Styx and Stones/Hooks

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It's a good night. Nobody died.
“Dalton, Road House”

Public Hooks

Thumper, held by whoever's working as shot-caller
  • Biker Bar: Are you the kind of person that likes your typical biker bar? Rough people, loud music, cheep beer, and the potential for fights to break out at a moment's notice?
  • Shady Deals: The Styx isn't just about serving beer and playin pool. It's also about making deals, trading favors, buyin and selling of...stuff.
  • Open All Night: The Styx doesn't really get its act together or its doors open until dusk and doesn't generally close until a few hours before dawn. Maybe that's your scene.
  • Witching Hour: Some people might stop by to play pool, grab food or a drink, but it's generally considered a bad idea to stay past midnight. Once it starts getting later, and the usual patrons start getting drunk(er), anyone who might look like an easy mark is generally picked on, targeted. A bell, like an old church bell, rings throughout the bar as sort of a signal to those gathered to let them know when the hour passes.
  • Charon's Court: Maybe you need a favor? Maybe you need something that you normally can't find through other means. Maybe someone there can help you. Whether it's money, a problem to be fixed or a person to be dealt with, there are lots of options once you step through that door. But...there's always a price. All you need is two gold coins (dollars) to start your journey.


  • Streetwise (1): It's a pool hall and biker bar on Fourth and F. The place has a new owner that's trying to fix it up a little; nothing much but enough to keep it going for the next twenty years. His name is Dawson.
    • Claimed: The bar is the home base of a motorcycle club called the Harbingers.
  • Streetwise (2): I heard that he's already got some problems with the local gangs. The owner is also looking for people to work there. Bartender, Cook, Waiter/waitress - maybe just someone to mop up the blood at the end of the night. It's definitely a cash for service kind of operation.
  • Streetwise (3):
  • Streetwise (4): TBA
  • Streetwise (5): TBA