I am Zenith-of-His-Glorious-Journey, Unshading the Clutch of Radiant Footsteps, Hatchling follower of Pinzon the Finch, wanderer from the Eight Suns Wallow of the Mokole-Mbembe stream.
Yeah, just filler text until I get the energy to expand it. In the meantime though, why not take a look at some code I made?
Nadir is Zenith's compliment- He a pragmatic Noonday Sun, she a compassionate Midnight Sun. Together they feature in eachother's mnesis going further back than the dawn of humanity. They are not actually romantically involved, just long, long, long time friends. Over the years their ancestors wandered through different streams in different parts of the world. Sometimes they would catch up in a few decades, sometimes in a few centuries. These are the memories Nadir and Zenith now share. They often talk together about things that sound recent but may actually be ancient.