Chrissy/Looking For

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It takes more than just a guitarist to make a successful punk band. Supposedly Babycue has five members, counting Chrissy, but at the moment she's the only PC member. If someone might happen to be interested in making a character that's part of the band, by all means, toss me a page! (Don't just go ahead and make one without talking to me first though...)


  • ICly Female: (or being able to pass for it): Babycue is an all-female band... officially, anyway.
  • No Vampires: Banality issues aside, a lot of the band's concerts take place in broad daylight.
  • Low(ish) Banality: Preferably nothing above a 6. Given the band's lifestyle of frequent wild backstage (or onstage!) parties, they're not exactly a stuffy bunch.

As for the guys, well, roadies etc could be handy too, no gender restrictions for those!

Mortal Family

Chrissy left her mortal family behind in North Carolina, but that doesn't mean they might not come looking for her. Who knows, maybe someone would actually like to play them. She has no mortal siblings, so it'd mostly be just her parents. It probably wouldn't be a particularily loving reunion, but a bit of drama can be fun too!


  • Devout Catholic: Very much so. Tried to have Chrissy exorcised when he (incorrectly) thought she might be "possessed by the gay demon".
  • Lawyer: He runs a highly successful law firm. Probably rolling in money too, but Chrissy isn't likely to ever see it - he disowned her a couple years back.
  • Right-Wing Extremist: Oh yes. He votes Republican, supports mandatory school prayer, doesn't believe in evolution, hates 'the gays', and so on.
  • Chauvinist Pig: Seriously, he's sexist as hell. Women should speak only when spoken to, obey men in all things, shouldn't have careers, etc.


  • Indoctrinated Sock Puppet: Actually believes in her husband's sexist beliefs. She's just a good little housewife, oh so supportive of her man.