T he Citizen's Council is a gang that was originally founded in Los Angeles three years ago, and was made up of misfits of all stripes who fervently believes in the Anarch Movement, and were strong supporters of the Status Perfectus. They claimed a strip of turf in Anaheim, and defended it religiously. They were regulars and Rants and every form of Anarch gathering. The original leader, a Lasombra by the name of Quaid, was slain at the hands of a rival gang. After several weeks of switching between new leaders, the Salubri Meadow took control. However, they eventually found that LA wasn't too their exact tastes, so some of the gang have come to Prospect to make a place for the Movement, while others split off and joined other gangs.
† The Status Perfectus is our Constitution. Respect it.
† We are brothers and sisters, and we will support one another as such.
† Do not shit where you eat.
† Our Humanity is our guiding light. Don't be a saint, but don't be a beast.
† Find a place among the Kine. Friends, lovers, allies. We need them.
† Fight the Sabbat and any others who would preach that we are monsters.
† Watch the Camarilla for deception. We are not their pawns.
† Hold fast to your Libertas. Let none take it from you.
† Support the local Baron, because they are only trying to help. They are not a Prince.
T he Citizen's Council is currently seeking turf.
Approved Members