Moonhaven/Family Etiquette

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  • Elders - These are our older family members who have put in long years of service to the family and earned the right to be assigned less physically stressful jobs, should they choose them. No one is forced to become an elder. There is no mandatory retirement age in the family.
  • Respected - These are the members of our community who do outstanding good for the family. Earning the title is hard because we all work hard but if you go above and beyond people will start to recognize you. This title is one that no one officially gives, it is used by those who think you deserve it and the more people who use it the more likely you are to be given a managerial or leadership role.
  • Guardian - These people are our protectors. They are trained in defense, medical treatment for emergencies and fire response. There is a Guardian posted at every structure and in each field during work hours. If you need medical attention, seek out your guardian. Bells are provided on posts next to the buildings and in the fields to ring for aid if you can't find help.
  • Wise ones - While not a actual statement of someone's wisdom it is a subtle way of saying that this person is in some way a super-natural. This term can also be used to describe people not in the family. For example: If you are speaking about someone you can say, "Be careful, he's a wise guy." and that will let other family know he isn't quite human.


  • If you are going to have people visit, have them call first before they leave the city and ring the warning bell at least 10 minutes before they arrive so everyone will have their clothes on.
  • If strangers show up don't let them in without an elder's permission. NEVER. If they are making a delivery have them leave it at the gate. Anything we buy will be paid for ahead of time.
  • If a stranger is escorted in treat them politely and act normal. Assume they know nothing and we want to keep it that way. Keep the children away from them just in case.
  • If you need to arrange a meeting with someone outside the family, use the business office we keep in the city.
  • If you see someone struggling with something and you don't have work to do, help them, then they won't have work to do, then you can both help someone else, until at the end of the day, no one has anything to do but relax or party.

How to make Proper introductions:
"This is Bob, he is a chiropractor." - If you introduce someone to a family member describing that person with only a job it means you know little about them as a person and can not vouch for them in any way. They are not to be trusted.

"This is my friend, Bob" - You are willing to vouch for this person in so much that he is unlikely to harm anyone.

"This is my wise friend, Bob" - By adding the word "wise" you indicate that Bob is in some way connected to the super-natural and that your family should be careful around him. He may be harmless or he might not. You can never be sure.

"This is Bob, he's a friend of ours." - This means that Bob can be trusted to such a level that he has access to the farm lands.

"Bob is an associate of mine." - Associates are people with business connections, or connections to super-natural resources if you say "wise associate"

"This, is Bob." - If you do not give any qualifying statements it means that person is not to be trusted in any way and may be an enemy.

The SAFE-WORD is Mississippi.

If at any point you are under duress you can talk about Mississippi, speak of someone from Mississippi, or something you learned there, any mention of Mississippi is a signal to the family that you are in need of saving.