This article is about Gaian werewolves. For information on Wyrm faction, head here.
What is a Moot?
From the Corebook: "Werewolves gather regularly in moots, events that serve a variety of social, political and religious functions. These gathering are part of what makes them Garou, communal creatures dedicated to common causes and sacred responsibilities. Usually, moots are convened every full moon, although a sept may call smaller gatherings as circumstances warrant. For cliath, these gatherings are vital. When a pack returns from one of its adventures, one among them should tell the events that occurred at the next moot. The various werewolves in the pack can then earn renown. By contrast, Garou who avoid moots regularly are viewed with suspicion, often because of their unwillingness to aid their own kind.
Moots are always held at caerns, and powerful spirits are often summoned as part of the proceedings. Theurges perform great rites, Philodox attend to protocol and the "business" aspects of the gathering, Galliards organize the social and storytelling events, and Ahroun see to the defense of the assembly. Werewolves debate policies, discuss plans, send heroes off to perform great tasks, celebrate heroes who have returned triumphant and revile criminals who violate the Litany. Matters are handled with decorum and weighed by the sept as a whole. When matters become too grim, Ragabash satirize foolish decisions, jape at pretentious elders and taunt
those who take themselves far too seriously. The most powerful moon bridges are opened during this time. Most importantly, the spiritual energy expended keeps the caern alive, for as the Garou prosper, so do the sacred sites they attend."
The Moot is an event that should not be missed, for the good of the Nation, the sept, and the caern. There is a set script ahead of time designed to hit all that the Moot's are designed to accomplish, as well as rally the troops to build up their energy to recharge the caern with Gnosis. It follow this order:
1. The Fool
The Fool is played usually by a Ragabash. The Fool will question the litany, and test the sept's resolve towards it's laws.
The Fool' strides out into the clearing laughing, and rolls over onto his back and pumps his feet in the air with a snickering chitter. He laughs for a bit, before finally catching his breath and says, "Right right.. so get this right. They call him Iron Flail right?.. cause the whole iron on a chain thing." The ragabash shakes his head and stands upright. "Points for showmanship, but really?.. gets old, maybe they should start calling him Iron Fail. How many times have we been attacked now? Just look at some of these idiots he's been letting into the Caern. It's just foolish."
The man walks over and plops down on a rock and says, "But really. The whole take no action that causes a Caern to be violated. Talk about some old school stupid shit. Maybe if we weren't such assholes, and we just invited people in and stopped being so judgey of everyone, maybe they would stop trying to kill us. Let's be honest, the Wyrm are just like you and me.. they eat, fuck and drink beer. So lets just make it a party, and stop worrying so much about security."
2. The Opening Howl
The Master of the Howl leads to set the tone. It begins with a howl and call the Moot to order. There is a time to honor those that have fallen, and remember the ancestors, keeping their memories alive. He/she reads the litany, and disputes The Fool with the rest of the sept. This is also where we celebrate recent victories with the sharing of renown gained and lost. (NOTE: The Renown Report is posted onto another board and not listed off as well in these posts. But know that when the report is shared as to what the spirits have reported on the deeds of Garou, this is where it would occur ICly.)
The Master of the Howl' lets loose the greeting howl, and the rest of the Sept join in as they bite their tongues at the mockery of the Fool's words. The Master of the Howl motions towards the Fool, inspiring the others to growl and snarl and walks around leading the moment to build the rage in the gathered. The crowd gathers now, ready to hear the rebuttal and secretly hoping the Fool will get beaten for what they've said.
The Master of the Howl holds up a hand to silence the Sept and says, "Welcome brothers and sisters of the Sept of the Enduring Spirit. We gather this month to honor Gaia and restore our totem for the coming battle. Before we travel forward, let's look back and honor those who have Fallen." A list of names is read off, praising the deeds of how each the Garou who have fallen this month will be remembered. Then a long and mournful howl is given to honor them.
