House of Keys/Hooks

From City of Hope MUSH
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  • Campus Rp
    • Secret Society:


  • Teaching Chantry: The purpose of the group is to help educate its members in various lores, mystical arts and the necessary skills required in life.
  • Traditions Hall: It's a holding and outpost of the Traditional magi within the city. Not as open as some nor restricted as others, it's a safe space for meeting, teaching and temporary housing for those in need.
  • Cabal Incubation: One of the main purposes of the Chantry is to assist in the creation of Cabal; groups of Magi and Sorcerers that work together for common purpose.


  • The Key House has three wondrous keys within it that gave the OTC its power and influence within campus and beyond.
  • The OTC is a cult worshiping some Egyptian god - rumors have circulated wildly of a large statue within the center of the building with an altar for sacrifices. Some have speculated that the glass dome over the center can be mechanically opened to let in the light of the full moon - necessary for their secret rituals.
  • The OTC recently lost many of its members to forces unknown. No cops were called, no statement issued by the campus but SOMETHING happened during the last full moon and now the number of suspected Key Holders on campus has dropped to only a handful.
  • OTC members wear a key on their person at all times; often as a necklace - it's how they can get into the building and past their security.

Influences This is just a list of the fictional themes present in the group:

  • Stargate Atlantis: You arrive in a mystical stronghold only to find that the batteries are almost dead. There's plenty of opportunity to explore this ancient space but be careful that you don't wake something up.
  • The Magicians: The various groups on the campus could easily be seen as traditions or cabals.