07.13.2019 Scout that hollow

From City of Hope MUSH
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The forest is not hard to find, getting up there is easy as well, but finding the trouble, finding the mine attacking whatever they are in the name of the storm, not so much. High above the clouds sun is just now coming up over the trees, and there you are ready to start your mission of scouting, to finding the right tools for the job.

Common Raven was never a bird that needed much in terms of anything. So when it was time to head out and investigate, all he did was to take flight and head off. High above like that, the Corax have found that few things on the ground can hide from their view. It starts off easily. Just flying high above, scouting out the ground below; who might be moving where. What vehicles are in the area. Are there any strange buildings or barracks put up.

The raven is quick to notice what is going on here, a large pipe is taking or putting something into the lake there are 30 men standing around in purple jumpsuits with the logo on the back Black-Dawn, we make the world a better place. They are watching the water scanning it with long metal devices, dipping it into the water and then a few moments later removing it as they scan it.

Common Raven needs to get closer. Slowly, the bird begins to spiral downwards, trying to find a good tree to land in. Not only to get a good view of the area, but be able to listen in on what the men are talking about. Lower and lower he goes, trying to act like a normal raven would; which for him is not difficult since he is born as one.

The raven swoops down into the clearing with a silent little feet landing on a branch as they are looking around, it sees something odd in the back of a truck is a large fat man, with susage fingers eating what appears to be raw meat, shoveling it into his mouth from a large pink bucket. He is in a suit that is fits him perfectly, but is covered in the blood from it dripping out of his maw.

Common Raven settles in on his branch, folding his wings in along his body. He sits still a few moments, peering about before tucking his head in under his wing to preen himself. All about the natural activities! Meanwhile, he tries his best to listen in on the area, to see if he can hear what the men are talking about.

There is talk of course, but it is soft as they are talking sports, the games, the movies, comics, all sorts of hobbies being talked about. But the far man is muttering something in a weird gutterly speaking, that can't be heard but it is not pleasant sounding at all.

He is speaking with those fat fingers to himself, inside more voices and many more all speaking in german, it is a something that may be called, a hive, buzzing voices million of them as the man is lifting another bite of raw meat to his mouth.

There are no weapons out in the open, there is only two large school busses for transport with the company logo, and the truck the fat man is sitting, it seems this is like a work release program. Which is never good! Hive creatures means the Wyrm! Means Fomori! Dreaded, evil Fomori! At least, that is what goes through the ravens mind. The trucks are all noted down, the plates of them committed to memory. He has no plans to do anything about these people just yet. He will have to let his allies know about this. He does take flight, but he has no plan to leaving just yet. Instead, he will go high up, then remain up there; riding the winds. Waiting for the cars to leave. His plan? To follow the truck with the fat man, to see where it will go.

The raven is moving quietly in the dark night, they stay out here till the sun is setting, a 2 men with a pair of googles on his head is sitting on top of the school busses, the fat man is still riding in the back of the truck as they are pulling out into the world. They are heading down a few winding roads, but he is able to track it to a large blue building, with the same symbol on the side of it and the sign reading."Black-Dawn rehab center, making your future brighter."

As the raven flies around there are 3 well armed guards on the outside of the building, and 3 on the roof, but it seems the patrols inside are tight as he scans through the windows, this will not be an easy job to attack at all.

A few passes are done over the blue building, the raven hoping to get more knowledge before leaving for his allies. Dipping a bit lower, still virtually ignored, he gets a moment look through some of the windows as well before finally having decided that enough is enough. He has seen all he can without landing and breaking into the place. He beats his wings a few times to gain more altitude before he heads off to find his allies, to find the Pack of Get of Fenris that serves him so wel... that he is such a good ally with!