Full Name:
Zhang Xiaoling
Apparent Age:
Early 20s
Adjutant to the Master of the Mountain
Flaws of Note:
Otherworldly Taint (golden colored eyes)
Advantages of Note:
Plot Hooks
♦ Barrio Chino/Chinatown: You scour these Chinatowns of the mind, translating them like sutras Xuan Zhang fetched from India, testing ways return might be possible against these homesick inventions, trace the traveller's alien steps across borders, and in between discover how transit has a way of lasting, the way these Chinatowns grew out of not knowing whether to return or to stay, and then became home.
Xiaoling is associated with the Templo de las Nubes Oscuras in Barrio Chino, and the Wing Kong Exchange in Chinatown.
♦ Occult:
It is known that she has an interest and burgeoning talent in the art of Enchantment.
The Middle Kingdom
"Never trust a Yama King. He has a hundred motives for anything he does ... Ninety-nine of them, at least, are malevolent."
"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit."
"There are 12,800 hells located under the earth – eight dark hells, eight cold hells and 84,000 miscellaneous hells located at the edge of the universe. The Kuei-Jin bring a piece of each hell back to the Middle Kingdom with them."
"Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit."
"They have no gods. They work magic, and think they are gods themselves. But they are not. And when they die, they become dust and bone, and their ghosts whine on the wind a little while till the wind blows them away. They do not have immortal souls."
"The souls of the deceased endure after death and must be kept happy by offerings and honor. If a spirit is not kept happy, perhaps because it had a bad death, an improper burial or has no descendants to perform the proper rituals, it becomes a hungry ghost."
El Templo de las Nubes Oscuras
![DannyDragon.jpg](/images/thumb/e/e0/DannyDragon.jpg/250px-DannyDragon.jpg) ♦ The Dragon Master- The Dragon Master, supreme head of the Templo de las Nubes Oscuras, is rumored to be a mao shan, and serves as the master of the Taoist temple.
![Mr.Lao.jpeg](/images/thumb/3/35/Mr.Lao.jpeg/355px-Mr.Lao.jpeg) ♦ Mr. Lao (NPC)- Mr. Lao, the heart of the Dragon, is rumored to dwell in the most sacred part of the temple, and serves as the source of the temple's power. He IS a dragon, after all. But surely he's just an urban legend, right? It is said that he consumes the souls of the unworthy.
![Handofthedragon.jpeg](/images/thumb/d/de/Handofthedragon.jpeg/253px-Handofthedragon.jpeg) ♦ The Longmen Neteru (Background)- The Longmen are the largest sect of Taoist clergy in Barrio Chino, with hundreds or perhaps even thousands of devoted worshippers, various holdings of land throughout Barrio Chino, along with money and influence in the service of the Immortal Ebon Dragon.