Sabbat/Sign Language

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Sabbat Sign Language is a dynamic, evolving and living language. While some try and create a glossary of code terms, phrases and definitions; for the most part Sabbat Sign Language is not universal, and in some cases not even regional, making most endeavors futile. The majority of Sabbat Sign is individual and pack based. Here are some commonalities before getting into specifics:

Sabbat Handshake: The Sabbat has a special handshake given only after the vampire is sure the individual with whom he shakes hands is really a Sabbat. It is usually used to seal bargins and in rituals.

Secret Password: The Archbishop of a city hands down a new password every once in a while. It is used to determine if vampires encountered are Sabbat, and if so, if they have been properly greeted to the city.

Secret Sign: The Sabbat has a series of signs used to test whether a vampire is truely a member of the sect. The majority of the signs are so common that they would be overlooked unless special attention was paid.

Pack Symbols: Packs often have special symbols for their pack which can be worn on clothing or used to mark pack territory.

Tales: Packs often tell tales at their esbats, sometimes based on pack lore, pack heroes, or vampiric history.

---These are examples, do not use them as Sabbat Sign in City of Hope---

So what is the Sabbat Secret Sign and how is it used?

Example One:

Godfrey sits at his favorite pub waiting for Sebastian. Upon his arrival, Godfrey orders from the bartender, "One Blue Moon without the orange and for my friend..."

Sebastian replies placing his order, 1) "Just a water." 2)"Just a coffee." 3)"Whatever is on tap."

What was said-

Godfrey - "Where you followed?".

Sebastian - 1) Water= Yes 2) Coffee= Unsure 3) Tap= No.

Example Two:

Mark is chilling with Ryan at a stakeout watching the local Elysium at a bus stop.

Patricia who normally has blue hair, dyed her tips cherry red and crosses the street.

Mark and Ryan prepare to attack the target as he leaves Elysium.

What was said-

Patricia didn't physically say anything. But the change of hair color was the secret sign to attack.

Example Three:

Kevin makes his way through the restaurant and meets with his pals. "Check out my new tattoo!" He says revealing a koi fish swimming beneath a lily pad on his deltoid.

Ashley and Josh look at the new tattoo, "Right on Kevin, nice ink", Josh says.

Ashley and Josh soon bail from dinner.

What was said-

The tattoo was the secret sign here. The koi fish beneath a lily pad was the symbol for, "Blake the Prince of the City, just had you two Red Listed. Better hide".

--- So wait. Anything can be used as secret sign?

Yes. Anything you wear, say, even actions could be Sabbat secret sign. Sabbat secret sign is very subtle. As /each/ individual and /each/ pack can form their own sign/code. So nearly /anything/ can be Sabbat secret sign.

--- I thought Sabbat secret sign was only like gang signs?

Sure, Sabbat secret sign /can/ be gang signs. But do you really need your pack arrested or you being watched in public for tossing gangs signs in front of civilians. Secret sign is subtle. How smart you are with secret sign, might depend on how long you last as a fledgling and within the Sect.

--- So wait? How do Sabbat members understand secret sign? If new things are being created, changed all the time or two packs have the same secret sign for different things?

Welcome to the role of Leadership. Most lower members don't understand Sabbat secret sign outside their pack, sometimes outside their own hunting territory or region. It is a mark of experience and time, that allows a Follower of the Sword to remember the various nuances of secret sign/code used around them, at the same time it allows them to deal with new members, nomadic packs or sister Sabbat cities. However, some /basic/ things are universal. Advanced messages are not.

--- When is Sabbat secret sign used?

This is up to the individual. However, Sabbat secret sign is usually used to pass /subtle/ messages in public without on lookers knowing. If you are in private and unless verifying another member as Sabbat, its probably best and safer to pass information in a conversation normally.

--- How can I learn Sabbat secret sign?

For the most part, many PC's can start /speaking/ Sabbat secret sign from the start within their immediate pack. Actually buying the Language, represents a high level of understanding of the Sabbat Sign/Code and the nuances of the ever changing language and is likely among only higher leadership levels or positional roles. Bishops and higher should likely know secret sign. IE) You could likely travel from Prospect to Montreal and quickly speak and learn their local code without ever being there before.

--- Can I teach others Sabbat Code?

Sure. They better be Sabbat though. Teaching non-Sabbat Code is considered revealing Sect secrets and the punishment is not to be taken lightly. Also, the local Code language will probably change again, so the outsider won't be able to keep up. Do you really want to relearn new passwords and phrases if you survive your punishment?

--- Final Notes

1) Remember the Sabbat Sign Language is first personal, then pack, then city, etc an upside down pyramid. Trying to spread out and learn all the Sabbat code should be difficult, the focal point is with you.

2) Anyone can use it. Don't feel limited because you don't have Obfuscate or Vicissitude. Cut your hair, dye it, get a tattoo, wear new contact lenses, have so many rings on your left hand and so many bracelets on your right. A one time message is absolutely fine, as your hair will return to normal and tattoos will fade by the next night. Even a simple shirt that says "Run DMC", might be a way of saying "Run you have been challenged to Monomancy by the Bishop" or... "Just Run". Get as simple or advanced as you want.

3) Get creative, its your Sign Language. Own it. Use it. Stay Safe.

4) If you get too crazy with it, other PC's might page you with what the /hell/ was just said and what would be a proper /response/, if they are within your sect/pack. Be courteous and explain to them OOC what was said if they ask for clarification.