Winter inactive mage

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May the Force be with you.

~ Captain Kirk, as played by Harrison Ford in Firefly

Winter Jones


xxxxxWinter was born twenty three years ago in New Orleans. Her parents were both Kinain loyal to the Baron directly above their neighborhood, and she spent many weekends at Court. She adored every moment, loving the finery and the tales of adventure, and the romance. At seven she went through her own Chrysalis...and her memories came flooding back. Unlike many Changelings, Winter remembers all of her previous incarnations almost completely, her memories harkening all the way back to the Shattering and beyond.

xxxxxShe used her memories to aid the local Sages and Lore Keepers. She was a loyal friend to any who would have her, though sometimes easily distracted. Her family was always very, very wealthy, as they dated back to southern aristocracy, so the girl never really wanted for anything. She often got in trouble for pulling pranks, or generally just being a bit of a brat, but most of the Seelie in the city loved her.

xxxxxRecently she got into deep water with LaVeau, the Unseelie leader of the city. She grabbed her belongings and fled the Kingdom of Willows, deciding Pacifica was just the place for her. She's grown more focused on Commoner rights and beliefs in her life, as she remembers the Accordance War quite well, but she is not anti-nobility, per say.

Conversation Starters

  • Memories - Winter remembers all the way back to the dawn of the world, and all of the many, many lives she has lived. Maybe you've met her somewhere in the world in a different incarnation?

  • The South - She's from New Orleans! Have you visited? Are you from there?

  • Mischief - This girl is made of pure mischief, and often gets herself into all kinds of trouble.

  • Commoners - She is a Commoner through and through, and while she has no -real- problem with individual Nobles, she is notable a Commoner, and is interested in perhaps forming a Commoner Motley.

  • Diner - The girl has awakened a Freehold outside of town, and is looking to turn it into a Commoner Freehold, and working with the other local Freehold. Interested in helping? Hindering?

  • Thief! - Rumor has it that she stole her balefire for her Freehold from Duchess LaVeau, a very infamous Unseelie noble in New Orleans.

Her Life

Apparent Age: Mid-Twenties
Seelie Legacy: Comrade
Occupation: Tavern Owner

Kith: Pooka

Past Lives: ●●●●●
Remembrance: ●●●●●
Gremayre: ●●●●●

