Broadway Knights/Task List

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Revision as of 21:02, 9 December 2019 by BadAssUserName (talk | contribs)
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Stuff to do, things to make, all that kinda shit.

  • RP! Getting our home territory cleaned up, invent the neighbors, invest in the grid square to get it redesced
  • Plots! Same thing: Invest in the grid square(s). Drive out banes, gang activity, (illegal) drug dealers, supernatural bad influences, replace them with notes, views, new reality descs, whatever
  • Allies and Stuff Rekajigger some Allies or Backgrounds around so that we've got the people our pack needs in a pinch

xxxxxWe need an exorcism specialist
xxxxxKinfolk for a cleaning crew
xxxxxProlly some other stuff I haven't thought up

Building projects
  • Desc the Ground Floor of the Pack House for Garage and Lab space
  • Desc the Back Garden of the Pack House for get togethers
  • Create personal rooms out of vehicle code
  • Containment building Might need to create a building to contain like-businesses and stick the BK office in there, depending on how crowded it gets in the future
  • Appropriate public venues In the 8 blocks surrounding the pack house, we might stick in a few things the overall grid doesn't have. I dunno what but not something super niche that wont get used by more than a couple people with that specific interest. Just whatever seems appropriate. Tourist market maybe, we have few proper dance clubs on the grid (the industrial club is about it, there's one that changes styles but otherwise not real interesting, others are extremely into a particular type, like fetish clubs, etc), whatever else sounds interesting
Events to throw
  • High Society fund raiser Public - for the neighborhood, fashion show, possibly combined with speedway race
  • Fashion show Public or Gaian - public for fund raising for the neighborhood/etc, Gaian for showing off talen and fetish clothing

xxxxxEx.: Glasses of Dual Perception/Spirit Sight, coat of Luna's Armor, nail polish of Razor/Silver Claws, sneakers of Speed, etc

  • New Year's Party Public - Now that we have a park this'll be easy to manage, just gotta pick a good day for it.
Finished stuff
  • Create office space for Broadway Knights - Now located on Beach and Broadway, called Broadway Knights
  • Create a public park Located on Broadway, La Amapola Park, public open RP grid square desced nicely as post-cleaning