Ericson O. Jacobi/Stereotypes
-I've heard many complaints about the Tower. And yet it is still our largest and oldest resource should we seek company in these long nights.
-I'll not mince words, I've seen more than enough while dead to not dismiss their fears as superstition. That said their games are insignificant in what they hope to accomplish.
-I have conflicting feelings. Your average Kindred loathes being beholden to another. I can't fault them for their decisions, but I'll be damned if I agree with them.
-Hm. Detestable comes to mind. The only thing I loathe more than Piety is Diablerie. And yet...I've yet to meet a one of them who strikes me as uncouth. I should meet more of them before passing judgement.
-My anti-thesis. Examples exist to correct my previous statement, but I find them adjacent to a box of philosophical hammers. Pounding at anything in reach while espousing a universal truth: 'Can't you see? All the world is a nail.'
-Should I pretend that I don't find them disconcerting? Everything from their appearance to their sub-culture is not to my liking.
-They win my award for most tolerated among Caine's progeny. Bunch of perverts.
-If I were more cynical I would have saved some vitriol to spit about them...fearing the dark has always meant fearing what's inside it. I fear the Lasombra have rather turned that expression on it's head.
-They may be prophetic but see how far anyone whose listened to their visions has risen and you'll soon realize they fall twice as far. I prefer their more tangible accomplishments, they can make devastating allies or mortal enemies. Just don't insult them on their proclivities.
-By far my preferred members of the Tower. At least through a screen. I won't shy away from denouncing their atrocious hygiene and appearances, but I find them on the whole enjoyab-- mm. Adequate company.
-To my knowledge I've yet to meet one in person. If I was to give my thoughts on what I've heard of them I imagine it's mostly bullshit tinged with malice. And probably still half true.
-While they're pleasant my past experiences have left me with more fond memories of vipers than of this Clan. I judge each of them as I see them, but as a whole I would liken them to a Monet dusted with arsenic. Beautifully, best viewed from afar, and brought close with utmost caution.
-This clan has earned my eternal grudge for depriving me the joy of ever again appreciating the works of Bosch or Goya. Sickening.
-I used to hate board meetings. Now I just imagine us all wearing silly hats and my nights are a lot more enjoyable. As for the clan at large it runs efficiently until it doesn't.
50px -After all my years in California I've still never met one face to face. Some are shrewd negotiators, some are rather passive. Each one is a mystery to me and I think they like it that way.
-California had some bad wildfires recently. I'll see if I can't get someone to talk to the local Fire Department about instituting some controlled burns.