Broadway Knights/Task List

From City of Hope MUSH
Revision as of 19:11, 9 December 2019 by BadAssUserName (talk | contribs)
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Stuff to do, things to make, all that kinda shit.

  • RP! Getting our home territory cleaned up, invent the neighbors, invest in the grid square to get it redesced
  • Plots! Same thing: Invest in the grid square(s). Drive out banes, gang activity, (illegal) drug dealers, supernatural bad influences, replace them with notes, views, new reality descs, whatever
  • Allies and Stuff Rekajigger some Allies or Backgrounds around so that we've got the people our pack needs in a pinch

xxxxxWe need an exorcism specialist
xxxxxKinfolk for a cleaning crew
xxxxxProlly some other stuff I haven't thought up

  • Desc the Ground Floor of the Pack House for Garage and Lab space
  • Desc the Back Garden of the Pack House for get togethers
  • Create personal rooms out of vehicle code
  • High Society fund raiser for the neighborhood, fashion show, possibly combined with speedway race

Stuff that's done!

  • Create office space for Broadway Knights - Now located on Beach and Broadway, called Broadway Knights
  • Create a public park Located on Broadway, La Amapola Park, public open RP grid square desced nicely as post-cleaning