The Master of the Howl says, "Now that we have remembered those who died defending this Sept.. how about we teach our Fool why." The Master of the Howl says, speaking to the Fool but drawing on the attentions of the crowd who wants to hear the words. "Take No Action That Causes A Caern To Be Violated" - the Master of the Howl states emphatically.
In return, 'The Fool' makes gestures like he's drinking and throwing a party and waves his hand dismissively, "No one cares anymore - hashtag GetOverIt". For which the crowd growls and the Master of the Howl says, "We defend our Caern because it is more than just where we live. It is a place of mystical energy, the lifeblood of the Earth. If one is destroyed or corrupted, part of the Earth dies with it, and so does the power of the Garou, Fool." And the crowd growls and snarls and shouts out their support for the Master of the Howl's words.
The Fool continues to circle, trying to encourage others to agree with him, and looking for fuel for the fire, but no luck this time.
3. The Inner Sky
Run by the Caller of the Wyld, the Theurges perform this to renew the connection between the Garou and the spirits they work with. It can be told with NPCs, or even better would be to give it the flair of your own tribe - or another if you want a shot at that from an NPC stand point.
Bane-Breaker gets a nod from the Master of Howl and the Rite Mistress steps forward in a long white robe. It depicts many glyphs, most of them in red, some depicting Bear, others depicting the four directions. Four other, similarly dressed Theurges join her. Each in a white robe, each with glyphs, though in their case, they each only depict on direction: North, South, East and West. They are all silent as they gather themselves around in a circle. Each one kneeling in correspondence with the direction they represent. Bane-Breaker dances around the outside to them, as it begins in silence. As she performs a circle in the silent dance, she weaves her way through the four other Theurge’s before she settles in the middle and kneels herself.
Then she begins thanking the spirits in their tongue. For their protection and that of the Caern. Invoking Bear then to come forth with donation of berries and food in the center circle as she calls out in the spirit’s language. The feeling of Bear, his presence falls over the center of the circle as he arrives. The Theurge splaying herself to thank him for watching over the Caern and for its protection. Then she rises and turns towards the East and the Theurge there.
As if a dance, the Theurge rises in his robes covered in rune for the east wind and that of the sun. His face more clear now, painted with that of the sun on it in yellow. As he rises his hands come out in front of him upwards, making an offering towards Bane-Breaker in the middle. Soon a small glowing light begins to rise from his hands and hang there above the circle like the sun. He too thanks Bear and all the spirits for protecting the Caern in their tongue, bowing his head.
As he finishes Mara turns to the South. As she does, the female Theurge in robes rises too, the same as the east, hands splayed before her. Her hair a fiery red, and on her face is painted a wild fire. Fire begins to spark in her hands and ignites from nothing. Below her, a pile of twigs take the flame and begin to light, s mall fire forming. She also thanks Bear and the spirits for watching over the Caern in their tongue and then bows her head deeply.
Once more, Bane-Breaker turns, this time to the west. Another female Theurge in white robes and runes rises slowly, hand out before her in offering like those before her. Her face visible, it is just a sea of blue. Her hands fill with water and as she thanks the spirits and bear, she opens her fingers slowly, letting the water in them sprinkle to the ground like falling rain. When done, she bows her head, the last drop of water hitting the ground below.
Lastly, Mara turns towards the North. The last of the Theurges rises, face completely painted in white. As he thanks the spirits and Bear for their protection a cold wind blows through the gathering, the fire flutters and a chill is felt by all. As the Theurge finishes his thanks, the cold wind dies down and his head bows.
Mara turns her face to the sky and reaches her hands into a pouch. Her hands then rise to towards the sky and dirt begins to sprinkle from them towards the ground as she does. She turns, creating a circle with it as she does so, covering all directions. She turns to look out at those gathered, speaking for the first time in the Garou Tongue rather than that of the Spirits. <<We thank all the spirits for the protection and blessings. We thank the winds and Gaia for all her blessings. We thank you Bear for your protection and watch over this sacred place.>> The roar of a Bear feels like it can be heard carried on the winds.
