2014.06.11: PWN - LEGACY - ~Stealing the Show~

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Jun 11 2014

Standing in front of the camera is a gorgeous specimen of a man. With a gaze that would melt even the most iced over of hearts and hair made of pure silk, Alex Andrews stands in front of the camera doing the one thing he does better than anyone... Stealing the Show. Alex gives a nod to the camera and motions for it to zoom in on his perfectly chiseled face and as the camera man obliges a glow almost seems to appear behind Alex. There really is no glow but the man seems to have an aura about him. Alex gives a cocky smile and raises an eyebrow.

Alex Andrews: Ladies and Gentlemen let me introduce myself. Standing before you now is the future World Champion and all around wrestling wizard Alex Andrews. My pedigree speaks for itself and I don't want to brag but it is intimidating. Multiple titles all over the world and several years in this business under my belt and all before reaching the age of thirty. I stand before you on the cusp of taking over a brand new company. A company that needs a man like me leading the way if it ever hopes to get anywhere and make a mark in this industry. Ladies and Gentlemen I am the Showstealer Alex Andrews and I am wrestling.

Alex takes a few steps to the left and unbuttons his jacket further revealing the blue silk dress shirt he has on underneath it. Alex rubs his chin thoughtfully before speaking again.

Alex Andrews: I was heavily recruited to join Legacy by the man himself Peter Bauer. He sent me messages and emails, called me on the phone, and basically wore me down until I signed on. It seemed like a great place to come to and get in on the ground floor. What better way to cement my own legacy, see what I did there, than to help build an entire company up from the get go. So when I arrive here at Legacy, and having been recruited so heavily, I expected to see my name on the marquee. I expected to be main eventing the very first show. Much to my surprise I am in a handicap match opening the entire show! And to make matters work I am on the two man team! I am not even the one facing the handicap! Are you fucking kidding me?! I am the Showstealer for christ's sake! I am the Highlight of the Night! I am the man that you can build this entire damn company around and yet I am saddled with curtain jerking right off the bat. This is nothing short of being spit in the face and a man of my stature, a man that is the epitome of true technical wrestling, should not be treated this way. Bauer, you and the rest of the owners of this company have shown your true colors as far as I am concerned and you have shown how inferior your business savvy really is. Anyone with even an ounce of intelligence could take one look at me and realize that I am the money maker in this company. Not Drew Stevenson, not Scotty Adams, and certainly not Alyssa Pride! Me! Alex Andrews! This is the face of your company Bauer! This right here. The Baron of Brilliance and you have spit in the face of your company! You watch on the first show after my match as the ratings bottom out. As soon as I walk off the television screen those ratings will go down faster than the New York Rangers title chances. This company is going to die because of your idiocy and you will have nobody to blame but yourself.

Alex laughs and folds his arms in front of his chest. A grin spreads across his handsome face as he takes in a deep breath.

Alex Andrews: Ryan Hawkins, apparently despite my wishes we will be teaming on the twentieth. I have to step in the ring hoping that you can hold your own because honestly I know next to nothing about you. And I don't care to know a damn thing about you. All I want from you is to stay out of my way while I win us the match. You can thank me by sending me a bottle of cognac to my suite later on. But mark my words Hawkins, if you get in my way so help me god I will put you in the ground just as fast as I will Brixton! You and that gigantic piece of trash are all that stand in my way. I will make my mark on Legacy! That much is certain. The only uncertainty is if you are smart enough to ride my coattails to victory as well. Make sure you make the right choice Ryan. Don't be a hero and don't get any delusions of grandeur. Heroes don't have long careers.

Alex continues to grin as he finishes his sentence. He then kneels down motioning for the camera to do the same. He leans in to where the only thing visible on the camera is his chiseled face.

Alex Andrews: Brixton I guess you are the first man to fall here in Legacy to the Showstealer. That is going to be quite the honor honestly because you are going to be an answer to a trivia question that wrestling fans are going to be asking for years to come. Now I know you are being heralded as this "Next Big Thing" and you are supposed to walk all over me and that's fine. I can handle that. I've been in this business a long time and I know how this works. I've faced a few jobbers in my time. Racked up a few of those wins that you're supposed to get. Those guys with names like Flash Flanagan and Aldo Montoya. I've stomped those guys into the ground and still stole the show like only I can. The fans still left happy and they were telling all their friends that they got to see Alex Andrews personify perfection. Hey man that's what I do. So I know where your heads at going into this match. I know how Peter Baur and King Treborn want this match to go. They want you to go over on me and maybe set up a big match between you and someone else down the line. And that's fine. They can expect that all they want. The minions are expecting it too. So is everyone in the back. All the other wrestlers, the road agents, the puppets in the production truck, all of them. They'll even have your music cued up to play after the match whenever the first bell rings. And to be honest, that's normally the right thing to do. I mean for God's Sake look at you. You're a damn monster! But monster's are always slain! I plan on taking your monsterous ass and beating you from pillar to post Friday Night and proving everyone wrong. I am going to defy expectations, I am going to steal the fucking show Brixton, and I am going to do it at your expense. I am not a jobber. Alex Andrews has never been a jobber and The Showstealer, the Personification of Perfection, The Sultan of Sweet Ass Kickings will not become one here in Legacy. So Brixton how does this make you feel? Does it piss you off? Does it make you angry? Does my demeanor bother you? Does the fact that I am know I'm going to beat you make you a little jealous of my confidence? Well it should. It should be eating away the inside of you. You should be angry. You should be pissed. And I hope you are. I hope you bring everything you have on the twentieth because it will make it all the sweeter when I beat your ass and prove to everyone watching that the Showstealer is the horse to back here in Legacy. The Age of Arrogance will begin on the twentieth here in Legacy. And Brixton, there is not a god damn thing you can do to stop it. See you on the twentieth.

Alex stands up and smirks as he buttons his jacket back up. He lets out a laugh as he turns and walks away as the camera fades to black.