~~Live In The Moment~~
(A video reference of Bambi's PB -- YT video please clicky [borderline NSFW]!)
"Wait -- your real name's actually Bambi?" With a name like Bambi, what else was destined for this young Asian American other than a career in stripping? Born in Vietnam, but brought over to the US of A and raised in Texas from the age of a few months; a difficult, impoverished childhood had led to trouble with the law from a young age -- misdemeanours like shoplifting and underage drinking resulting in juvie and fines. Despite this, her parents worked her hard and a miracle arose where she was offered a place at UC Prospect as a medical student.
Despite her family's poverty, she was not offered a scholarship. So Bambi fulfilled her destiny and moonlighted as an exotic dancer, and eventually starring in porn (and worse) to pay the extortionate tuition, bank loan and living fees. It wasn't long before the rising popularity of her videos led to the university finding out about her alternate lifestyle. Her tuition was swiftly terminated and she was removed from the university campus and her sorority house.
Out of options, dancing became her lifeline: keeping a roof over her head, food in her stomach and narcotics in her system. Surrounded by bad influence, her notoriety with the police increased and her criminal record has since grown substantially. Her poor parents still think she's studying to become a doctor!
RP Hooks
- Jane Her stage name's Bunny, and she's most comfortable half-naked with her legs around a pole. Also offers private lap dances and the girlfriend experience. Additional extras on demand. I mean, she definitely looks the part.
- XXX Has since branched out into porn, and her videos are a hit! A lot of people (mainly guys) are starting to recognise her out-and-about -- and this usually leads to badness.
- Body Mod Bambi's been on a sabbatical or two (stripper slang for a hiatus for plastic surgery) to make herself more enticing (and appear older!). Her plethora of piercings aren't new, but the fresh tramp stamp is!
- Fit Pole dancing requires significant upper body strength, and Bambi works hard for her muscle -- and it shows! She experiments with the use of 'supplements' to help maximise her growth.
- Ex-Con A criminal record that includes assault and battery, narcotics possession, prostitution and much, much more. She's been to jail (albeit not for long) and her future prospects aren't looking too good. Cops know her and don't like dealing with her shit anymore.
- Junkie Not to the point of true addiction (like her exercise), but definitely partakes in significant amounts of 'Schedule I's.
- Broke Lives from tip-to-tip. Every dollar stuffed in her thong counts! Every spare cent goes into maintaining her appearance and paying off that wasted student debt (hundreds of thousands!).
- Dropout Well, kicked out. Used to study med at UCP Prospect and went pretty hard as a sorority girl. Infamous among the students and faculty for her stripper/porn scandal.
- Sin Raised a Catholic, she still wears a Crucifix around her neck. Does she keep her faith? You'd have to ask her
Uh... Who?
Bambi Vi Nguyen
xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
Asian American (Vietnamese)
6’6” (198cm)
Body type:
Stage Name:
A Deviant Girl
Noteworthy Stats
- Surreal Beauty
- Sexy
- Animal Magnetism
- Enchanting Gaze
- Enchanting Voice
- Flirt
- Innocent
- Honeyed Tongue
- Spark Of Life
- Youthful Appearance
- Lustful
- Impractical Dresser
- Abusive Partner
- Criminal Record
- Infamy