
From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 13:46, 31 December 2019 by 1337 (talk | contribs)
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Basically this article from The Onion in human form (thanks to WhoopingCrane), Joel is a Virtual Adept. He's a cyberpunk, but you can probably tell the mundane part of that just from looking at him or from talking to him for two seconds. Brash to the point of self-parody, he sticks out in a crowd -- but at least he's aware of it.

He showed up in town a few weeks ago, with a strong Bostonian accent to match his personality. His past is rather hazy, but his present is well-advertised: the guy is everywhere on social media if anyone plugs in his name, and the deeper layers of the digital world might well reveal more. So far, California doesn't quite suit him, but it's possible very few places in the offline world would.

Geek Code (IC): GCS/IT/MC/SS d--- s:- a- C++++$ K++++>++++++ PS+++>$ !PE Y++$>+++ PGP+++$ tv-- b+++ G+++>$ e+++ h r- y+

"I'm playing go; [non-Technomancers are] playing chess; [Sorcerers are] playing checkers; the Sleepers are still stuck figuring out the rules for Candyland."