4. Cracking the Bone
The Truthcatcher or a Philodox appointed runs the business portion of the Moot. This is a time for grievances to be settled and challenges to be made. Issues are dealt with from highest to lowest rank, and everyone that has business to bring up will be heard.
As the Master of the Howl introduces her with a long, keening howl that breaks near the end, Alecto steps up. Held within her grasp is a stick of hard wood, about six inches long and decorated with glyphs in vibrant greens and yellows. She waits for the howl to die and the crowd to fall silent before she lifts up her strong voice, the talking stick held over her head. "I am Alecto, rited Howls-at-the-High-Moon, Elder Philodox, born on four legs of the Black Fury tribe. Daughter of Slay-the-Wyrm, Granddaughter of Free-the-Tide, great granddaughter of Bite-and-Twist, great, great granddaughter Judges-the-Weak, great, great, great granddaughter of Honor-Among-Thieves, follower of Tijuana, protector of the weak and innocent and Truthcatcher to the Sept of the Enduring Spirit. Who has business?" Short, sweet, to the point.
Mara Banebreaker lifts a hand and Alecto hands off the talking stick to her. Mara, her voice rough and gravelly, holds onto the stick while she speaks. "Bear is displeased. More and more, people are sneaking in their cellphones, which don't even work out here. While it was mandated by the Elders rather than Bear, Bear finds the lack of Weaver technology comforting. I would ask that technology be left at home or in the boxes outside of the Caern. They will be safe. You can't get a signal here, so why even bring it?"
Alecto turns her attention briefly and calls out, "Shaderunner, Elder Theurge of the Silent Striders, what is your opinion?"
Shaderunner nods. "Agreed. There is no need for technology here at the Caern. This is how it's been for a long while and I see no reason to change that. All tech will be turned off and left in a safe location above ground or kept in your pocket. Play your game apps outside of Bears consecration."
Alecto nods to that. "So be it then. No tech below ground here at the caern."
Mara nods her approval and Alecto takes the stick back as other hands go up.
There are other grievances, dealt with from highest rank to lower. Some is important, some are minor. It's a tedius time for all involved, but Alecto deals with each problem or grievance that comes up. Finally, down to a Cliath and a Cub.
Randall Halfpaw, Theurge Cub of the Uktena takes exception to Wayfinder, Cliath Ragabash of the Uktena dating his sister and attempting to claim her as a mate. He claims that Wayfinder is not a good provider, nor can he take care of her properly and issues a challenge to Wayfinder.
Alecto, with Yuri's nod from the other side of the circle, agrees that this is a just challenge and will take place on the first night of the no moon.
5. Stories and Songs
A time for Galliards to spin their tales, or any others, including Kinfolk, to share as well. They can be historical, recent, funny, have a moral, whatever you would like to share. The topic should be shared with the Master of the Howl first. This is a great place for Galliards to cut their teeth and make a name for themselves.
Story: 'Home of the Soul' by Lunas Voice, Shadow Lord Ragabash
Shaderunner, Elder Silent Strider Theurge moves forward, walking to a fire and sweeping up a burning brand as he changes, taking Glabro, lifting the burning wood high, moving around the fire, snarling and gesturing with the fire as he rumbles, "What is this strange place of terror and fear? What is this nightmare world where the ground shifts and the skies crack like the end of the world? What is this monstrous land? And why does it feel so much like...home?"
The Glabro turns, flames making sweeping arcs in the air as he addresses the Garou, "All creatures long for a home. Animals range over the land looking for enough space to find food, find shelter, find a mate. Humans build larger and larger houses and offices and temples, clear more of the forests, clog more of the land, all in their desperate attempts to make a home. Spirits fit into the hollows of tieir patrons soul, from Gafflings to Jagglings, to Incarna to Celestines to the Triat. Like hollow dolls within hollow dolls, each has a home and is home for the next."
The stalking Glabro moves, looking to the gathering of Garou and Kin, continuing his classic recitation.
