
Chula Vista Nightlife: Camilla is the owner of the LGBTQIA+ nightclub, Rainbow Rose. She's rarely seen on the dance floor lately, but she regularly comes out to mingle with her customers... The previous owner, Reina de Leon, seems to have all but vanished.
Anarch?: Camilla is an Anarch of Chula Vista. She is the Baroness Regent, in the 'temporary' absence of the Baroness Nadira Sidran.
A Tragedy of Impulsiveness: Camilla was once a slave to her impulses. Consequences of this still linger, and may well catch up to Her some day.
Toreador?: Camilla MIGHT be a member of the clan of the Rose... Her behavior and the way she is transfixed by beauty might back this up, though her tolerance only for certain types of blood might say otherwise. She certainly seems convinced of one.
Former Identities: It is common Vampire knowledge that Camilla is the true identity of both Champagne Leblanc, and Reina de Leon.