I respect their discipline. And they can do all the wicked-cool shit out of the Matrix. But all the peaceful thoughts and
breathing in the world isn't going to stop the monsters. Sometimes, you have to stop consecrating your navel and fight.
I can get down with the whole One Divinity thing. What I can't get down with is passing judgement because my Goddess isn't
their One Divinity. Gaia is love, not hate.
I can jam with these guys. I'm not down with all the drugs and shit, and I really think there's more to life than getting laid.
But I'm okay with the idea of life being more than the Grim Struggle.
They have a lot to offer us. They're closer to Gaia and Her Velvet Shadow than any of the rest of us. If only they saw my family
for the jackholes they really are, they'd be actually pretty all right to hang with.
I understand why they do what they do. I really do. They make sure things die when they need to. Not when we might want or
hope for them to. I can dig that.
Get the fuck over yourself. You guys can go on about being the 'First Tradition' all you want. You all totally stole
your best ideas from us. My cave paintings and menhirs versus your grimoires and towers--let's go, Merlin.
I can dig these dudes, as long as they lay off the patriarchy vibe. If anyone can see that science and magick can coexist, it's
them. Besides, steampunk is cool.
Across a thousand nations and forty thousand years. The teachers and the healers, we are the Craft of the Wise. The roots of our
tree are deeper than any Tradition, our power the Will of our Goddess. Our magick lives and breathes. It is timeless. It is eternal.
It is everything.
They got some cool-ass toys. I won't deny that. But the world is more than a computer program. It's not something you can change
just by wanting to. You have to love the world, because the world is alive. It isn't data. It's more than that.
Tragedy I get. Despair, darkness. Misery, desperation, and death. I get it. I get where they're coming from. What I don't get is
why they'd rather wallow in it than try to rise above it and become more. Things are only bad now. They can be better. If we
want them to be. This world is ours. We can do anything.