Sara Hakonsdottir/Introduction
Sara has a strikingly adorable face - soft, youthful, and rounded, with a button nose - to contrast with a bombshell body. She's an oddball Corax-Homid in her proportions, boasting greater curves, with only a tapered waist and slender neck to imply avian parentage (not counting the fact that her ring fingers are the same length as her middle fingers).
Sweet, soft lips default to easy, playful smiles that reach her eyes in a genuine fashion. She tends toward a very subtle shade of rose-pink lipstick. Her eyes are wide, with verdant green irises that give her a wild cast; bordered by dark lashes accentuated by liner and mascara. Her black hair is shoulder length, and styled mostly to the one side to show off her plethora of facial and ear piercings (including, but not limited to, a nosering through her septum, spacers in her ear lobes, a string of small hoops through the helix of her left ear, and a curved barbell through her right eyebrow).
She's pale, and bares colorful sleeve tattoos. Short and buxom - at 5'2". She often tends toward simple scene attire, like band t-shirts, torn jeans, and shitkicking combat boots. But is just as likely to wear combinations that accentuate her prettier features, as her mood strikes - like a bomber jacket over a cute white floral dress, with thigh-high black socks and a pair of denim converse hi-tops. In terms of accessories, she wears a collection of cheap bead and pendant necklaces and bracelets. She walks the line between foot stompingly adorable and punk cred - though she clearly leans more toward the former.