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How Life Molded Me
Ethnicity: Japanese
Place of Birth: Tokyo
Apparent Age: Mid to Late Thirties
Affiliation: Kokuren Kyabakura
Occupation: Talent Scout

xxxxx My life was ages ago, it was dedicated to serve another, in which I did so till my dying day. Never had I thought in my life I would ever go to heaven, to cross over into a realm of enlightenment and be given a chance to see all I have accomplished rise before me. I was a killer, a murderer, but who I killed was in service to my Lord and I never once regretted what I did or questioned why I did it. For many like myself we live in the romantic notion that we live and die in each moment, to live now and not regret, for the next moment could be certain death. But those who truly lived like that often died quickly, and those who didn’t were either gifted, blessed, or God had something far worse in store for them. Every boy dreamed of being a Samurai, if only they knew the truth.

xxxxx Even if one knows the truth, most often the case is that they continue on with the path in which they had started, not seeking to turn back or steer from their goals. I knew the truth, and it didn't stop me from raising the name Ogami to that of Noble's station and earning me and my kin the title of Samurai. I served my entire life, I killed, and never once did I think anything beyond the horizon as I had brought my family name into honor. I think back on those days, from when I was a child to my time as an adult and I was ignorant then of the truth that stood before me... The world I knew was much deeper, and I, would eventually be part of this 'deep' world.