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Vincent Obregon

"It is the dim haze of mystery that adds enchantment to pursuit."

Antoine Rivarol

Full Name: Vincent Obregon
Date of Birth: December 23rd, 1997
Apparent Age: 18
Occupation: College Freshman
Demeanor: Caregiver

North Dakota: Apparently the kid is from some tiny town in the middle of nowhere in north Dakota. He certainly doesn't seem very used to big city life, anyways. I hear he grew up on a farm or something?

Freshman: Oh, yeah. He's a Frechman at UC Prospect. He has a room at the Weaver Hall. Supposedly he's really friendly and quick to make friends with other students. I think I heard him say something about being a Linguistics major, focusing on Dead Languages? What the fuck is he going to do for a living with that?

Languages: Speaking of the above, I heard the kid can speak a couple different languages. I guess the guy is smarter then he looks.

Athletics: I saw him down at the school track the other day running laps. A few days before thought he was down at the pool doing laps. The kid works to stare in shape, I guess. He seems to like it.

Relationship: Apparently he had to leave his High School sweetheart behind to move all the way out to California. Aww!

Medium: I saw him reading a book about Ghost Stories in the Quad the other day. I guess he's really into that kind of thing or something.




The information on this page can be considered IC if you simply ask around about him. He's a young college freshman with a bright smile from a small town in North Dakota. However, all of this information could be very wrong. People have secrets, after all. Does he?

Also, as a note, this PC (As are all future PCs of mine) is Risk 3. Just don't be a dick OOCly, okay? ;)


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