"But where is OUR home? Where do the Garou sleep at night? The cities that gobble up more of the land like fat, bloated mealworms are not our home. Most of us venture there. Some of us live there. But the cities are not our home. The forests are the home of our four-foot brothers and our winged brothers and our water brothers. They share the forests with us, and yet the forests are not truly our home. The Umbra is home to the spirits, who live there gladly. But we cannot live there forever - even in our sacred homelands. If that is our home, it is a monstrously dangerous home, one that we are better off without."
Pausing as he walks, he turns, posing the question,
"Why have we no home? and why are we the only ones?"
Continuing to speak he gestures, sweeping the fire around as he speaks, "All manner of creatures who hear but a few notes of Gaia's song have a home, as do those despised creatures that close their ears to the sweetest of songs. What anguish is it to us then, that we the most ardent of Gaia's babes, are so bitterly adrift upon her bosom."
"Where is my Home? Where do I belong? In a land of Alienation, Isolation, and Wyrm-wracked misery, we strive for a place where we are not only welcome, but an essential ingredient. For us, this longing for home is bittersweet at best, and has driven even the strongest Red Talon Ahroun into deep pits of Harano."
A pause, then,
The Glabro stalks as he speaks, looking and gesturing upwards toward some far off peak.
"I climbed to the top of the Most Sacred place. I cried and rent my flesh, and I howled to my Mother everywhere, "Why, Blessed Mother, why? We, the most faithful of Your children, implore You! Tell us Why!""
He stops, and his gaze locks, ears up as if listening rather than speaking.
"And the answer came."
"A voice like the stillness of the forest at dusk washed over me. And the voice said, "All My blessings upon you, My child. You have asked, and I shall answer. Harken unto me and know all. Lo, it is because you are faithful to me that you suffer the pangs of homesickness within your soul. To feel them no more, you have but to forsake me - the anguish shall yet abide within you, but all sense of it shall flee you."
""But so long as you love me, you shall know the joys that are Mine, and the pain that is Mine. The alienation you feel is My alienation - A deep part of myself is rent from another. The isolation you feel is My isolation - the walls built within Me to keep one part from another. The misery you feel is My misery - My sorrow over the generations."
""You may turn from Me and I will love you no less than I do now. You may join with those who despoil Me, and you will have all the love that I am. "What I offer thee for thy stedfast honor is heartbreak and pain to reflect My own.""
The Glabro looks around, breathing heavily.
"With that she faded from me. My pain was still upon me."
"But a new song was born in my heart that day."
"A song of devotion."
Growling, the Garou gathers strength, stalking once more, snarling as he speaks, snapping at the listeners, gaining momentum in his words,
"Let all the vassals of the Wyrm and Weaver lay me low with pain. I will rise again! Let all the animals shrink from me, let all the humans run from me, let all the spirits challenge me! I will live in all their worlds! I have no home on this side of the Gauntlet or that. But I will tell you this. Any space that surrounds my body shall BE my home. My home is all of creation for I am of Gaia! I am no totem of Gaia, like the animals. I am no soul-shard, as are the humans. I am no Triat-fragment, as are the spirits. I am Garou! And I am home! For I AM my home!"
Now at the end, he lifts his head, bellowing up into the cold night, almost howling as he screams in defiance into the universe for all to hear,
6. The Revel
The climax of the festivities, the Wyrmfoe or a chosen Ahroun finish bring up the energy in some act such as hunts, challenges, etc, which culminates in a release of energy/Gnosis to recharge the Caern for the month.
Once the stories and songs have been completed, the Wyrmfoe Defiant-Storm strides out, expression fierce, and slowly scans the crowd. “You...are ALL heroes! Every Garou here! You have all fought against the Wyrm...and WON! You have helped defeat our enemy and will continue to defeat it! That’s what we DO! We defeat the Wyrm! We defeat the Wyrm! WE -defeat- /the/ WYRM!”
He continues on, chanting over and over again as the others join in. Soon the Sept is a thunderous unification of voices, rising and rising and rising.
