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PATROLS - PLEASE READ if you want in on Lleutim's patrols. Alias 'Lleu' when I swap to Battle Singer.

WHO MAY JOIN: I will only be doing one or two 'open' patrols each month. These will /mostly/ be focused on helping our newer garou players who are Rank 1, maybe Rank 2. I prefer to work with only 4 or 5 players at a time. Up to ONE Kinfolk or ONE cub -might- be included and maybe one or two fera. BUT the latter must be approved to come on our patrols. See Sergei or Jake ICly for a scene ahead of time for clearance. If you are a cub you must /also/ have permission of your Elders. Generally speaking Lleu isn't going to take anybody along whom he doesn't ICly know or doesn't feel is ready. If you haven't been RPing with me recently so Lleu has a sense of who you are then just don't ask to join yet. I have a waiting list of people (especially fera) who want to come on patrols so be patient.

CUBS - I am happy to try to work in some teaching RP before you join your first patrol and even run you a scene or two of something quiet to make sure you are up for it. Probably Lleu isn't going to take you on one of his official patrols until he feels you are nearly ready to take your Rite of Passage and knows you can handle yourself in a fight. YOU MUST HAVE ELDER clearance in your sphere.

WHAT WE DO: Most patrols will be a chance to get into a fight and earn renown. There is often combat, sneaking, healing, cleansing. BUT doing combat all of the time gets boring so I will mix it up and try to have problems to solve, journey into the Umbra, and may run a few non-combat patrols once in a while for creativity.

HOMEWORK: PLEASE do your homework. If you don't have the core book for your sphere and aren't willing to try and look things up and do your reading, I'm not going to waste a lot of time on you and may not allow you to join my patrols. Buy yourself that one book (if nothing else) or get a friend to share a digital copy. Pull up the combat guide on the wiki ( ) and TAKE NOTES with page numbers for quick reference out of your core rule book. Make lists of your gifts and a link to helpful websites. If you are new, don't sweat it. We will help you! I'll tell you what you need to roll and help you to take time to activate gifts and answer questions. If you don't put in the effort to learn the game mechanics and your sphere's THEME, don't be surprised if I drop you and move on to those who are more willing to carry their own weight as team players.

PACE & POSING: Yes, I expect you to stay focused on the Patrol. Give us more than one line poses and pay attention to what is posed to you. Start prepping poses ahead of time when feasible. If you /know/ you will be alting at the same time or have a lot of distractions, please bow out. I will freely skip people if you aren't keeping up and I will NOT bog down the scene for everyone else to wait on you more than a couple of minutes. RL first - If you need to afk, LET US KNOW but we will move on. Patrols with combat especially take HOURS and we have limits on our time. I'm happy to RP slower one on one scenes day times but evening RP must be fast paced. I will try to pose or set between each round rather than wait until the end of a turn.

OTHER PRP's: I am happy to run lower rank challenges if you are a Galliard or I may even be willing to NPC for another auspice once I have time to do a little research. I'm also happy to help new people and cubs to learn so don't be afraid to ask for a scene. I may be busy but I'll try to work it in or refer you to others who can help. RP hooks and sharing RP is good! I will be running PrP's for my pack and most (but not all) of my PrP's are by invitation only. I will post a few events now and then that are open to anyone who fits the criteria (shifters mostly or maybe police).

PAGING: You may page me to ask if I have room for any add on people but I MUCH PREFER you contact me ahead of time to get on my waiting list, please. @mail is best.