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Revision as of 18:34, 7 December 2017 by imported>DogThing
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The Drop-In: Though once the Ahroun in charge of training up the bawn's Guardians, Sandra has since been recalled to her home sept, Tower Falls, in Wyoming. She occasionally returns to Enduring Spirit to visit the people she knew there - or take care of assigned tasks that her sept has asked her to - but otherwise is much less of a regular presence within the sept than she used to be. What this means is that she has an instant hook into RP, re: 'so, what's been going on around here lately?'
Hunter: Sandra hunts fomori for sportGlory on a semi-regular basis. If you're up for goring a Gorehound or two and need a second pair of claws, you only need but ask. She's 100% guaranteed to drop whatever it is she's doing, and join the hunt without batting an eye.
Instruction: What Sandra knows, she can teach. Granted, getting her to teach someone means they have to pass muster, but if they manage that... (NOTE: Instructed scenes means purchasing dots at a lower XP rate; send inquiries via page for details)
Wyrm Lore: Sandra is better acquainted with the Wyrm than most, though it takes some digging for her to out that fact. She's been more open about it since moving septs, however, and given she has an aptitude for instruction (seen above), she is willing to offer lessons on the matter-- though some lessons are more practical than others.