Shifter Camps

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Camps (aka houses, lodges, etc.) are optional sub-groups within tribes. A follower of a camp may still pack with others, but sometimes perform personal tasks for the camp, and maybe try to recruit his pack to help. (WtA 43)

Some camps are considerably more selective than others. This is a (not necessarily complete) list of camps, a brief summary of their mindset, and where to read about them in more detail.

Tribe Type Name Summary Requires staff discretion? Reference
Black Furies Camp (kuklo) The Amazons of Diana "warriors first, avengers second" TBD Black Furies 46-47
The Bacchantes Punish criminals violating Gaia's law TBD Black Furies 47-48
The Freebooters Find new Wyld places to turn into caerns TBD Black Furies 48
The Moon-Daughters "keep Gaia's spirit alive through change" TBD Black Furies 48
The Order of Our Merciful Mother Reform human society via religion (especially), politics, arts, pop culture TBD Black Furies 48-49
The Sisterhood Information and acquisition TBD Black Furies 50
The Temple of Artemis Each tribe should work cohesively with itself and separately from the others "No cubs ... perhaps one Fostern in a hundred" Black Furies 50-51
Bone Gnawers To be added
Children of Gaia To be added
Fianna To be added
Get of Fenris To be added
Glass Walkers To be added
Red Talons To be added
Shadow Lords To be added
Silent Striders To be added
Silver Fangs House (required) House Wyrmfoe TBD TBD Silver Fangs 36-37
Clan Crescent Moon TBD TBD Silver Fangs 37-38
The Gleaming Eye TBD TBD Silver Fangs 38
Austere Howl TBD TBD Silver Fangs 38
The Unbreakable Hearth TBD TBD Silver Fangs 39
The Blood-Red Crest TBD TBD Silver Fangs 39-40
Wise Heart TBD TBD Silver Fangs 40
Conquering Claw TBD "killed itself through insane infighting" Silver Fangs 40
The Ice Pack TBD "Rumor surfaces now and again that scions of this house still live" Silver Fangs 40
Winter Snow TBD "They all to a man succumbed to Harano" Silver Fangs 40-41
The Golden Sky TBD "Their disappearance is still a great mystery" Silver Fangs 41
The Unknown TBD "we suspect it was the house that initiated the War of Rage ... No spirit seems to remember them or can name them." Silver Fangs 41
The Unnamed TBD "Sometimes called the Silver Spiral, this house went to the Wyrm." Silver Fangs 41
Lodge (common) Lodge of the Sun Material affairs No Silver Fangs 42-43
Lodge of the Moon Spiritual and mystical affairs No Silver Fangs 43
Camp Renewal "'fix' ... excessive adherence to ceremony and tradition in the face of urgent need for new solutions to modern problems." No Silver Fangs 43
Royalists "Our ancient traditions stand in place of the need for individual cunning; they provide an answer for nearly every solution, if followed correctly." No Silver Fangs 43-44
The Ivory Priesthood "Keepers of the Secret of Death." "Only those who pass a series of spiritual tests" Silver Fangs 44-45
The Gray Raptors "punish those who insult or ignore the Silver Fangs' ancient right to rule" TBD Silver Fangs 45-46
Masters of the Seal "steal secrets from spirits and from other tribes" "No Silver Fang would dare to admit being a member" Silver Fangs 46
Stargazers To be added
Uktena To be added
Wendigo To be added