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The Pack
Sickle-Claw's Wrath "Beta. If I fail, I expect you to challenge me. If I fall, I expect you to kill me. Until then, I expect you to follow me. Do not disappoint."
Vidar's Might "Godi. Perhaps what you were is what you will be. Your Now is all that matters now, though it seems a strange dream."
Slashing Laughter "Rotagar. Keep the edge sharp, even if it makes us bleed."
Lightning-In-The-Sky "Daebaudjimoot. Sing the songs of thunderbirds, of lightning in the sky; sing the songs of Glory to me just before we die."
Thor-Born "Mate. This is not what I would have asked for; this is not what I wanted to do. But perhaps you are right. What other choice do we have?"
Weber "Thane. If your duty and your desire lead in two different directions, you had best choose one to follow or you will rip yourself apart and save us the trouble."
Calls the Shots "First impressions can sometimes be salvaged by second ones. There is too much to do for us to be on anything but good terms. Perhaps someday I will even come to trust you."
Hangs Ten "Speaking of first impressions..."
Althaia "Vidar's Might is fond of you, and so far you have not managed to be the most troublesome surprise we have found. There is room for improvement, however."
Brat "When you have proven that you have learned more than a squalling, blood-wet baby, then perhaps I will reconsider. Until then, you had best beg, borrow, or steal some good behavior."
Christine "Respectful, respectable, well-behaved. Perhaps a little meek, but your family has different requirements than ours."
The Others
Chance "A welcome sight in the canyons of iron spires and tangle of concrete webs. The duty that you are called to saddens me, but I and mine shall aid."
Cross "You hide behind the convenient shield of your faith, old man. You had something terrible in your grasp and you let it slither free. Because some stranger told you to? You do owe a debt. You owe it to everyone who suffers because of your poor judgment."