme effort. Penetrating the True Horizon takes one into the Deep Umbra, in which the outer planets and accessibility to different dimension are abundant (It is assumed, of course, that Etherspace carries through the Dreamshell).
This model implies several key assumptions. The first is that Umbral travel, in a sense, is directional. As the model theorizes the titular direction is "up" easily indistinguishable in space travel as "outward". Second, the model implies that no planetary incarna or Umbral demense exist in the Mimetic Dimensions and only occur beyond the First Horizon, when one first encounters LEOs (by which I assume such objects as the International Space Station, satellites, orbital stations, etc). Third, the Umbral Reaches is infinite. While the model concludes with the Deep Umbra it is important to note that the implication spoken of by Master Criamon is reflected here as well: The Deep Umbra never 'ends', and therefore should not be taken to suggest there is a definitive endpoint.
With these implications noted, the model presented presents several gaps in it's presentation that should be initially addressed. Before that however, it is important to note that several of these conclusions falls in line and even compliments Mercurial understanding of the Umbral Reaches. Indeed, as Master Criamon said in his 2014 lecture: "Up, is a direction to the infinite". There are indeed directional proportions in one's journey through the Umbrae. Additionally, her placement of spatial objects, known among some mystics as Shard/Shade realms, is placed adequately in this model. Several of the issues with this model lie not in ignorance, but gaps of theoretical knowledge that the Mercurial Model may help to enlighten by proposing 3 central realms that violate the asserted assumptions.
- 1. The Alder Bole
Known formally as the Alder Bole among Hermetics, historically as Mount Qaf by the Ah-li-Batin6, has historically been depicted as the Axis Mundi, or fulcrum, of the entirety of the Umbral Reaches. While it is important to note that any and all depictions of the Alder Bole is inconclusive, given the realm's academic difficulty in both reaching and understanding, the model cannot adequately place it. Should the Alder Bole, the spine of the cosmos, be a Mimetic Realm? But the Alder Bole proposes to be the central point to which all Umbral Realms gravitate and are held by, akin to the Sun and it's gravitational orbit. Yet the Mimetic dimensions reflect Earth, which the Alder Bole does not, nor can it be placed in an Alternate Dimension, as alternate dimensions violates the Alder Bole's theory of centrality given where they stand in the model.
- 2. The Hollow Earth
The Hollow Earth is not well traversed by Hermetics. As a matter of course it is an Etheritic dimension in which one can travel to the proverbial 'center of the earth' and find, among others, dinosaurs, lost civilizations, ancient tribes and magical artifacts7. Therefore, my knowledge of the Hollow Earth, beyond it's conceptual form, is limited. However the Hollow Earth violates the directional paradigm of the theoretical model. The Hollow Earth, truly is not outside Earth nor does the Hollow Earth mimic ANY theoretical concept of Consentual Reality, as it's prime gesture of being is akin to a Geofront, where there is illumination and a sky as well as a ceiling, plant life, flora and fauna. It may be possible, to be sure, to reach the Hollow Earth via a Mimetic Dimension (the Middle Umbrae most likely), the trajectory-centricity of the model makes mapping the Hollow Earth Difficult.
- 3. Horizon.
One might notice a distinct lack of horizon realms included in the model, realms to which we as Traditions all share in knowledge, wonder and loss. It was conceived that the Horizon Realms in themselves were, poetically 'the shadows cast by the Shard Realms onto the First Horizon'8 to which the term of the realms are derived. They are, in short, realms of the First Horizon, which are unplacable in the model as each Horizon is treated, in itself, as it's titular form of a barrier.
With the above samples presented, if we are to improve upon our shared understand of the Umbral Reaches it is important that us as readers assume and assert several theoretical axioms of our own, lest the efforts of this paper fall into ruin and hubris.
AXIOM 1: THE ETHER I do not believe that the Umbral Reaches is full of what the Society of Ether claims is 'Ether'. This fundamental disagreement however, must be cast aside. We must assume, in heart and mind, that beyond the First Horizon lies Ether, a substance of matter to which fills the cosmos and that our fellows of the Society of Ether believe to be the cornerstone of all matter and reality as the materi prima, the First Element.
AXIOM 2: DIMENSIONAL MODELLING I disagree with the notion that the Umbral Reaches are, in themselves, alternate dimensions that imply separation, in some form, of true reality. It implies that Umbrood, denizens of the various Umbrae, are somehow set apart from the earth plane with minimal to no linkage between them. Yet again, we must cast these disagreements aside and treat upon our study as differing dimensions and model accordingly. We inform, not refute, knowledge, no matter how much it differs from our understanding as doing so challenges our perception.
1. It is important to note that consentual reality is "implied" in this theoretical framework and does not omit anomalies or important sites of consentual reality. For the sake of this paper, we refer to the prime material world as "consentual reality", apart from the Umbral Reaches.
2. Dagget, B. bn B. (1319). Mercurial Cosmology #2. pg. 24-32
3. Ludark, S. bn. F. (1433). Mercurial Cosmology #8 pg. 19
4. While it is known that the Moon is not a planet, mystical and Umbral significance entreats us to treat the Moon as a unique Umbral demense and is therefore included as a major planar object in Etherspace.
5. Dagget, B. bn. B. (1319). Ibid. pg. 37.
6. Jesserit, Y. bn. J. (1699). Mercurial Cosmology #22. pg. 7
7. "The Digger's Society need YOU for studying big mole men!". Paradigma 64:7. pg. 22-26..
8. Brandt, T. bn. F. (1559). Mercurial Cosmology #18. pg. 15.