Defiant-Storm then shifts into his lupus form and HOOOOOOWWWWWLS encouraging the others present to join him. The howl grows and grows as does the anticipation of what’s to come.
Defiant-Storm then leads the group in an exhaustive run throughout the bawn to search out and destroy any possible trespassers. Upon returning another howl of unity is performed as the power of the Caern is renewed!
For City of Hope Mush - Gaian Garou Sphere - we are holding the monthly Moot off camera on +bboard 79. ICly, the Moot is held every month. Due to still getting this going and more people invested in writing for it, we are only writing them out bimonthly for now. This can change with more participation because EVERYONE is invited to participate! You can do so either IC or OOC. How does that work? IC you would write as your PC. So if you are a Theurge, you would gravitate to the Inner Sky. If you are a Philodox, then the Cracking the Bone. Now, you as a player may want to take a run at the Revel, but you do not play an Ahroun! No problem! That is what NPCs are for. You cannot gain renown for that, but you can get an xpnom, and the satisfaction of writing it to help out.
Renown!: Everyone that participates in writing/speaking at the Moot is eligible for Renown. It is 2 Honor for that!
And if you tell a story? You just setup to '+roll/page Brooke=charisma + performance' - If you have 1-3 successes - you have told a good story at a moot! Congrats and you have earned 1 Glory, 2 Wisdom. If you score 4+ sucesses? You have told an epic story! Thus 2 Glory, 3 Wisdom!
REMINDER: At the end of the Moot, Brooke will put in for the Renown as a Group. Just makes it easier for you and for the Renown Crew.
Any questions about it, please direct them toward Brooke
Writing: Any Garou or Kinfolk that would like to participate in some way, whether IC or OOC, you need to contact the Master of the Howl, Brooke. Anyone can participate in an NPC Writer Role, but if you would like to participate IC, aside from telling stories, the other sections are restricted to your own Auspice. Kinfolk are welcome to join in ICly with the Stories and Songs. OOCly, all posts should be sent to Brooke when completed, and she will post them to the board.
DEADLINES: Anyone that wishes to participate should be aware that the Moot must be completed within the month. The rule of thumb for the posts to be completed is:
First week (Days 1-7) - The Fool and The Opening Howl
Second week (Days 8-14) - The Inner Sky
Third Week (Days 15-21) - Cracking the Bone
Fourth Week (Days 21-27) - Stories and Songs
Last days (28-31) - The Revel
Attendance: It is assumed that all Garou are attending the monthly Moot, unless you wish to RP that you refuse to attend/participate. Be mindful that if you choose to do that, you could face renown loss. There is no on camera/RP required for monthly Moots.
Moot Leaders
Glyph | Position | Name | Rite Name | Rank | Breed | Auspice | Tribe | Gender | Nature | Demeanor |
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Grand Elder | (NPC) Anthony Richards | Speaks for Justice | 5 | Homid | Philodox | Children of Gaia | Male | Pedagogue | Judge |
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Warder | (NPC) Billy Johnson | Iron Flail | 5 | Homid | Ahroun | Bone Gnawers | Male | Cavalier | Follower |
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Master of the Rite | (NPC) Mara | Bane-Breaker | 5 | Metis (withered left leg) |
Theurge | Uktena | Female | Visionary | Deviant |
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Truth Catcher | Alecto | Howls-at-High-Moon | 5 | Lupus | Philodox | Black Furies | Female | ||
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Wyrm Foe | Jake Miller | Defiant Storm | 5 | Homid | Ahroun | Shadow Lords | Male | ||
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Master of Howl | Brooke Farman | Hushed Blaze | 5 | Homid | Galliard | Glass Walkers | Female | ||
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Caller of the Wyld | Connor McMurrough | Shining-Walker | 4 | Homid | Theurge | Fianna | Male |
Book References
WW3801 Werewolf Core Book (Revised) Pg #43
WW3806 Players Guide to Garou Pg #115
Helpful Websites
Laws of the Moot: A Cheat-Sheet to the Garou Nation's Most Sacred Rite
Moot Rite