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Revision as of 20:25, 4 April 2018 by imported>DogThing
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On-Again Off-Again: Though I go with the premise of 'it never hurts to ask' where it comes to people poking me for scenes, I've cut back a great deal on my appearances here, so my public outings are infrequent (read: borderline non-existent). Don't let that absenteeism fool you too much: this character is still around - after a fashion - so if you'd like to meet her, ask, and I'll figure out a reason she's in town. This goes double for tribemates, be they kin, or Garou; I will almost always try and make an exception for other Get of Fenris characters, since there aren't many of us around. That said, if she seems like a good fit for a scene, or a PRP that you're running (re: that 'missions she's specifically requested for' clause listed in hooks), please let me know via pages. If I'm sluggish to respond, drop me a @mail, and I'll attend to it when I'm around. It's worth noting that making her a member of a separate sept isn't a means of granting myself diplomatic immunity; she, and conversely I understand that rules is rules, and politics is politics. This is just a means of explaining exceedingly long absences, and a fairweather RP schedule.