Zephyr's Hand/Totem
Wild Incarnae (PGttG p.141)
Background: Each wind blows its secrets across the ground, in falling snow and autumn leaves. Those Garou who can forget their Rage for long enough can hear their whispers, and the words of wisdom they offer. Garou may be adopted by one (and only one) of the Five Winds.
Traits: Packs favored by the East Wind receive an additional three points of Gnosis per story, and all of the East Wind's children are at +1 difficulty on Rage rolls.
Ban: The children of the Five Winds must keep a reminder of their totem in their presence at all times. Many bind small bells into their clothing and fur to ring in the wind, and decorate their homes with wind chimes. Others carry simple charms or jewelry decorated with wind motifs on their persons.