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Sergei is a Rank 2 Lupus Wendigo Ahroun

Level 1

Hare's Leap - The player rolls Stamina + Athletics (difficulty 7). If successful, she may double her normal jumping distance

Heightened Senses - The player spends a Gnosis point. The effects last for one scene. In Homid or Glabro forms, the werewolf’s Perception difficulties decrease by two, and he may roll Perception + Primal-Urge to perform sensory feats impossible for humans (such as tracking by scent). In Crinos, Hispo and Lupus forms, Perception difficulties decrease by three (which is not cumulative with the ordinary Lupus-form Perception bonuses), and the werewolf gains an extra die to Primal-Urge dice pools.

Ice Echo - The player spends a point of Gnosis to create the Ice Echo at any point within 100 feet (30 m). The Echo moves and sounds exactly like the Garou in addition to taking on her precise appearance, but gives off no scent or heat, and is intangible. Discerning which is the echo and which is the original requires a Perception + Enigmas roll (difficulty of the Garou’s Gnosis)

Razor Claws - The player spends on Rage point, and the Ahroun must take a full turn to sharpen her claws. For the remainder of the scene, her claw attack do an additional die of damage.

Resist Pain - The player spends one Willpower point; his character may ignore all wound penalties for the rest of the scene.

Resist Toxin - The player rolls Stamina + Survival. Success nullifies the effects of most conventional poisons, and adds three dice to the Garou’s Stamina for purposes of resisting Wyrm-enhanced poisons. The effects last for the scene

Sense Wyrm - The player rolls Perception + Occult. The difficulty depends on the concentration and strength of the Wyrm’s influence. Sensing a single fomor in the next room would be difficulty 6, while detecting the stench of a Bane that was in the room an hour ago would be difficulty 8. Vampires register as Wyrm-tainted, save those with Humanity Traits of 7 or higher.

Level 2

Cutting Wind - The player spends one Willpower point. Directing the gust requires a Dexterity + Occult roll. Anyone hit by the wind loses two dice from all dice pools that turn, and one the next turn. The wind can also knock foes off ledges, into traffic or into pits. The wind’s medium range is 20 yards, and it is modified per the rules on firearms. The wind lasts for a number of turns equal to the number of successes rolled.

Devouring Rime - The character must be within physical reach of the target, and must be able to touch the target’s bare skin, flesh or fur. When he does so, the player spends one Willpower point to create a quickly-growing layer of ice over the target’s body. The target must spend a point of Rage to resist the devouring coat of ice before the next round, or she becomes frozen and immobile for the rest of scene. The ice itself behaves naturally under all external physical changes; for example, it melts beneath a sudden blast of heat, and it can be chipped away (carefully) by anyone assisting the target.

Renewed Vigor - To activate this Gift, the Ahroun must have spent at least three Rage points in that turn, and must have killed an enemy with a stroke that brought it at least three health levels below Incapacitated. The Ahroun spends a point of Willpower, and all her Garou allies gain a number of points of temporary Rage equal to her Charisma Rating. Using this Gift does not require a separate action in combat aside from the action used to kill the enemy.

Spirit Of The Fray - Once the character learns this Gift, its effects are permanent. The Ahround may add 10 to all his initiative rolls, which will nearly always ensure that he strikes first. If he chooses, the Ahroun may spend a Gnosis point to add another 10 to his initiative roll. Remember, though, that doing so prevents him from spending Rage to gain extra actions; werewolves can’t use Rage and Gnosis in the same turn.